1.It will cause overreaction and underreaction.本文介绍了投资者过度自信理论,说明了导致投资者过度自信的原因,分析投资者过度自信对金融市场交易量、市场效率、波动性和投资者预期效用的影响,指出了由于投资者的过度自信特征导致了市场的反应过度和反应不足。
2.Speed of adjustment of stock prices towards information will provide a directive measure of the degrees of under and overreaction in financial markets.价格对信息调整的速度提供了一种直接衡量金融市场反应不足或反应过度的程度,进而检验市场有效性的方法。
3.The results show that in the short term,the information feedback of institution investors is ra- tional and the great overreaction of individual investors push the whole market into the irrational condition.实证研究发现,在短期内,机构投资者对信息的反应相对理性,而个体投资者更为强烈的反应过度将整个市场推向过度反应的非理性状态;在中长期内,个人投资者逐渐走向理性,而机构投资者由于对新信息存在一个反馈调整的渐近过程,在其主导下,市场整体表现出反应不足。

1.In other words, a person's immune system overreacts and produces an allergic reaction.换句话说,一个人的免疫系统反应过度并产生了过敏反应。
2.Who Overreacts and Who Underreacts? Analysis on the Relationship between the Investor s Heterogeneity and Return Time-series Predictability;谁反应过度,谁反应不足——投资者异质性与收益时间可预测性分析
3.Prospect Theory,Overreaction and Underreaction;基于展望理论的证券市场反应过度和反应不足研究
4."Overreaction" and "Underreaction": An Empirical Research on the Chinese Stock Market“反应过度”与“反应不足”及其在中国市场的表现和成因研究
5.Research on Asset Under-reaction and Over-reaction from Categorical Thinking Angle;从类型思维角度探讨资产过度反应与反应不足
6.a chemical reaction and its reverse proceed at equal rates.化学反应与它的逆反应以相同速度进行的过程。
7.Experimental Analysis of the Short Time Overreact and Underreact of A Shares in Stock Market of China;中国A股市场短期过度反应与反应不足实证研究
8.Empirical Study on Overreaction and Underreaction of Shanghai Stock Exchange s A Shares;沪市A股过度反应和反应不足的实证研究
9.Overconfidence & Study on Overreaction in China Stock Market;过度自信心理研究及中国股市过度反应检验
10.Too high of a surface temperature will result in a silicon nitride reaction.表面温度过高容易导致硅、氮发生反应。
11.Overreaction, Noise Trading and Security Investment Strategy;过度反应、噪音交易与证券投资策略
12.Overreaction in Native Stock Market and Its Endogenous Mechanism;我国股市的过度反应现象及形成机理
13.The Empirical and Experimental Study on Stock Market Overreaction;股票市场过度反应的实证与实验研究
14.Overshooting:An Expression to the Deflationary Expansion in China;过度反应:中国经济“缩长”之解释
15.Study on Asymmetry of Overreaction in China’s Security Markets;中国证券市场过度反应非对称性研究
16.Empirical study on the behaviour of the spread overreaction in Chinese bond market;中国债券市场利差过度反应实证研究
17.The Research on China's Stock Market Overreaction under Asymmetric Information信息不对称下我国股市过度反应研究
18.slow reacting substance anaphylaxis过敏反应迟缓反应物质

1.An Overview of Under-reaction and Over-reaction;反应不足与反应过度研究综述
2.Suppose that investors can be defined with three kinds: informed trader, under-reaction trader and over-reaction trader; all traders use Bayesian principle to modify their prior distributions.研究了一类信息不对称结构下的资本资产定价模型及投资策略问题,并假设金融市场只存在3类投资者:知情交易者、反应不足交易者和反应过度交易者,对每类投资者运用贝叶斯法则修正先验概率。
1.Overreaction in China Stock Market: Empirical Study in the Whole Bull and Bear Period;中国股票市场过度反应行为:完整牛市和熊市周期中的实证
2.A mathematical model of data mining for overreaction;对过度反应现象进行数据挖掘的数学模型
3.An Empirical Study on Overreaction, Price Limit and Liquidityin the Natural Rubber Futures Market;上海天胶期市的过度反应、涨跌停板与流动性的实证研究
1.Empirical Study on Overreaction and Underreaction of Shanghai Stock Exchange s A Shares;沪市A股过度反应和反应不足的实证研究
2.Experimental Analysis of the Short Time Overreact and Underreact of A Shares in Stock Market of China;中国A股市场短期过度反应与反应不足实证研究
3.In the case study of the SZZINDEX and the SZCINDEX,this paper find affinanity in our countray stock market,and analysis and compare the two stock markets price behavior,such as overreaction.本文通过上证综指和深证成指的实证研究发现了存在其中的多仿射特性 ,并进一步定量地分析比较了两个股票市场中的价格波动行为 ,如过度反应现象 ,从而得出了一些对我国股票市场发展有益的启示和建议。
1.It shows that investors over-reaction is the main reason for the IPO underpricing in our A price market.研究表明,投资者的过度反应是我国A股市场IPO高抑价的主要原因。
2.So theoretically, there is not any “over-reaction” or “under-reaction” for the stock price.理论上,就不存在价格对于信息的过度反应或反应不足。
3.The other way is the over-reaction hypothesis of behavioral finance, using the model of DeBondt and Thaler to test where does the extra return of value stocks and glamour stocks come from.最后用用两种方法来检验价值股的超额收益来源,一种是标准金融学的风险补偿假说,即运用传统的CAPM模型来检验价值股组合与成长股组合的风险情况;另一种是行为金融学的过度反应假说,即运用DeBondt和Thaler的过度反应模型来检验价值股与成长股的超额收益来源。

过度反应当期收入变化所导致的消费变化将大大超过当期收入变化引起PV/LR变化所导致的消费变化 Excess Sensitivity