1.Prospect of antitrust exemption in liner shipping industry;班轮运输业反垄断豁免前瞻
2.Reflection on anti-monopoly exemption of American insurance;美国保险业的反垄断豁免及其启示

1.To attach an indulgence to.豁免给予特赦、豁免
2.To absolve from payment of(a debt, for example.宽免豁免,免除(如债务)
3.If yes, please provide the exemption document.如申请豁免收费,请提供豁免证明文件。
4.Crime Remission and Used Evidence Remission for Blemish Witness;污点证人的罪行豁免与证据使用豁免
5.On the Causes for the Transfer from Absolute Immunity to Limited Immunity;从绝对豁免转向限制豁免之原因分析
6.On the Authority and Procedure of Antitrust Exemption in Shipping Industry航运反垄断豁免管制机构和豁免程序
7.International Load Line Exemption Certificate国际载重线豁免证书
8.certificate of exemption [residential care home for the elderly]豁免证明书〔安老院〕
9.Exempt Items of Radioactive Substances放射性物质的豁免物品
10.Transshipment Cargo Exemption Scheme转运货物豁免签证方案
11.Convention on State Immunity (欧洲)国家豁免公约
12.respect diplomatic immunity as valid承认外交豁免权有效.
13.Convention on the Immunity of State-owned Vessel国有船舶豁免权公约
14.Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations联合国特权及豁免公约
15.certificate of exemption [film censorship]豁免证明书〔电影检查〕
16.restrictive doctrine of state immunity限制性国家豁免(理)论
17.immunity from civil suits享有民事诉讼的豁免
18.United Kingdom State Immunity Act联合王国国家豁免

1.This is called the immunity of prohibition to enterprise merger.但如果该项企业合并一方面有严重限制竞争的弊处;另一方面又有利于整体经济或者社会公共利益等益处,反垄断主管机构则应当在合并的益处大于合并的弊处时批准该项合并,这就是企业合并禁止的豁免
2.Both the privilege against self-crimination of tainted witness and the principle of balancing interests in practice are the theoretical foundation of immunity to tainted witness.污点证人的不受强迫自证其罪权和实践中的利益权衡原则是污点证人豁免的理论基础。
3.Only most of the business of natural monopoly of trades of strong natural monopoly and a small portion of business of natural monopoly of trades of weak natural monopoly belong in the scope of anti-monopoly legal immunity.只有强自然垄断行业的大部分自然垄断业务和弱自然垄断行业的小部分自然垄断业务才属于反垄断法豁免的内容。
1.Exempt hospital from negligence in course of medical action.;论医疗行为的过失豁免——兼谈《医疗事故处理条例》中的过失应如何理解
2.The exempt system of tainted witness is very popular in many countries though China has no specific system of the same kind.污点证人作证豁免制度在许多国家和地区的刑事诉讼立法中都存在,而我国并无专门的污点证人豁免制度。
3.Abs tr act: Th is pa per introduced the scope applied RoHS Directive in electronic industry, the amended contents, the item and products provided exempt of RoHS Directive, and our correlative policy was also explained.介绍了RoHS指令的适用范围、新修改内容、豁免条款和产品,以及我国针对RoHS指令所采取的一系列措施。
1.The release system of export-monopolization in China is lack of feasibility with simple and primary rules.我国出口垄断协议豁免制度虽然确立,但这种简单与原则性的规定缺乏可操作性。
2.In such case,the penalty of the criminal should be released or lessened according to the degree of the state fault.国家过错引发他人犯罪,应当根据国家过错的大小豁免加害人的罪行或部分刑事责任,这种豁免符合责任分担的法律原理,符合国家打击犯罪的主体身份,也符合刑罚的目的。
6)Immune privilege免疫豁免
1.The isolation and culture of Sertoli cells from adult testis and their immune privilege mechanism;成人睾丸支持细胞的分离培养及其免疫豁免机制
2.Objective To evaluate the nourishment and immune privilege effects of Sertoli cells on co-encapsulated hepatocytes.目的观察大鼠睾丸支持细胞(Sertoli cell)对混合共微囊化肝细胞的营养支持和免疫豁免(immune privilege)的双重保护作用。
