1.Conception of Molding Pattern of "Countryside Carnival";关于“乡村嘉年华”塑造模式的构想
2.The conception of setting up the registered green card system to construction workers;建立建筑工人注册绿卡制度的构想
3.The SUN Yat-sen s conception of harness of Yangtze River;孙中山对长江治理的构想

1.Well, those are our plans.如果说构想,这就是我们的构想
2.It was an idyllic conception.这是一种牧歌式的构想
3.This idea is widely applicable.这个构想可广泛应用。
4.He came out with his new idea.他说出他的新构想
5.I rather cottoned (up) to the idea.我很喜欢这个构想
6.I couldn't carry through with my original idea.我无法贯彻最初的构想
7.His ideas found expression in art.他的构想体现在艺术中。
8.Bob brought up the idea of a party.鲍伯提出了宴会的构想
9.U.S. blueprint for the new war in space美国太空战构想(四)
10.photographic print of plans or technical drawings etc..对未来的一种设计构想
11.The company is hard up for new ideas.这家公司缺乏新的构想
12.Here are some of the ideas they had:下面是他们的一些构想
13.I rather cottoned to the idea.我蛮喜欢这个构想
14.On the tentative idea concerning structurism in the teaching of function and the idea of combination of numbers with shapes;函数教学中的建构主义构想与数形结合思想
15.Something conceived in the mind; a concept, plan, design, idea, or thought.设想在脑海中构想的事物;概念、计划、设计或思想
16.The rite thought also affected Xunzi designed his ideal society.礼学思想也影响着荀子对理想社会的构想
17.To form a mental image of;visualize.构想,想象使…形成视觉形象
18.Thoughts on Improving the Ideological and Political Education for Postgraduate Students;加强我校研究生思想政治工作的构想

1.The Idea of Establishing China-Kazakhstan Free Border-Trade Zone in Horgos;在伊犁霍尔果斯设立中哈边境自由贸易区的构想
2.An idea of offering performance course for music majors;关于师范院校音乐教育专业增设表演课的构想
3.The ideas about building Changsha City to "Chinese leisure capital";长沙打造“中国休闲之都”的构想
1.Concept of World National Music Course in Xinjiang Arts University;新疆艺术学院开设世界民族音乐课程的构想
2.A Concept of the Implementing Steps of Security of Housing Mortgage Loan;我国住宅抵押贷款证券化实施步骤的构想
3.Overall Concept of the Information Construction of Drug Authentication药品认证检查信息化建设的总体构想
1.The Proposition of Improving the Missile Experiment System;导弹综合测试系统改进构想
2.A Proposition on Adding Social Psychological Skills to the Training and Assessment of General Practitioners;全科医师培训考核增设人文医学执业技能的构想
3.The paper is to put forward the proposition of green package designsuch as no package, a little packing, reduce packing, material disintegrate and so on, in order toachieve the purpose that can economize the material, put to use the material rationally, and canrecycle the material.为了解决当前包装设计中存在的资源浪费、环境污染等严重问题 ,提出了无包装化、包装小量化、减量化、材料解体化、选优化等绿色设计构想 ,从而达到节省材料、合理运用材料以及可回收再生产的目的。
1.Then,preliminary design and advice of development are put forward on the distribution of Logistics system in Nanchang city.通过对南昌市物流业现状的描述,提出了南昌市物流业所存在的优势和不足,并对南昌市物流体系布局提出了初步的构想和发展建议。
2.This thesis focuses on the value of the acquisitive prescription,and makes relevant design about the system,hoping that it is useful for the establishment of acquisitive prescription system in the Civil Code of our country.本文重点阐述了在我国设立取得时效制度的价值意义,并在此基础上,提出了相关的制度构想,希冀对构筑我国民法典中的取得时效制度有所裨益。
3.New national and international trend and characteristics in drug crime have to be watched closely to design strategy for the 21st century.要搞好 2 1世纪的禁毒工作 ,必须重新审视国际国内毒品犯罪的新趋势、新特点 ,重新构想 2 1世纪禁毒工作的战略。
1.This paper discusses the basic meaning of the sustainable use of natural resources, analyzes the situation and problems that the sustainable use of natural resources confronts, and puts forward the strategy for the sustainable use of natural resources in the 21st century in Shandong.本文探讨了自然资源可持续利用的基本内涵 ,分析了山东自然资源可持续利用面临的形势与问题 ,提出了山东 2 1世纪自然资源可持续利用的战略构
