1.Negotiation model of bargaining based on bilateral multi-goal and time constraint基于双边多目标和时间限制的讨价还价协商模型
2.Equilibrium analysis of supply chain inventory game:Bargaining供应链库存博弈的均衡分析:讨价还价
3.A land expropriation process was modeled as a game,the bargaining skill and the ability of the developer and the land owner withstanding risks selected as the determinant factors influencing the ultimate transaction price.基于效用最大化的原则,把土地征收双方讨价还价的过程,理解为双方的博弈;认为各自对风险抵御的能力、在征地过程中的讨价还价能力直接影响到最终达至交易的价格。

1.To quibble, especially in bargaining.讨价还价诡辩,特别是在讨价还价
2.I refuse to bargain over the price.我拒绝就价格讨价还价
3.You drove a hard bargain .你拼命地讨价还价
4.tortuously haggling over the price.拐弯抹角地讨价还价
5.palter with a person about a thing就某物与某人讨价还价
6.My grandmother dickered with the pedlar over the price of apples.我祖母为苹果的价格与小贩讨价还价
7.haggle about [over] the price of an article with a person为物品的价格而与某人讨价还价
8.bargain or wrangle (over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.).讨价还价或争论(就价格、协议条款等)。
9.We do not like to bargain with you about the prices.我们不想就价格问题与你讨价还价
10.Research on the Bargaining Model of the Price of International Technology Transfer;国际技术转让价格讨价还价模型研究
11.There will be a lot of wheeling and dealing before an agreement is reached.还要有一番讨价还价才能达成协议.
12.We are ready for discussions but not inclined to negotiate.我们愿意商讨,但不想讨价还价
13.Everything is very cheap, and you can always bargain for a lower price.每样东西都很便宜,还可以讨价还价以低价购买.
14.In the Vet. clinic like be in a flea market bargain the medical charge.把兽医当市场小贩般的讨价还价
15.She regards negotiating price with customers as her special preserve .她把与顾客讨价还价看作自己的专长。
16.Well, we don't have much room for bargaining.那好,我们没有更多讨价还价的余地。
17.She always pleaded poverty and pared down prices.她老是哭穷,买东西总要讨价还价
18.the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room.他们俩在客厅里吝啬地讨价还价

1.Bargain Mode in the Context of Government Control;政府管制中的讨价还价模型
2.To explore the effective way the local government stops the collusion with the land agent,based on the model of Rubinstein alternating offers and by the method from Selten non-cooperative game,this paper analyses the non-cooperative bargaining between the local government and the land agent with part perfect information.为了探索地方政府退出与房地产商合谋的有效途径,本文应用Rubinstein轮流出价模型和Selten非合作博弈方法,在局部完美信息条件下,分析了房地产商与地方政府的非合作讨价还价过程。
3.This paper describes the biding behavior about the standard of relief fund for both disaster-stricken peasants and government by setting up bargain model of game,and determines the range about standard of relief fund to rebuild houses for per capita.通过建立讨价还价博弈模型,描述了农民建房救灾资金分配过程中政府与受灾农民就补助标准的各自出价行为,确定了人均补助标准的范围。
3)She hates to bargain .她讨厌讨价还价。
5)make a Bid出价,讨价还价
6)To bargain or haggle.讨价还价;论价

讨价还价1.指在商品成交过程中﹐买卖双方对价格要求的一增一减。 2.比喻接受任务或举行谈判时﹐双方对所提条件斤斤计较﹐反复争论。