1.The Studies of Legal Issues of China Sponsor System;我国保荐人制度的法律问题研究
2.Research on the Connection Sponsor and the Honest of China Stock Market;保荐人与证券市场诚信度关联研究

1.Research on the Securities Sponsors' Civil Liability to the Third Party证券保荐人对第三人的民事责任制度研究
2.Systematic Effect and Effective System Design of Sponsor s System;保荐人制度的制度效应与有效制度设计
3.On Perfecting Sponsor s Responsibility in Securities Issuing and Listing;论证券发行上市中保荐人职责制度的完善
4.Strengthen the Responsibility of the Main-consignee --On the Second-board Market Recommender Institution;主承销商责任的强化——兼谈二板市场的保荐人
5.An Empirical Study on the IPO Pricing Efficiency under the Sponsorship保荐人制度下新股发行定价效率的实证研究
6.At the end of the year, the Stock Exchange had approved 36 firms as sponsors for issuers to be listed on the GEM.截至一九九九年年底,联交所共批准36家公司为认可上蒥保荐人
7.Secondly, the chapter is tocompare the characteristic of the sponsor, the guarantor in the civil law and adviser.第三章对境外保荐人制度的主要类型进行了研究和比较。
8.The Empirical Studies of the Information Certification Function of the Investment Bank under the Sponsorship in China;保荐人制度下我国投资银行信息认证中介功能实证研究
9.System Effectiveness of Security Sponsor under Non-Complete Information Condition: A Theoretical Model;非完全信息下保荐人制度的有效性:一个理论模型
10.On the Civil Liability of the Sponsor and Sponsor Deputy for the Third Party;保荐机构与保荐代表人对第三人民事责任研究
11.On the Civil Responsibility of the Sponsor and the Representative of the Sponsor for the Third Person;论保荐机构和保荐代表人对第三人的民事责任
12.Strongly Recommended,Recommended,Recommendedwith Reservation, Not Recommended强力推荐,推荐,勉予推荐/有保留推荐,不推荐
13.My reference recommends me for the job and I think his recommendation sounds reasonable.我的保人向我推荐这份工作,我认为他的推荐有道理。
14.If she was so incompetent as a teacher, shouldn't the one who had recommended her take the responsibility?她教书这样不行,保荐她的人不该负责吗?
15.From “introduction" to “ sponsorship" --on the duty of sponsor in securities issue institution;由“推荐”到“保荐”——论证券上市保荐制度中的保荐责任
16.place a person's name in nomination任命 [推荐] 某人
17.Be proposed as a candidate for被推荐为...候选人
18.All the products that I have recommended can be supplied by prompt and circumspect after-sales services.凡经本人推荐的产品均保证提供及时周到的售后服务。

To recommend talent保荐人才
3)sponsor system保荐人制度
1.Sponsor system that listing of enterprise is recommended by sponsor firms began to implement in an all-round way.2004年2月1日《证券发行上市保荐制度暂行办法》的正式施行标志着我国内地保荐人制度已初具雏形。
2.The basic source material of this thesis is the sponsor system in some developed second board, such as the AIM of England, the MESDAQ of Malaysia and the GEM of Hong Kong.本文以英国的AIM、马来西亚的MESDAQ及香港的GEM中的保荐人制度为基本素材,通过对这些国际上公认比较成熟的保荐人制度的基本概况、基本内容、监管体系等所进行的考察和对比分析,探求了该项制度的法律特性及其有效运行所应具备的基本法律环境,并在此基础上,将之与我国本土法律环境相比较,以阐明下列命题:国际上比较成熟的保荐人制度的有效运行普遍具备一定的法律环境,目前我国现有的法律环境与之存在差距,而这种差距的消除还需要较长的过程,因此,如果在即将推出的创业板中设立保荐人制度还需在制度设计上进行本土化的拓展。
3.Sponsor system is a legal system which is used in the Growth Enterprise Board in most foreign countries,but our country leads this legal system into Main Board,so there are some difficulties in the processes of localization of sponsor system.保荐人制度的建立在一定程度上缓解了我国在证券监管模式上的弊端,在增强市场自律约束和强化中介机构监管职能方面发挥了一定的作用,为资本市场的持续、稳定、健康发展提出了一个更加市场化的制度框架。
4)Sponsor deputy保荐代表人
1.The sponsor and sponsor deputy should take responsibilities for the third part s loss caused by the listed company s false, misleading or missed information.保荐机构及其保荐代表人要为所保荐的上市公司披露虚假性、误导性、遗漏性信息而给投资者造成的损失承担赔偿责任。
5)sponsor's quality保荐人质量
6)Sponsor's Declaration《保荐人声明》
