1.The Political Civilization: Meaning, Construction and Basic Value Aim;政治文明:涵义、结构和基本价值目标
2.Fully Comprehend the Meaning of the First Priority of Ruling A Country and Making It Prosperous;全面理解执政兴国第一要务的涵义
3.On the Meaning and Characteristics of Urbanization;论城镇化的基本涵义及其特征

1.An analysis of Pragmatic Meaning of Adverb "Please";副词“please”的语用涵义分析
2.Malapropism: Origin, implication and translation;Malapropism辞格:词源、涵义与译名
3.Precise meaning or import, as of a word.涵义意义确切的含义或要旨,例如单词
4.Review Into The Meaning Of Truth--Harmony of Intended Truth And Extended Truth;真理涵义的再探讨——内涵真理与外延真理的融合
5.having many values, meanings, or appeals.由许多的涵义、意义或者感染力。
6.Connotation and Modern Significance of Laozi s "Being Natural and Doing Nothing" Thought;老子“自然无为”思想的涵义及现实意义
7.The Revisionist State:The Concept,Criterion and Implications;解读修正主义国家:概念、指标及涵义
8.Analysis of the Meaning and Model of Connectionism;联结主义:涵义的厘清与模型的分析
9.Meaning"and"Significance"as Objects of Scientific Resercch;作为科学话语研究对象的“涵义”与“意义”
10.Comparative Analysis of Psychological Meaning and Realistic Meaning about “Temperament”;关于“气质”概念的心理学涵义和现实涵义的比较分析
11.You may extend the sense of a word.你可以扩大一个词的涵义
12.The meaning of the poem was admiraly brought out这首诗的涵义解释得非常清楚。
13.I don't quite see the moral of the story.我不完全明白这故事的涵义
14.even though I still don't know exactly what a @good heart@ is.尽管我仍不很清楚它的确切涵义
15.but no one could tell him the meaning of his dream.但没有人能解出这个梦的涵义
16.That was the only signification he had.这就是他所具有的惟一涵义
17.I know the full value of the snood.我懂得束发带的全部涵义
18.The precise meaning of this is obscure.这个记述的确切涵义还不清楚。

1.On the Connotation and Characteristics of Sports Morality;浅谈体育道德的涵义与特点
1.The Summary of the Study of Effective Teaching s Implication and Features in China;国内有效教学的涵义和特征研究综述
2.Harmonious implication and levels of water resource project水资源工程和谐的涵义与层次
3.This paper is intended to discuss the implications of the creative teaching of physics.什么是创造性思维教学?明确物理教学中创造性思维教学的涵义是物理教学中实施创造性思维教学的前提。
1.Translation illuminated by Frege s distinction between sense and reference;弗雷格区分涵义和指称及其对翻译的启示
2.On Frege's Sense and Reference Theory浅析弗雷格的涵义和指称理论
3.Frege distinguished the reference and sense of a name strictly for the first time in history, researched on the tri-angular relationship conscientiously, and revealed the characters or features of sense profoundly.弗雷格在历史上第一次明确地区分了符号、涵义和意谓,对三者之间的关系进行了细致的研究,深刻地揭示了涵义的性质和特征。
1.On the definition and regulation object of e-commerce law;论电子商务法的涵义、调整对象
2.The paper tries to explore the definition and classification of E-government, and to analyze the characteristics and function of it.电子政务是一个涉及众多学科领域的系统工程,电子政务信息流的畅通是关系到电子政务能否成功的关键问题,本文试就电子政务信息流的涵义、类型进行了初步探索,并归纳出电子政务信息流的特点,分析了电子政务信息流的作用。
3.This paper investigates into the definition,classification of semantic field and its application in English vocabulary teaching in order to understand it better and apply this theory into English teaching.加强对英语语义场的理解,从而更好地为英语教学服务,就英语语义场的基本涵义;语义场的基本类型,即同义语义场、反义语义场、上下义语义场,及语义场理论在英语词汇教学中的运用等问题进行了探讨。
6)meaning (connotation)涵义(意义)
