1.From Centralization to Decentralization——The Evolution of Power and Responsibility in Japanese Urban Planning and Some Thoughts on It;从中央集权走向地方分权——日本城市规划事权的演变与启示
2.Zhang Si-zhao was the remarkable representative of "the Decentralization Party" in 1912 or so, who not only advocated the idea of decentralization but also formed the basic theory of state Structure.在中央集权论与地方分权论的斗争中,他以此为武器,批判专制主义中央集权统治,维护资产阶级民主政治。

1.advocating centralization.提倡中央集权主义的人。
2.Concentration of power and authority in a central organization, as in a political system.中央集权制权力与权威集中于一个中央组织,如在政治制度上
3.a government with strong central powers.拥有较强的中央集权的政府。
4.the unwieldy bureaucracy of centralized government中央集权政府动转不灵的官僚体制.
5.On The Book of Shang Yang and Thought of Centralized Country Construction;《商君书》对中央集权制国家的建构思想
6.HONG Xiu-quan and Centralization of Authority in Post Taiping Heavenly Kingdom;洪秀全与太平天国后期的中央集权
7.centralized control of emergency relief efforts; centralized government.对紧急事件救济工作的集中控制;中央集权政府。
8.Probing into the Rationality of Centralism - regionalism Composite System of Our Country;试论我国中央集权——地方分权混合体制的合理性
9.On the Central and local Power in the Han and Tang Dynasties;从汉州唐道的设置看中央集权与地方分权
10.The Establishment of Centralized Power during Legalization of Private Ownership of land;土地私有合法化进程中的中央集权政体的确立
11.a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government.与联邦政府形式相对的中央集权政府形式。
12.Cause Analyzes of Centralization System s Disintegration Rapidly of Qin Dynasty;秦朝中央集权制度迅速瓦解之原因探析
13.A Study of the Salt Taxing System by the Centralization of State Power in Early Republic of China;民国初期建立食盐中央集权征税制述论
14.Central-local Relationship as Two Classifications under Unitary State System--On developing balance under China s centralized central-local relationship;单一制下中央地方关系体制应作两类划分——我国中央集权式中央地方关系的动态平衡
15.China is governed by a form of authoritarianism but it is a decentralised one.中国奉行中央集权主义统治方式,但事实上权力分散。
16.Integration through a database management system requires a central authority for the database.用过数据库管理系统的集成要求数据库的一个中央集权
17.characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control.以行使绝对的和中央集权控制的政治权力的政府为特点。
18.drawn toward a center or brought under the control of a central authority.向中央集中或者置于中央权力的控制之下。

centralization of authority中央集权
1.The gist of these systems is enhancement centralization of authority.它一直体现的是加强中央集权及专制君主对地方的完全控
2.The Song Dynasty has civil political view, high centralization of authority, perfect imperial examination, which are the three reasons for its welldevelopment of civil service system.宋代文治的政治主张、高度的中央集权、完备的科举制度是其得以充分发展的三大原因。
1.Putin took centralism as a policy to run the country after he was in power.普京就任总统后,把加强中央集权制作为重要治国方针。
4)centralization of state power中央集权
6)The Policy of Recentralization中央再集权
