1.The Impacts of IRB on the Macroeconomic Performance:from a Procyclicality Perspective;新资本协议内部评级法对宏观经济运行的影响:亲经济周期效应研究
2.Utilize IRB to Manage Credit Risk of China Commercial Banks;利用内部评级法管理我国商业银行信用风险
3.The Application of IRB in Banking Risk Management;内部评级法在银行风险管理中的应用

1.The Research of IRB Applied in the Credit Risk Rating System of CCB;内部评级法在建设银行信用评级中的应用研究
2.The Application of IRB in Banking Risk Management;内部评级法在银行风险管理中的应用
3.Study on Internal Ratings-Based Approach in the Bank of China;我国银行实施内部评级法的策略探讨
4.Localization of Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) Approach by Domestic Commercial Banks;内部评级法在国内商业银行实施的本土化研究
5.The Measurement of LCD in IRB Approach;内部评级法中违约损失率的度量方法研究
6.The IRB Approach of Policy Bank under the New Basle Accord新巴塞尔协议下政策性银行的内部评级法研究
7.Research on the Internal Ratings Based Approach of the New Basel Accord巴塞尔新资本协议下的内部评级法研究
8.Challenges and the Relevant Countermeasures for Domestic Banks to Implement IRB Approach我国银行业实施内部评级法的挑战与对策
9.Analysis and Relevant Demonstration on IRB Approach in New Basel Capital Accord;新巴塞尔协议内部评级法探析及相关实证
10.The Applied Research of the Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB) in China s Commercial Banks;内部评级法在我国商业银行的应用研究
11.The Research on Pricing Method of Commercial Bank s Loan Based on Internal Rating-Based Approaches (IRB);基于内部评级法(IRB)的商业银行贷款定价研究
12.The Guidance and Effect of the IRB to the Banking of China;内部评级法对中国银行业的指导和影响
13.Opening up the Dark Box of Internal Rating Methodology:Hypothesis,Simulation and Regulatory Practice;打开内部评级法的黑箱:假设、模拟与监管实践
14.Utilize IRB to Manage Credit Risk of China Commercial Banks;利用内部评级法管理我国商业银行信用风险
15.The Feasibility Analysis on Implement of the Internal Rating Method in the Chinese Banking Industry;中国银行业实施内部评级法的可行性分析
16.Internal-Rating Based Methodology of Credit Risk:Chances and Challenges in a Changing World;信用风险内部评级法:变革中的机遇与挑战
17.Calculation of probability of default(PD) and loss given default(LGD) of internal ratings-based(IRB) approach;内部评级法中违约概率与违约损失率的测度
18.IRB Approach and Credit Risk Management in China Commercial Bank;内部评级法与我国商业银行信用风险管理

Internal ratings-based approach内部评级法
1.This paper briefly introduces the standard approach and internal ratings-based approach which are used to manage credit risk in the New Basel Accord, and proposes some inspirations to banking system of China,such as changing management values,improving the internal rating system,building China s modern risk management model,etc.新巴塞尔协议中对信用风险管理包括标准法和内部评级法
2.Since the announcement of the New Basel Capital Accord,there is increasing (?)umber of countries and regions adopting the capital supervision system based on new accord,most of which choose the Internal Ratings-Based Approach(IRB).自2004年巴塞尔新资本协议公布以来,实施以新资本协议为基础的资本监管制度的国家和地区日益增多,其中绝大多数国家的商业银行选择实施内部评级法
3)the Internal Ratings-Based Approach内部评级法
1.The New Basel Capital Accord is a completely new capital framework of which one of the greatest innovation is the Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB) that is designed to calculate capital requirement for credit risk.巴塞尔新资本协议作为一个全新的监管资本管理框架,最主要的创新之一是提出了计算信用风险监管资本要求的内部评级法
4)IRB Approach内部评级法
1.In developed countries, the establishment of the New Basel Capital Accord, especially the Internal ratings—based approaches(IRB approach) provides a more comprehensive guidance for global bank credit ris.国际上,新巴塞尔协议于2004年6月的正式出台,尤其是内部评级法的引入,为全球商业银行的风险管理提出了一个更为全面的指导原则。
2.The IRB approach is a method which is raised by The Basel Committee in the New Basle Accord to allow banks measure their credit risk by using their internal historical data.内部评级法是新巴塞尔协议提出的衡量信用风险的一种方法,该方法允许银行使用自己的内部数据测算其信用风险,这可以使高风险管理水平的银行以同样的资本开展更多的业务。
3.However, there is procyclical effects on capital requirements derived from IRB, that is, IRB approach will generate large swings in regulatory capital requirements, then amplify the credit cycle and economic cycle.本文在分析内部评级顺周期模式的基础上,探讨了我国银行内部评级顺周期效应的表现,指出:我国银行采用内部评级法存在着顺周期效应,有必要实施压力测试来削弱这一影响;监管当局应研究出台相关政策削弱内部评级的顺周期影响,以稳定金融体系;货币当局应注意观察实施内部评级法后银行行为的变化,监测信贷周期和经济周期的波动;要稳定金融体系,夯实资本基础是关键。
5)Internal Rating Based Approach内部信用评级法
6)internal rating内部评级
1.The paper studies about the credit rating questions in the New Basle Capital Accord including internal rating and external rating, facility rating and issuer rating, as well as the relations between loan classification and facility rating.《新巴塞尔资本协议》已经定稿,本文就新资本协议中涉及的信用评级问题进行了一些探讨,其中包括内部评级、外部评级、债项评级和发行人评级,同时还讨论了现行的贷款分类与债项评级之间的关系,探究了贷款分类的理论依据,提出了将贷款分类向贷款评级过渡的办法。
2.The internal rating of the bank is the basis of the IRB.内部评级是由银行专门的风险评估人员、运用一定的评级方法,对借款人或交易对手按时、足额履行相关合同的能力和意愿进行综合评价,并用简单的评级符号表示信用风险的相对大小。
3.Based on the request of Approaches computation capital in the internal rating of the New Accord, the basal construction is proposed about the commercial bank interior rating system.基于在新协议中内部评级法计算资本金的要求,对商业银行内部评级体系的构建提出了一个基本框架。

内部经济和内部不经济内部经济和内部不经济  【内部经济和内部不经济】用以反映当一个生产单位扩大规模时由内部因素引起的收益变化状况的一对概念。 内部经济是指一个生产单位在扩大经营规模时由自身内部所引起的收益的增加。由于经营规模的扩大,企业内部可以实行更加精细的分工,降低管理人员的比重,购买大型的高效率的生产设备,充分利用副产品,减少购销费用,这些都会使企业的平均生产成本下降,使收益增加的幅度大于规模扩大的幅度,从而产生内部经济。 与内部经济相反的是内部不经济。内部不经济是指一个生产单位在扩大经营规模时,由自身内部所引起的收益的下降。由于规模过大使得管理不便、管理效率降低,内部通讯联系费用增加,需要增设购销机构,这些都有可能使生产过程呈现规模收益递减的特征,收益增加的幅度小于规模扩大的幅度,平均生产成本上升,造成内部不经济。