1.Discussion on the bureaucracy-oriented consciousness of merchant in biography written by Wang Shizhen;论王世贞笔下平民商人的崇官意识
2.City,Merchant and Clan:A Case Study of Joint Clan in Shantou during the Republic of China城市、商人与宗族——以民国时期汕头市联宗组织为研究对象

1."Business","Businessmen","Business theorists" and "Businessmen with Confucianism";“商”、“商人”、“商家”、“儒商”
2.DEALER DAN: "Hi, this is Dealer Dan.“商人丹”:“你好,我是‘商人丹’。
3.Merchants and Confucianism: With Special Reference to Ningbo merchants, Anhui merchants and Shanxi merchants of the Ming and Qing Dynasties商人与儒学——以明清甬商、徽商、晋商为例
4.Of or relating to merchants or trade.商业的商人的或商业的或与之有关的
5.Name taken and used by a person or firm for business purposes(商人或商店用的)字号,商号,牌号
6.A Comparative Study of Cantonese Businessmen,Chouzhou-Shantou Businessmen and Hakka Businessmen;广府商人、潮汕商人与客家商人的比较研究
7.One engaged in business.实业家,生意人,商人从事商业活动的人
8.business personsph.1. 商人实业家
9.junk dealer废旧品[船具]商人
10.We should grant loans to businessmen and allow them to buy shares.我们给商人贷款,让商人入股。
11.On Dutch Merchant Capital--merchant capital of western Europe荷兰商人资本探微——兼谈西欧商人资本
12.Hankou Merchants and Their Capital during the Republic of China (1912-1936)民国时期的汉口商人商人资本(1912-1936)
13.a wind-up artist/merchant存心气人的艺术家[商人]
14.One that engages in arbitrage.套汇商人参与套利的人
15.Traders and foreigners drift to the court.商人和外国人涌向宫廷。
16.chairperson, spokesperson, business person, etc主席、 发言人、 商人等.
17.A dealer in textiles, especially silks.绸布商做纺织品生意的商人,尤指绸缎商
18.Confer with sb. on [about] sth.与某人协商[商议]某事

1.Where do we seek commercial law?——Analyses from division of work,exchange,evolution process of businessman class;到哪里去寻找商法?——从分工、交换、商人阶级的进化过程进行观察分析
2.On the Philanthropism and Virtue Outlook of Businessman in Ancient China and the Philanthropy;中国古代商人的善德观与慈善事业
3.Even those businessman s notion and views are separate.商人文化在历史的形成中 ,是以碎片化、不连续性、不完整状态呈现的。
1.Businessmen and Development of Farm Household Economy in Ethnic Groups of Modern Guangxi;商人与近代广西民族地区农家经济的衍变
2.Businessmen and Politics in the Simaqian s Historical Records;司马迁笔下的商人与政治
3.The characteristics of the businessmen in Fujian are:the long history of doing business;a large number;the ties of blood as a nucles and the family unit as force of cohesion;different characteristics in various regions;the special status in the soc.福建商人中最有影响的是闽南商帮、福州商帮、兴化商帮、此外还有龙岩、汀州、永安、福安、延平、闽清、永泰等地商帮 ,其兴盛原因各异。
1.The Embarrassment of Merchants in "the Storys of Warning World from the Ming Dynasty" and the Contradiction in Writing of the Author;“三言二拍”中商人形象的两难境遇及创作矛盾
2.Merchants and Confucianism: With Special Reference to Ningbo merchants, Anhui merchants and Shanxi merchants of the Ming and Qing Dynasties商人与儒学——以明清甬商、徽商、晋商为例
