1.The Independent Civil Subject Legal Position of Partnership;论合伙的民事主体法律地位
2.On Civil Commercial Subject Status of Partnership;试论合伙的民商事主体地位

1.Societas universorum quae ex quaestu veniunt贸易合伙或普通合伙
2.partnership agreement合伙契约,合伙协议
3.Societas quaestuaria商事合伙,商务合伙
4.Societas negotiationis alicuius单项合伙,个物合伙,特业合伙
5.The partner( s) conducting partnership affairs shall act in the behalf of the partnership in dealing with outside parties.执行合伙企业事务的合伙人,对外代表合伙企业。
6.Family partnership is one in which the partners are members of a family.家庭合伙是指合伙人均为一个家庭成员的合伙.
7.The three types of partnership are common to business: the general partnership, the limited partnership, and the limited liability partnership.企业通常有三种合伙类型:普通合伙、有限合伙和有限责任合伙
8.To join as a partner, ally, or friend.合伙,合营作为合伙人,同盟或朋友加入
9."associate: To join as a partner, ally, or friend."合伙,合营: 作为合伙人,同盟或朋友加入。
10.general partners合伙企业中负无限责任的合伙
11.The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners.合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有。
12.Research for Partnership s Legal Position in the Partnership Enterprise Law;从《合伙企业法》看合伙的法律地位
13.Property Constitution research in Law of Partnership firm;《合伙企业法》中合伙企业财产构成研究
14.Those guys won't gang up on you again.那些家伙不会再合伙整你了。
15.Limited partnership is a form of partnership, like general partnership.有限合伙是相对于普通合伙而言的一种合伙形态。
16.The capital actually contributed by a partner in accordance with the partnership agreement shall be the partner' s capital contribution.各合伙人按照合伙协议实际缴付的出资,为对合伙企业的出资。
17.The partnership agreement may prescribe a term for the partnership and the method for the resolution of dispute among the partners.合伙协议可以载明合伙企业的经营期限和合伙人争议的解决方式。
18.The Distinction and Law Adjustment between Civil Partnership and Commercial Partnership;民事合伙与商事合伙的区分和法律调整——合伙法律性质探讨

Partner has left the company.合伙人退伙
3)An associate or partner.伙伴,合伙人
5)partnership contract合伙合同
