1.On systematic nature and pertinence and initiative of construction project safety management;建设工程安全管理的系统性和针对性及主动性
2.On How to Improve Pertinence of Students Ideological and Political Work in Higher Vocational Colleges——Take Xiamen City University as the example;浅谈如何提高高职院校学生思想政治工作针对性——以厦门城市职业学院为例
3.In Terms of Raising the Meanings of Pertinence and Substantial Results that Moral Works;论提高德育工作针对性和实效性的意义

1.This is called niche marketing .这也叫作针对性营销。
2.Purposefulness, Effectiveness and Initiative in Moral Education in Colleges and Universities;高校德育工作的针对性、实效性、主动性
3.And the effectiveness and aims must be prominent in prison education.在监狱教育中,必须突出实效性、针对性
4.Enbancing the Pertinence and Effectiveness of the Ideological and Political Work;增强思想政治工作的针对性和实效性
5.On Enhancing Pertinence and Efficiency of Vocational Education;切实加强职业教育的针对性和实效性
6.On Pertinence and Actual Results in the Teaching of Philosophy in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职哲学教学应注重针对性与实效性
7.Educating Students in Accordance with Their Special Characteristica and Managing Them by Compulsion;教育要有针对性 管理要有强制性
8.The fifth part aims at the questions existing in Chinese scientific spirit and puts forward the pertinence measures.第五部分,针对中国科学精神所存在的问题,而提出的针对性措施。
9.talk lengthily or in a rambling and pointless way冗长地或信口开河、无针对性地谈
10.He made pointed references to the recent scandal.他有针对性地提到最近的丑闻.
11.On the right day of the lecture, they also handed out booklets.讲座举行当天也有针对性的传单宣传。
12.women's gender-specific concerns妇女针对性别的关切问题
13.gender-based acts and threats of violence针对性别的行为和暴力威胁
14.Recognize your audience. And tailor appropriately.认清你的受众,有针对性地推销。
15.gender-based human rights violations针对性别的侵犯人权行为
16.High pertinency in product sale, rapid market promotion产品销售针对性高、市场推广较快速
17.countering the competitive offer针对竞争性的报价还盘
18.sex-selective abortion针对胎儿性别进行的选择性人工流产

1.Talking about Availability and aim of Standardized Information;浅淡标准化信息工作有效性和针对性
2.The Aim and Actual Effect of Ideological and Political Work in Institutions of Higher Learning in the New Situation;新形势下高校思想政治工作的针对性和实效性
3.Some pondering over making political and ideological work more effective or aimed at;增强思想政治工作的针对性与实效性的几点思考
1.Reinforcing inspiration direction and enhancing inspiration effect;增强激励针对性 提高企业激励效用
2.Enhancing and Promoting the direction and actual effect of Marxism Theory and Ideological cultivation Teaching;加强和改进马克思主义理论课和思想品德课教学的针对性和实效性
3.In view of the actual situation that middle-sized and small-sized libraries in colleges and universities are short of funds, this paper discusses features of collection supplement and principles of directions and systematicness.本文针对高等院校中小型图书馆经费不足的实际情况,具体论述了藏书补充工作的特点及针对性、系统性原则。
1.On how to promote pertinency and efficiency of statistical analysis;谈如何提高统计分析的针对性和时效性
2.New problems that ideological and political work of the colleges and universities faces in the new situations should be studied to improve the pertinency and validity of the ideological and political work.我国的社会正发生着剧烈而深刻的变化,在新形势下,高等学校要认真研究思想政治工作面临的新情况、新问题,不断改进和提高思想政治工作的针对性和实效性。
3.It is of vital importance to strengthen service first sprit, alter work approach with new time and encouroge innovation starting from political diathesis fraining, so as to adapt to new situation, embody the zeitgeist, pertinency and substantial results orientation of ideology work, only in such a way can promote our spirit.为适应新形势,体现思想政治工作的时代性、针对性和实效性,必须从加强思想政治素质教育入手,增强服务意识,紧跟时代,勇于创新,促进人们思想和精神生活的全面发展。
1.In information times, it is necessary,practical and possible to be achieved to strengthen the construction of net informationization of Situation and Policy Education course in college to improve its focalization and effectiveness.在信息时代的社会背景下,加强高校形势与政策课教育教学的网络信息化建设,从而提高形势与政策课的时效性和针对性,不仅具有客观必要性,也具有现实可能性。
2.The teaching,of political theory should stress ″Four qualities″:the quality of ideology,knowledge,liveliness and focalization.政治理论课在课堂教学中一定要讲求“四性”,即思想性、知识性、生动性和针对性
3.The idea that ideological and political education focalization should be strengthened was put forward by comrade Jiang Zemin.针对江泽民同志提出的要增强思想政治教育针对性的要求,本文着重论述了开展思想政治教育应根据对象所处的社会环境特点、素质特点、需要特点、活动特点及教育对象的思想发展轨迹,把握思想活动规律,增强思想政治工作教育针对性
6)clearly aimed有针对性
