1.Decentralization and balance of legal person s governance structure is one of the basic principles to be followed in the establishment of the enterprise governance structure.法人治理结构分权制衡是公司治理结构设置的基本原则;而目前部分国有企业在公司治理结构方面还存在一些问题,突出表现为分权与制衡的关系处置不当。
2.Then we can found it is necessary to moderately balance State sovereignty of international tax power.国际税权的国家主权性是产生国际间恶性税收竞争和国际逃避税的根源,要解决国际税收领域内这两大问题,有必要深入研究和借鉴关税自主权让渡的历史经验,对国际税权的国家主权性进行适度制衡,减少行使国际税权的负外部效应,最终实现世界各国共赢。
3.It concludes that separating the power of administration and legislation may balance the distribution of power.文章试图从权力互控、制衡与民主行使的分权精髓出发,阐述行政立法监督制度的完善,指出行政权与立法权的划分并相互融合使行政权混入立法权的一些因素,是其中任意部门不能掌握所有权力,并形成利益的分殊,进而通过权力本身的分野而达到平衡的状态。

1.The balance of terror has replaced the balance of power.恐惧的制衡已经取代了强权的制衡
2.On the Check and Balance of the Peasants Profit System in the First Thirty Years of New China;论建国后30年农民利益获得机制的制衡与失衡
3.The Balancing Mechanism Between Political Reform and Power;试谈政治体制改革与权力的制衡机制
4.Stake-balance Mechanism off and Government Regulation up in the Development and Conservation of Tourism Resources旅游资源开发与保护中的制衡机制失衡与政府规制优化
5.Check-on-power mechanism in the corporate governance of state-owned coal mines;国有煤矿治理结构中的权力制衡机制
6.Balance development of NBA and the inspiration to CBA;NBA的制衡机制及其对CBA的启示
7.Study on the Ultimate Control,Balance Power of Shareholder and Company Value;最终控制、权力制衡和公司价值研究
8.apothecaries' weight(重量单位) 药衡制
9.apothecaries' measure(容积单位) 药衡制
10.Of or belonging to the British Imperial System of weights and measures.度量衡英制的度量衡英制的或属于度量衡英制的
11.any of the unit of the troy system of weights.任何金衡制重量单位。
12.balanced modulator hybrids平衡调制器混合微电路
13.phase indicator balancing control相位指示器平衡控制
14.automatic subcarrier balance control自动副载波平衡控制
15.marine hydraulic control balance valve船用液压控制平衡阀
16.Metrication Committee度量衡十进制委员会
17.Research on the Swing-Up and Balance Control of AcrobotAcrobot起摆与平衡控制研究
18.Theoretical and test studies on balance control of EPB shields土压平衡盾构平衡控制理论及试验研究

checks and balances制衡
1.The separation,checks and balances of powers is an important theory of Western political science,and it is the basis of the separation of powers theory.分权制衡是西方政治学的重要理论,是"三权分立"思想的基础。
2.To realize the balance state,however,seperation of powers and checks and balances are effectual methods.而要实现这种平衡,分权制衡便是一种有效的手段。
3.constitution includes four substantive proceedings, that is, seperation of powers and checks and balances proceeding, federation proceed ing, supremacy and governed government proceeding and implementing judicial exam ination proceeding.笔者认为美国宪法包含四个实质性程序,即分权与制衡程序、联邦制程序,强力且受控政府程序和贯彻司法审查原则的程序。
1.On literati and officialdom s restriction of imperial power during the middle and late years of the Eastern Han Dynasty;论东汉中后期士大夫对皇权的制衡
2.Commencing at the end of Rex period and maturing in the mid Repulic,the power restriction mechanism of ancient Roman Republic played a tremendously important role in the stability and prosperity of ancient Roman Republic,meanwhile,served as a precious legacy which the Roman left to their posterity in the aspect of intelligence and institution,it had great influence on later ages.古罗马共和国的权力制衡发轫于王政末期,在共和国中期趋于成熟。
3.Nevertheless, in the process of establishing anti-monopoly institutions, it should not only stress on the independence of anti-monopoly institution, but also on the restriction for the power of anti-monopoly institution.而在反垄断机构的建立中 ,不能仅仅强调反垄断机构的独立性 ,因为在一个广泛联系的社会中不可能有纯粹的“独立” ,还必须注重对反垄断机构权力的制衡
4)Check and balance制衡
1.This article discusses the inevitability of the existence of the Supervisory Board as a check and balance organ under the guide of modern corporate governance theory; discloses that self government of private law and the check and balance principles are the two legal foundations of establishment of the corp.本文以现代公司治理结构理论为指导 ,论证了监事会作为公司制衡机构存在的客观必然性 ;揭示了私法自治原则和分权制衡原则是公司监察制度确立的两大法律基石 ;最后 ,本文运用社会学结构功能理论分析了公司监察制度在治理结构中的特有功能。
5)balance mechanism制衡机制
1.State owned enterprise governance's counterbalance mechanism research国有企业公司治理的制衡机制研究
2.Although New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme greatly differs from Rural Cooperative Medical System before, reasonable compensation mechanism and effective balance mechanism are necessary to ensure self-operation.新型农村合作医疗与以往的合作医疗相比虽有较大不同,但确保其自动运行,还需要合理的补偿机制和有效的制衡机制。
3.The important measures to improve the quality of accounting information include establishing relevant balance structure of accounting powers,implementing efficient balance mechanism of business accounting such as balance of institutions,balance of evidence,balance of auditing,and responsibility balance incentive mechanism.会计信息质量问题是一个亟待解决的重要问题,会计信息产生的基础是会计核算,建立有关会计核算权力的制衡结构,实施有效的会计核算的制衡机制,包括制度制衡、证据制衡、审计制衡、责任追究制衡激励机制,是提高会计信息质量的重要措施。
6)restrict-balance mechanism制衡机制
1.Through the analysis of clientage chains and mandate relationship of project cost auditing, the paper elaborates the possible problem of agent and the restrict-balance mechanism of mandatory, and some suggestions have been given to perfect the management system of entrustment auditing to government project cost.通过对工程投资控制手段之一的工程造价审计的委托代理链以及其委托代理关系的分析,分别对各级代理人可能存在的代理问题以及委托人可能采取的制衡机制进行了阐述,进而提出了有助于完善政府投资工程造价委托审计管理体制的建议。
2.Using the methods of literature and interviewing investigations, and from the angle of balancing the rights and profits of different subjects of NBA, it demonstrated the definition, function, structure, classification of the restrict-balance mechanism of NBA and mutual relationships among them, and then constructed the complete picture of the theory of the mechanism of NBA.运用文献资料、面访调查法,从均衡NBA各主体权与利的角度,论述了NBA制衡机制的定义、功能、结构、分类及其相互间的关系,进而构建NBA制衡机制理论的全貌。

磁耦合机制和沙兹曼机制  解释太阳系角动量特殊分布的两种理论。太阳质量占太阳系总质量的99.8%以上,但其角动量(动量矩)却只占太阳系总角动量的1%左右,而质量仅占0.2%的行星和卫星等天体,它们的角动量却占99%左右。太阳系角动量的这种特殊分布,是太阳系起源研究中的一个重要问题。1942年,阿尔文提出一种"磁耦合机制"。他认为,太阳通过它的磁场的作用,把角动量转移给周围的电离云,从而使由后者凝聚成的行星具有很大的角动量。他假定原始太阳有很强的偶极磁场,其磁力线延伸到电离云并随太阳转动。电离质点只能绕磁力线作螺旋运动,并且被磁力线带动着随太阳转动,因而从太阳获得角动量。太阳因把角动量转移给电离云,自转遂变慢了。    1962年,沙兹曼提出另一种通过磁场作用转移角动量的机制,称为沙兹曼机制。他认为,太阳(恒星)演化早期经历一个金牛座T型变星的时期,由于内部对流很强和自转较快,出现局部强磁场和比现今太阳耀斑强得多的磁活动,大规模地抛出带电粒子。这些粒子也随太阳磁场一起转动,直到抵达科里奥利力开始超过磁张力的临界距离处,它们一直从太阳获得角动量。由于临界距离达到恒星距离的量级,虽然抛出的物质只占太阳质量的很小一部分,但足以有效地把太阳的角动量转移走。沙兹曼也用此机制解释晚于F5型的恒星比早型星自转慢的观测事实。晚于F5型的恒星,都有很厚的对流区和很强的磁活动,通过抛出带电粒子转移掉角动量,自转因而变慢。然而早于F5型的恒星,没有很厚的对流区,没有损失角动量,因而自转较快。