1.Automatic Stabilizer vs. Discretion: Weighing and Perfecting on Macro-control Mechanism of Fiscal Policy;自动稳定器与相机抉择:财政政策宏观调控机制的权衡与完善
2.Doing by rule and discretion is substitutive choice that the Central Bank faces.按规则行事还是相机抉择是中央银行的两个替代性选择。
3.By the analysis of the game,This paper reveals that discretion policy can enlarge the quantity of the stock issue,and can not influnce the price fluctuation under the investors` rational expection,and then,studies the situation of the stock issue in currency,and make a suggestion for the withdrawing state-shares.以股票发行政策为变量建立完全信息博弈模型,通过对该博弈分析,揭示相机抉择的股票发行政策使政府具有扩容的倾向,并在投资者理性预期下,股票发行政策不影响股价波动。

1.Reflection on China s Choice Principles of Macro Regulation and Control Camera;关于我国宏观调控相机抉择原则的思考
2.Research on the Building of Rules and Discretion Monetary Policy in China规则与相机抉择货币政策我国应用的实证研究
3.The Choice between Regularity and Discretion on China s Monetary Policies and Positive Analyses;中国货币政策规则性与相机抉择性的选择与实证分析
4.Automatic Stabilizer vs. Discretion: Weighing and Perfecting on Macro-control Mechanism of Fiscal Policy;自动稳定器与相机抉择:财政政策宏观调控机制的权衡与完善
5.Monetary Policy:Rule or Discretion--An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Game Theory;货币政策:规则还是相机抉择——一个基于博弈视角的分析
6.The Effectiveness Analysis of Rules and Discretion in Interest Rates Policy规则和相机抉择因素在利率政策中的有效性分析
7.Test on Asymmetry of Discretional Fiscal Policy Effects in China我国相机抉择财政政策效应非对称性的实证研究
8.Empirical research on pro-cyclical and counter-cyclical fiscal policy--Multi-model analysis based on structural budget;我国相机抉择财政政策周期性的经验研究——基于结构预算的多模型分析
9.A Study on the Rules,Discretion and the Dynamic Inconsistency of Policy --A General Theoretical Framework and Its Applications;规则、相机抉择和政策的动态不一致性研究——一般化的理论框架及其应用
10.Analysis of the relationships of achievement goal orientation and motive with career belief and choice in undergraduates;大学生成就动机、成就目标与职业信息及抉择的相关心理分析
11.Entrance time of window opportunity in the context of discontinuous technological change不连续技术机会窗口的进入时机抉择
12.Mechanism Choice for Construction of Harmonious Socialist Society;构建社会主义和谐社会机制抉择论析
13.A Brief Analysis of the World Energy Crisis and China s Strategic Solution;浅谈世界能源危机及中国的战略抉择
14.Post-Arafat Era: Opportunities, Challenges and Choices;后阿拉法特时代——机遇、挑战、抉择
15.Model choosing and impetus mechanism of the development of higher education;高等教育发展的模式抉择和动力机制
16.The Rational Choice Between the Exclusionary Rule and Correlative System;非法证据排除规则与相关制度的理性抉择
17.The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities.两者择一,抉择对两个互相排斥的可能情况的选择
18.Crisis is a decisive situation in which calamitous consequence is predicted and the decision must be made.危机是预示灾难性后果而必须做出抉择的局势。

1.We mainly apply the discretionary fiscal policy to balance the macroeconomic cyclical fluctuations for a long time.一段时间以来,我国政府主要是运用相机抉择的财政政策来调控宏观经济的周期性波动。
2.We must abide by discretionary principle on the short run.二、从短期来看 ,应采取相机抉择的财政和货币政策。
3)rules and discretion规则和相机抉择
4)discretionary model相机抉择模型
5)discretional fiscal policy相机抉择财政政策
1.On the basis of which, theoretical analysis and empirical test of counter-cyclical character of discretional fiscal policy are done.利用状态空间模型估计了我国潜在产出和产出缺口,进而测算我国结构预算余额,在此基础上运用多种模型对我国相机抉择财政政策的周期性进行了理论分析和实证检验。
6)"discretion money policy"相机抉择的货币政策

相机抉择稳定器  根据经济形势相应调整财政税收政策,以发挥其稳定经济作用的财政政策思想。由凯恩斯学派代表人物如美国P.A.萨缪尔森等人提出,实际是对自动稳定器财政政策思想的一种修正。    该项政策思想认为,税收的内在稳定器作用,在很大程度上要受政府对税制的设计和调整等因素的影响。因此,政府可以根据具体的经济形势,通过对税率和税收优惠等政策的调整,发挥税收"熨平经济波动"的作用,促进经济的稳定和发展。这种政策被称之为相机抉择税收政策。但是,由于税收作为相机抉择稳定器的局限性,主要是税率调整难度大,税率的变化对投资和消费的影响也不够明显,因此政府还应根据经济形势对财政支出的增减加以调整,制定相机抉择的财政政策。比如,在经济衰退时期,增加财政对公共工程投资和社会福利开支,以减轻失业的压力,并配合税制的调整,更好地发挥财政的内在稳定器作用。    "相机抉择稳定器"的财政政策思想同凯恩斯学派宣传实行的其他一些医治资本主义社会痼疾的财政"药方"一样,在长期的实践中证明并不能解决资本主义社会的一些固有矛盾。20世纪70年代以来,随着一些发达资本主义国家"滞胀"的出现和加剧,连这类财政政策思想的倡导者也不得不承认:没有任何由经济学专家组成的顾问团能够取得一致的意见,找到医治"停滞膨胀"这一现代疾病令人满意的方法。开出的许多药方和疾病本身一样不可取。