1.The Research on Incentive Pay of Salesman in China s SMEs;我国中小企业销售人员薪酬激励研究
2.Research on Compensation Mode Based on the Development of Salesman Career;基于销售人员职业发展的薪酬模式研究
3.The Research on Enterprise Salesman s Psychological Contract and Its Influence Factors;民营企业销售人员心理契约及其影响因素的研究

1.-- Reduced errors by sales personnel;——销售人员的失误
2.The salesmen are split into small groups,把销售人员分成小组,
3.Queries that summarize sales (by sales person, by product, etc.)汇总销售情况的查询(按销售人员、按产品,等等)
4.The company doubled its sale force with the result that the sale rise by 26%.公司曾加了一倍销售人员,使销售额增加26%。
5.Research on the Relationship between Empowerment and Sales Performance of Front-line Salespeople in Enterprise企业一线销售人员授权与其销售绩效关系研究
6.The Vendition Personnel of ShengShiAnTe Automobile Sales Company Compensation System Design盛世安特汽车销售公司销售人员薪酬体系设计
7.The person must train sales personnel at the dealerships to sell the extended service plans to consumers.必须能够培训经销商的销售人员向消费者销售延期保修服务。
8.A Research on the Measurement Scales for Selection of Electronics Retail Salesperson电子产品零售业销售人员选拔量表的编制
9.Experienced salesmen is rare these days.有经验的销售人员现在不多见。
10.The sales staff did not approve of interference from the accounting division .销售人员对会计部门的干预很不赞同。
11.Quite a few of our sale staff are women .我们相当多的销售人员是妇女。
12.The chairman of the company told the salesmen to move the computers.公司的主席告诉销售人员卖掉电脑。
13.the visiting salesmen and their respective wives at a cocktail party.来开会的销售人员和他们的妻子。
14.How much can a salesman expect per month?销售人员每月有多少收入?
15.The salesmen be on the road thirty week a year .销售人员一年有30周是在旅途中过的。
16.circulate a memorandum to all sales personnel给全体销售人员传阅的商业简报.
17.The new managing director fired half the sale force新的总经理解雇了一半的销售人员
18.a sales force that was inspired By the prospect of a Bonus.为未来的红利而激发的销售人员

1.The Factors That Influence on Salesperson s Performance of the Household Appliances Industry Analyze;家电行业销售人员绩效的影响因素分析
2.The Research on Motivation Mechanism for Salespersons of Ping an Insurance Company of Hunan;湖南平安寿险公司销售人员激励机制研究
3.The Analysis on Salesperson s Turnover of K Pharmacy Company;K药业销售人员流失成因及对策分析
1.Innovation Study on Performance Management System of Effectiveness-type Salesmen;效能型销售人员绩效管理体系创新研究
2.This paper is studied mainly how to use "MBO",the effective salary payment pattern and the rational salary in order to encourage salesmen to combine their personal target with the organic chief target.文章主要研究在"目标管理"的方式下,如何使用最有效的薪酬模式、最合理的薪酬去激励销售部门乃至销售人员,从而使他们将个人的目标和组织的总体目标有机的结合起来,以实现组织销售业绩、组织利益的最大化。
4)sales force销售人员
1.The Mode Research of Sales Force Management in Online Recruit Services Corporation;招聘网站销售人员管理模式研究
2.With regard to the fast-moving consumer goods industry, sales is the basis of enterprise s survival and development, on a more prominent position in the all works of enterprise, so that, in the fast-moving consumer goods industry, the emphases of enterprise management is how to stimulate sales force to be high-efficiency performance.对于以销售量为企业生存和发展根本的快速消费品行业而言,销售在企业各项工作中的地位就更加突出,所以如何激励销售人员高效率地工作是快速消费品行业企业管理中的一个重点。
3.How to facilitate the tacit knowledge sharing behavior between sales forces and enhance the tacit knowledge management of sales force is a hot issue in the field of business management and information management.销售部门处于企业的最前线,也是离消费者和市场最近的关键部门,因此加强该部门中销售人员隐性知识的管理,促进销售人员之间隐性知识分享行为的发生,这是企业管理和信息管理领域的学者所关心的问题。
5)sales personnel销售人员
1.Research and Plan on Stimulation Policy for Sales Personnel of Talent Co.,LTD;达伦特公司销售人员激励方案研究与设计
2.Due to the work function of sales personnel,the basic compensation,variable compensation and indirect compensation,which are combined into the sales personnel\'s compensation system,have been deeply analyzed.针对销售人员的工作特征,从基本薪酬、可变薪酬和间接薪酬三个方面对销售人员的薪酬体系进行分析。
1.Research on Project of the Compensation System of Salespersons in Anhui Yingjia Company;安徽迎驾集团销售人员的薪酬体系设计研究
2.How to motivate salespersons effectively is the same problem that many company faced with.销售人员直接实现公司产品在市场上的价值,把握公司经济命脉,因而是公司最为重要的人力资源。

商品销售额和销售额指数商品销售额和销售额指数 商品销售额和销售额指数商品销售额是商品企业在一定时期内商品销售的全部金额。它是反映商品企业最终经营成果的指标。常用的商品销售额指标主要有以下三种:①商品实际销售领。指按现行价格计算的商品销售额。它是西方国家用以说明商品流转额或商业企业营业额的主要指标。在零售业,表示为商品零售额;在批发业,表示为商品批发销售额;在服务业,表示为服务项目的毛收入。商品实际销售额,一般按商品和服务项目种类进行分类。西方国家除了普查年份的年度数字以外,一般都采用抽样调查方法来搜集资料,并按月统计商品实际销售额。②调整季节变动后的商品销售额。指用商品实际销售额除以季节变动指数而求得的商品销售额。它消除了商品销售数量和价格的季节变动对商品销售额的影响。③按可比价格(又称固定价格)计算的商品销售额。指用商品实际零售额和商品实际批发销售额分别除以相应的减缩价格指数而求得的商品销售额它消除了商品价格变动对商品销售额的影响商品销售额指数,是反映商品销售额的变动趋势和变动程度的指标。西方多数国家在编制商品销售额指数时,是采用基期加权算术平均数公式,但也有一些国家则是采用连环指数法。日本是由通商产业省调查统计部采用抽样调查方法,按月统计商品销售额的。调查范围为批发业(不包括中间商)和零售业(不包括饮食业)。日本每月都编制商品销售额指数和季节变动调整后的商品销售额指数。在指数中批发业的商品销售额约占4/5以上,零售业的商品销售额约占1/5以下。