1.The Influence of Keynesianism on the Development of Economic Law;论凯恩斯主义对经济法发展的影响
2.The Institutional Conditions and Other Issues of the Applicability of Keynesianism;凯恩斯主义适用的制度条件及其它

1.Keynesian thought of taxation凯恩斯主义税收思想
2.Keynesian population theory凯恩斯主义人口理论
3.post-Keynesian economics后凯恩斯主义经济学
4.The Comparative Study on Post Keynesianism and New Keynesianism;后凯恩斯主义,新凯恩斯主义的比较与研究
5.equilibrium in the Keynesian model凯恩斯主义模型中的均衡
6.Keynesian National Debt Theory VS. China s National Debt Policy;凯恩斯主义国债理论与我国国债政策
7.Reviewing the “Coordination Failures” Theory of New Keynesian Economics;新凯恩斯主义的“协调失灵”理论述评
8.The Review of the Micro-Economics Bases for the Different Post Keynesianism Schools;凯恩斯之后不同凯恩斯主义经济学派中的微观基础述评
9.A Review of Post-Keynesian Theories on Financialization of Capitalism后凯恩斯主义的资本主义金融化理论述评
10.Enlightenment from Comparison between New-Classicalism and New-Keynesianism新古典主义与新凯恩斯主义比较的启示
11.The national debt policy in China at present is not based on Keynesianism.我国当前的国债政策主要不是依据凯恩斯主义
12."Although we don't admit it, we are actually applying Keynesian remedies, and I am a confirmed Keynesian.尽管我们不承认,但我们实际是在奉行凯恩斯主义药方,我是一个坚定的凯恩斯主义者。
13.The Theory of Stickness:Review of New Keynesian Economics;粘性理论:来自新凯恩斯主义的一个述评
14.New developments in present-day new Keynesian monetary economics;当代新凯恩斯主义货币经济学的新发展
15.The collector of contemporary keynesianism-paul Samuelson;当代凯恩斯主义的集大成者——保罗·A·萨缪尔森
16.New-Keynesianism Currency Policy and Settlement of Bad Creditor s Rights;新凯恩斯主义的货币政策与不良债权治理
17.Knowledge Economy and the Development of the Sticky Wage Theory of Neo Keynesianism;知识经济与新凯恩斯主义工资粘性理论的发展
18.The Stagnant Japanese Economy and the Troubled Keynesianism;萧条的日本经济与困境中的凯恩斯主义

1.Structural Multiplier and Its Development to Keynesian Macroeconomics结构式乘数及其对凯恩斯主义宏观经济理论的发展
2.On the Economic Globalization and the Ups and Downs of Keynesian经济全球化与凯恩斯主义的兴衰
3.Forecast of the Fiscal Policy Trend of U.S.in the Context of Subprime Mortgage Crisis: An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Keynesian次贷危机背景下美国财政政策走势的预测——基于凯恩斯主义视角的一个分析
1.The Interactive Relationship between Rise and Fall Transformation and Western Economic Circle of Keynesism;“凯恩斯主义”盛衰演变与西方经济周期的互动关系
2.Keynesism is coming back.凯恩斯主义正在卷土重来。
3.As the defects of keynesism policies gradually exposed,the liberal capitalism voice from U.但凯恩斯主义和法团主义本身的局限性决定了它们无法从根本上解决资本主义社会的基本矛盾。
4)Keynesian economics凯恩斯主义
1.The Theoretic Difference in Explaining Causes of Crisis between Keynesian Economics and Marxism and its Implications;凯恩斯主义与马克思主义危机成因的理论差异与启示
2.The Global Financial Crisis and Keynesian Economics国际金融危机与凯恩斯主义
3.From the viewpoints of the Schools of Keynesian economics, Neo classical economics and Macro Behavioral economics, this paper compares the different explanations on unemployment, monetary policy, inflation, saving and the other macro economic issues.本文比较了凯恩斯主义、新古典主义和宏观行为经济学这三个学派对失业、货币政策、通货膨胀、储蓄等重要宏观经济问题的不同诠释 ,通过这种比较使我们看到 ,新崛起的宏观行为经济学为经济学界注入了一股新鲜的活力 ,它重新重视凯恩斯曾强调过的心理和社会因素的作用 ,从互惠、公平、身份、货币幻觉、损失厌恶、羊群行为角度出发 ,对许多宏观问题做了更符合实际也更令人信服的诠释 ,使我们对经济问题有了更深刻的认识和理
5)New Keynesianism新凯恩斯主义
1.The New Keynesianism s Unemployment Theory and Its Enlightenment;新凯恩斯主义失业理论及启示
2.The school of new neoclassical synthesis attempts to integrate new classical macroeconomics,new Keynesianism and real business cycles into a single research framework in order to explain the economic reality more rationally.该学派力图把新古典宏观经济学、新凯恩斯主义和实际经济周期理论纳入同一框架而对经济现实做出更为合理的解释。
6)New Keynesian新凯恩斯主义
1.On the base of scientific commenting on New Keynesian of wages sticky, it is common that economists absorb theory of wages sticky perspective and advanced research methods in the employment, economic fluctuations, and effectiveness of the .理论界对这一问题研究成果颇丰,在科学评价新凯恩斯主义工资粘性理论的基础上,经济学者借鉴其独特的研究方法和新颖的理论观点对我国宏观经济中的就业问题、周期性经济波动以及财政与货币政策有效性进行深入研究。
