1.Debility reasons analyses and countermeasures on the urban road trees;北京市行道树衰弱原因分析及解决对策探讨
2.Problems Existed in Government-oriented Farmer Training in Our Country and Countermeasures我国政府主导型农民培训存在的问题及解决对策
3.The countermeasures are adopted.分析其各种地压现象的致因,并揭示采用浅眼留矿法开采极薄矿脉形成的大量采空区对矿山生产的危害,提出相应而且可以施行的解决对策

1.The Problem of Litigation Intermediation System and Its Solution;诉讼调解制度存在的问题与解决对策
2.Development Difficulties and Settlement Countermeasure of Shenzhen HM Co., Ltd.;深圳市HM公司发展困境及解决对策
3.Research on Error and Its Correction in English Writing of Senior High School Students;高中生英语写作错误分析及解决对策
4.The Problems and Countermeasures of Rural Development of Supporting Poverty;农村扶贫开发存在的问题及解决对策
5.The Development of Urban Poverty Children and the Countermeasures on the Problem Solving;城市贫困儿童:问题现状与解决对策
6.Analysis on Biopiracy and Contradiction with the Protecting of Gene Resource;“生物偷盗”问题分析及其解决对策
7.On the Status Quo of Food Security in Liaoning Province and Its Causes and Solutions;辽宁省食品安全现状、成因及解决对策
8.Discussion on the Brain Drain of State-owned Enterprise and Solving Countermeasures;论国有企业人才流失问题及解决对策
9.The university student "the psychological disease analyzes" and itsthe countermeasure;大学生心理疾病的分析及其解决对策
10.Gender Discrimination in our Labor Market and its Solutions;我国劳动力市场性别歧视及解决对策
11.Psychological Perplexity Encountered in Job-hunting of Girl Students in College and Regulation Measures;论女大学生就业心理困扰及解决对策
12.Absence of Social Responsibilities of Foreign-capital Enterprises and Countermeasures;外资企业社会责任的缺失及解决对策
13.The Rescue of Elitism for Democratic Decision-making--From Democracy to Elite Democracy;精英主义对民主决策的“解救”——从民主决策到精英决策
14.On China s Countermeasures to the WTO Dispute Settlement System;论我国应对WTO争端解决机制的对策
15.Countermeasures of China Faces WTO Dispute Settlement System;我国应对WTO争端解决机制的对策
16.China s Countermeasures on Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO;我国对WTO争端解决机制的应对策略
17.China s Policy towards the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism;简论我国对WTO争端解决机制的对策
18.A: I believe it is the only solution to this problem.我相信它是解决这个问题的唯一对策。

1.Analysis of communication effect of information overloading and solutions;信息超载现象的传播效果分析及其解决对策
2.On the sustainable development of higher vocational education to be faced with the problem solution略论高职教育可持续发展需面对的问题与解决对策
3.Combined with Ningxia University the weld examination request of welding line for crossing node,the author also analysis the quality problem about welded defects and the corresponding solution.结合宁夏大学钢管桁架相贯节点相贯线焊缝焊接的具体情况,通过对相贯线焊缝焊接缺陷的分析,提出了针对本项目的焊缝检测,对于相贯焊缝焊接缺陷,分析了产生的原因,提出了解决对策,旨在为同类项目的施工提供参考。
1.The standardization of characters: problems and solutions;社会规范用字存在的问题及解决对策
2.The defects reasons for color glass shell screen die welding are analyzed,and related solutions are introduced.分析了彩色玻壳屏模具焊接缺陷原因,并介绍了相应的问题解决对策
3.It s set to describe the obstacles and the solutions remained in the way to initiate students into CA. 知识经济时代的到来以及信息处理技术的发展,使得会计电算化教学愈益重要,本文针对目前在本专业教学方面存在的问题,提出解决对策
1.The Issue of Labor Force Shortage of Japan and Its Countermeasure日本劳动力不足问题及解决对策
2.In accordance with vibration phenomenon and character of the turbine generator in operation,the causes are analyzed and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are offered.针对透平发电机运行中出现的振动现象及特征 ,分析原因 ,并提出相应的解决对策和建议。
3.Based on the analysis of change of forest management mode after reform of collective forest property right system in Yongding county,the effect of reform and the existing problems were analyzed,and the countermeasures were put forward,too.通过分析永定县林权制度改革后林业经营方式的变化,探讨了其改革成效及存在问题,并提出了解决对策
5)solution countermeasure解决对策
6)Countermeasure for disputes解决的对策

《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决议》《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决议》Resolution of Political Settlement of Issue on Kosovo  ntiGuanyu Zhengzhi Iieiue KesuowoVde Jueyi《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决宝(Resolution ofPolitieal Settlement oflssKosovo)联合国安全理事会批准科和平计划的第1244号决议。1999年6日通过,同日生效。决议由序言、21文及2个附件组成,主要内容有:①库夫联盟共和国立即停止在科索沃的暴镇压行为,从科索沃撤出所有军警札事部队;科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族武装立IL一切进攻行动并实行非军事化。②索沃部署一支国际安全部队,负责阴生新的敌对行动,维持并在必要时强行停火,监督南联盟撤军并阻止其返巨散阿族武装,创造一个各项善后工作顺利展开的安全环境。③在科索沃设个国际民事机构,负责过渡性行政管卫立临时民主自治机构并监督其发展,旨在使科索沃实现高度自治的政治又支持经济重建和人道主义救援,建立警察部队以维持治安,确保所有难民离失所者安全返回家园。 1999年3月24日,以美国为首配西洋条约组织打着“维护人权”的旗握未经联合国安理会授权的情况下,对盟发动科索沃战争。6月3日,南联盟接受国际社会提出的科索沃和平计划 On沃10正拉和军停科发执解以一建进志方流冷叨﹃孔11一牡欣月淤叶断岁胜难邢一犷淮改程助时大在联布点卜﹄,山n﹃J少王、J典峨麟麟属︽﹄撰翼罐耀犷妙一全翻安理会在讨论科索沃问题(1999.6) 新华社很,国方案。]0日,安理会通过俄罗斯和西二才南达成的决议草案。当日,北约宣布暂偌 联盟的轰炸,科索沃战争结束。;)子蓄咪