1.Comparative researches on income tax policies of enterprise reserve;企业准备金的所得税政策比较研究
2.Effect of investment with reserve for insurance price;考虑准备金的再保险投资定价研究
3.Calculating Annual Total Reserve for Insurance Company;保险公司每期总准备金计算

1.excess reserves备付金(超额准备金)
2.criteria for use of the contingency fund使用意外准备金的标准
3.legal requirement on deposit法定存款准备金标准
4.transfer between funds/reserves各基金/准备金调剂使用
5.fund programme reserve activities基金方案准备金活动
6.allowance for contingencies; reserve for contingencies; contingency allowance应急筹备金,意外事件准备金
7.bank reserve requirements对银行准备金的规定
8.drought reserve应付财务困难的准备金
9.securities transaction responsibility reserve证券交易责任准备金
10.reserve available for private nonbank deposits非银行私人存款准备金
11.actuarial reserves in respect of life insurance人寿保险精算准备金
12.formal capitalization of reserve准备金正式转为资本
13.legal reserve requirement法定存款准备金比率
14.overseas investment loss reserve海外投资损失准备金
15.compensation for default loss reserve违约损失准备金的补偿
16.General Loss Reserve [IFC]: Loss Reserve set up to replace Unidentified Loss Reserve.一般损失准备金[国际金融公司]:这项准备金的设立是用来代替"未确定损失准备金"的。
17.Most of our gold reserves have drained away to foreign countries.我国大部分的黄金准备金已流往国外。
18.percent gold coverage of paper currency占发行货币百分之四十的黄金准备金

reserve fund准备金
1.Then,based on the newly implement of business income tax law,it analyses several main existing problems such as the tax burden,the reserve fund deduction,the tax preferences,offering some thoughts of improving them.从我国保险企业所得税现状出发,结合新实施的企业所得税法,分析探讨我国保险企业所得税制度中的税负、准备金扣除、税收优惠、汇总纳税等几个主要问题及完善思路,兼论新税法对我国保险企业的影响。
1.The released degree of underwriting income from non-life insurance companies is determined by how to chose the accounting base and method of premium income,including insurance costs and reserves.非寿险公司的保险业务收入、保险业务成本和准备金如何在税务处理上选择计量基础和计量方法,决定了承保所得的释放速度与程度。
5)reserve ratio准备金率
1.The research purpose of this paper is to test whether the reserve ratio affects and how to affect the mutual fund market.运用基于VAR模型的脉冲响应函数和格兰杰因果检验分析了2003年1月至2008年4月的日度数据,得到的结论是准备金率的变动对开放式基金市场有单向的影响。
6)Reserve Requirements准备金税
1.Reserve Requirements,Reserve Requirements Tax and Money Control in China:1984—2007;中国的准备金准备金税与货币控制:1984—2007
