1.On Land Expropriation and Requisition for the Public Interests;物权法中土地征收征用公共利益研究
2.Conflicts and Their Avoidance in the Area of Environmental Regulation and Investment Protection under NAFTA-An Analysis of the Expropriation Clause;从征收条款看NAFTA环境管制与投资保护问题的冲突与协调
3.Public Interests in Land Expropriation;土地征收之公共利益研究

1.To impose or collect(a tax, for example.征税征收或收集(如税款)
2.The amount of tax underpaid shall be collected and the amount of tax overcollected shall Be refunded.补征应征未征税款,退还不应征收征收的税款
3.A booth where a toll is collected.收费亭征收费用的亭子
4.import levy进口税收、征收进口税
5.Tax Collection and Administration Bureau(税务)征收管理局(征管局)
6.Some states charge income tax in addition to sales tax.某些州除了征收销售税外还征收收入所得税。
7.Business tax (“BT”) is taxable based on non-VAT revenue.对不征收增值税的收入可以征收营业税。
8.Some states levy income tax as well as sales tax.某些州除了征收销售税还征收收入所得税。
9.Tax Analysis is a Basic Way in Strengthening Tax Levy;税收分析是强化税收征收管理的基石
10.four-lane toll facility四线征收通行费设施
11.someone employed to collect tolls.被雇来征收通行税的人。
12.First Demand for Rates首次征收差饷通知书
13.collecting land use fees on different levels分层次征收地产使用费
14.the charge for stowing goods.装载货物征收的费用。
15.The government has put another tax on cigarettes.政府又征收香烟税。
16.charge someone with too many tasks.向某人征收过多的税务。
17.Article 19 Imposition and Collection of Countervailing Duties第19条 反补贴税的征收
18.Resource Tax shall be collected by the tax authorities.资源税由税务机关征收

1.The theoretical basis and practical value of the levy on ecological environmental compensation;征收生态环境补偿费的理论依据与现实意义
2.The System Design and Perfection to Chinese Legacy Tax Levy;我国遗产税征收的制度设计及其完善
3.A brief analysis on the unification of road fee levy and local economy Chen Minfei;浅析公路规费征收与地方经济发展实现的有机统一
1.Sandstone resources value and mining right cost reasonable collection research;砂石资源的价值及采矿权价款合理征收研究
2.Government failure is an important cause for difficult collection of endowment insurance funds;政府主体责任与我国养老保险基金征收的困境及对策
3.There are mainly two kinds of ways that the country takes over the private property by force,one is collection,the other is requisition.国家强制取得私有财产的方式主要有两种:一种是征收,一种是征用。
1.Protection of Farmers Rights and Interests During the Course of Land Expropriation & Requisition;论土地征收中失地农民权益的法律保护
2.In the course of Chinese urbanization, tough social contradictions are made in some areas in the course of city demolishing, relocation and country land requisition, these contradictions, which seriously affect economic development and social stability, have become the barriers of harmonious society building.为了有效解决这一矛盾,应该在宪法的框架内,特别是根据2004年修宪后,宪法第十条第三款、第十三条规定,以社会功利主义来定义"公共利益"的内容,以体现被征收财产市场公平价值作为对征收行为的补偿,严格适用宪法关于财产和土地征收的规定,保障公民的基本权利不受侵犯。
3.The urbanized advancement makes the requisition of agricultural land inevitably.在城市化进程中,农业用地被征收不可避免,城市化加速过程中的一个突出特征就是大量农村集体所有土地被征收后用于非农化建设和越来越多的失地农民的产生。
1.On the Verification Standard and Judicial Review of Public Interest in Acquisition;论征收中公共利益的验证标准与司法审查
2.On the Legal Problems of Agricultural Land Acquisition Compensation;农地征收补偿法律问题研究
3.Rural de- velopment and farmers income growth lagged behind in this process,its became the focus that harming the in- terests of the community of peasants and other issuesin the land acquisition.《中华人民共和国物权法》是确认财产、利用财产、保护财产以及调整财产关系的基本法律,是当今处理征收集体土地各种矛盾和利益关系的依据。
1.American jurists have been trying to explain the relationship between taxes and takings.美国法律界力图理清征收和征税的关系。
2.Currently,discussions about takings mainly proceed from the perspective of constitution,and focus especially on such aspects as public interest,condemnation procedure and fair compensation.我国目前关于征收的讨论主要是从宪法层面展开的,并且集中在公共利益、征收程序和公正补偿几个方面。
3.Generally speaking,taxation is not subject to the takings clause in the Constitution.宪法上的征收规范一般不拘束征税。

征收1.指收取赋税。 2.今指政府依法向人民或所属机构收取公粮﹑税款等。 3.征集吸收。