1.A Study on Moderation of Xiamen Minimum Wage Stardard;厦门市最低工资标准适度性研究
2.In the socialist harmonious society,political participation has characteristics such as order,rationality,moderation,level and so on.在社会主义和谐社会视野下,政治参与具有有序性、理性、适度性、层次性等特性。
3.Based on the assumption that the action is legitimate,this paper discusses the moderation of the disciplinary actions.在假定高校处分合法性的前提下,探讨处分的适度性问题,通过不同主体对适度性判定的特点和价值的分析,提出高校应树立正确的处理理念、保证处分实体规则和程序规则的适度、提倡处分结果的透明、测评处分效果和完备处分救济的对策建议。

1.The Necessity and Moderation of the Rationality for Academic Paper's Citation学术论文引文的“必要性”与“适度性”探究
2.Primary Research on the Evaluation of the Rates of Farmland Conversion at the Provincial Level in China;我国省级耕地非农化适度性评判研究
3.Theoretic Analysis on How to Design the Income Differential Suitability Index;收入差距适度性指标设计的理论思考
4.Research and Prediction on the Proper Scale of Foreign Exchange Reserves in China;中国外汇储备规模适度性研究与预测
5.airworthiness flight test schedule适航性飞行试验进度表
6.standard test method for over coatability漆度适合性试验方法
7.having or characterized by moderate or a well-balanced supply of moisture.有适度的或平衡的湿度特性。
8.On the Applicability of Tourism Impact Attitude Scale in China论旅游影响态度尺度在我国的适用性
9.For varying cutting depths and interrupted cutting.适合变化的切削深度和适合间断性切割。
10.Land eco-economical suitability evaluation based on niche fitness;基于生态位适宜度的土地生态经济适宜性评价
11.adaptive colour shift适应性色位移(色度学用语)
12.The material must be moderately coherent and firm.材料必须有适度的粘着力和坚固性。
13.The adaptable Indian rhino is intermediate in size.适应性强的印度犀牛是中等体型的。
14.His habitual expression was one of mild puzzlement.他的习惯性表情是一种适度的困惑。
15.Wide adaptability to tool shank accuracy.对被夹刀柄的精度要求一般,适应性强。
16.Study on the Feasibility of SWAT Model on Small Scale Basin;SWAT模型小尺度流域模拟的适宜性研究
17.The adptability of M.nipponense to salinity and pH;日本沼虾对盐度和pH适应性的研究
18.Evaluation of SRTM DEMs Accuracy and Investigation on It s Applicability;SRTM DEM的精度评价及其适用性研究

1.On the Appropriateness of the Legal Norms of Securities Private Placement;试论证券私募发行规范的适度性
2.Therefore,the appropriateness of citizen participation in public decision making should become an important issue in the research on citizen participation.事实决策中,匮乏的公民参与和过度的公民参与都是不可取的,因此,公共决策中公民参与适度性应成为公民参与研究的一个重要问题。
3.A criminal suspect has the obligation of bearing investigation,which should abide by the principle of appropriateness and the principle of procedural non-action.犯罪嫌疑人负有忍受侦查的义务,但对其课以义务时应遵循适度性原则和程序性不作为义务原则。
1.As a result of the change of income distribution pattern, more and more researches are focus on the suitability on income difference.收入分配格局的变化使得收入差距的适度性成为当前收入分配研究的焦点,为此国内外学者对收入差距的适度性进行了不懈的探索,但其研究结论却是见仁见智。
2.Focusing on the judgment of proper disciplinary treatment of the university students,this paper proposes suitability of the judgment rules in multidimensional view of law,education and sociology,so as to provide referable criteria for the solution and proper execution of disciplinary treatment.围绕大学生违纪处分适度性判断,从法学、教育学和社会学的多维视角进行了考察和界定,提出了适度性的判断原则,为处分适度性的对策研究和处分权的适度行使提供了借鉴和参考依据。
1.Based on the theories of social security level and optimal level model,the paper analyzes the expenditure level of social security benefits in Gansu province,and basically concludes that the whole social security level is low but tends to be optimal.本文应用社会保障理论与适度水平测算模型,对甘肃省社会保障支出水平的适度性问题进行了系统分析,得出基本结论,社会保障水平偏低但正在趋于适度,并在此基础上分析了甘肃省社会保障水平正在逐步趋于适度的原因并提出相应政策建议。
2.Based on the theories of social security level and optimal level model, the paper analyzes the expenditure level of social security benefits in North east China, and basically concludes that the whole social security level is low and out of place in its structure.本文应用社会保障水平理论与适度水平测算模型 ,对东北三省社会保障支出水平的适度性问题进行了系统分析 ,得出基本结论即保障水平偏低且结构不合理。
3.An optimal foreign exchange reserves is a combination of appropriate total reserves and suitable composition, both of which determine the efficiency of foreign exchange reserves.外汇储备的适度性体现为规模适度和结构合理两个方面。
5)moderately rational适度理性
1.As far as the cultural systems of the Shui people are concerned, the Shui script acts a crucial part, around which the moderately rational of the Shui people came into being.在水族文化体系中,水书处于极其重要的位置,并使水族人的经济活动表现为一种适度理性的经济行为。
6)Appropriate modernity适度现代性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-