1.In this article,by reviewing the policy of Eisenhower toward the First Taiwan Strait Crisis,the author examines the true intention of the American government,and concludes that Eisenhower s policy toward Taiwan Strait was inevitably struck into a dilemma because of its limited moderation.通过考察第一次台海危机期间艾森豪威尔政府的对台政策及对中美关系的看法,着重分析其时艾政府对台推行"适度"政策的真实意图及所要达到的目标,并由此而得出结论:艾森豪威尔的适度政策由于一系列条件的限制必然陷入困境。
2.Through visiting to America,it was found that many experiences about the moderation,the standard and the efficiency of the education managements of university students in America can be referenced by us.笔者通过访美考察发现,美国在高等学校学生教育管理的适度、规范及效率等方面有许多经验值得我们学习。
3.To better serve and perfect the body,a moderation of decoration is to be achieved,so harmony,moderation,and value are the main factors of decorative art.协调性、适度性、价值体现就是装饰艺术的几个重要因素。

1.optimal arousal level theory适度兴奋论适度兴奋论
2.eat and drink in moderation饮食适度 [不过度]
3.Drink moderately, love moderately, live moderately: everything in moderation.喝得适度,爱得适度,生活得适度:一切都不过度。
4.seemly conduct, modesty适度的举止、 谦虚
5.being or growing in or adapted to a moderately moist environment.生长在或适宜生长在适度潮湿的环境。
6.Yoga teaches us control, moderation, and timing.瑜伽教我们控制,适度、适时地控制。
7.He believed in temperance in all things.他认为凡事都要适度
8.The trade union make a moderate claim.工会提出适度要求。
9.Eat in measure and defy the doctor.吃得适度,不找大夫。
10.a speech urging moderation.极力主张适度的讲演
11.moderation in eating and drinking.在吃喝上适度,不浪费。
12.make very modest demands提出非常适度的要求
13.maintain an appropriate rapid economic growth保持经济适度快速增长
14.A relatively tight monetary policy适度从紧的货币政策
15.Appropriate growth was seen in money supply.货币供应量适度增长。
16.moderately tight financial policy适度从紧的财政政策
17.workable moisture(型砂的)适合湿度
18.denture adaptability托牙接合度, 义齿适合度

1.Preliminary Study on Flue-cured Tobacco with Moderate Scale Planting in South Anhui Tobacco Area;皖南烟区烤烟适度规模种植的研究
2.So further expanding the capacity of higher education moderately in China is imperative in future,which is not only the external background of building a well-off society,but also the inherent requirements of people accepting higher education,furthermore,is the realistic foundation of China s rapi.今后我国高等教育进一步适度扩量势在必行,这既有全面建设小康社会的外在背景,又有人民群众接受高等教育的内在要求,更有我国高等教育近年来快速发展的现实基础。
3.Asking in class should be proper and moderate,and face all of the students and mobilize the students positive factors.课堂提问是语文教学中不可或缺的一个重要环节,语文教师要注重课堂提问,提问应适时、适度,应面向全体学生,调动学生的积极性,对学生的答问应作出客观的评价,充分发挥好课堂提问的效能。
3)moderate degree适度
1.In accordance with the modern idea of city design, together with the local situation, it puts forwand a design rule which has developing, appropriate and easy way to be handed.介绍了江西省抚州市的城市设计实施方案与规划设计特点,并根据当代城规新理念结合当地的特点,提出了动态、适度以及便于操作的城市设计原则。
2.To completely build a "Xiaokang Society " in China,an appropriate universal-type social welfare system is a fundamental requirement.适度普惠型社会福利制度是全面建设小康社会的要求。
3.It was put forward that the embodiment of the sense of Chinese style is not only externality,which is Abstract,transformation and application,but also is the describing of the spirit with particular shapes,proportion,color,and material,to construct harmonious and appropriate art.从中国传统审美观念对中国人审美潜意识的影响入手,提出"中国风"造型味道的体现不仅是那些外在的,对某些元素符号的抽象变形或再应用,更是构建在"和谐"与"适度"基础之上,由"中国传统审美观念"所引发并隐藏于"审美潜意识"之中的,对某些特定的形态、比例、色彩、材质等喜好的描述。
1.On the appropriateness and over-correctness in ideological and political work;谈思想政治工作适度与过正的关系
2.The Appropriateness in the Human-ization of the Propaganda in Jurisdiction;适度的宣传,积极地引导,充分发挥舆论导向作用和舆论监督作用,是宣传司法人性化的必由之路。
6)optimum temperature最适温度
1.A microcalorimetric study of the optimum temperature of a starch enzymatic catalyzed reaction;淀粉酶催化反应的最适温度的微量量热法
2.Quantitative relationship of characteristic sequence and optimum temperature of xylanases in G/11 family;G/11家族木聚糖酶特征序列与其最适温度定量关系的研究
3.A uniform design based neural network model for amino acid composition and optimum temperature of alcohol dehydrogenase;乙醇脱氢酶氨基酸组成和最适温度均匀设计的神经网络模型
