1.Analysis on the Effect of Export-oriented Trade Strategy of China;我国出口导向型贸易战略的效应分析
2.Over the past two decades,the export-oriented strategy of foreign trade adopted in China has shown more and more defects,which can be solved only by adopting an import-oriented strategy of foreign trade.在中国实行了20多年的出口导向型战略暴露出了越来越多的弊端,以开放式的进口贸易替代战略取而代之实现中国对外贸易的战略转型,是当前中国对外贸易亟待解决的问题。
3.However, at present time, the export-oriented economic development strategy, which has been implemented for years, is confronted with g more and more internal resistance as well as that from abroad, for which China has paid an increasingly high cost for economic deve.出口导向战略作为一个国家或地区在经济起飞阶段的指导战略是行之有效的,但具有一定的时代性和阶段性。

1.export-led industrial structure出口导向型产业结构
2.Comparison of the Import Substitution Strategy and the Export Guidance Strategy;进口替代战略和出口导向战略之比较
3.Analysis on the Effect of Export-oriented Trade Strategy of China;我国出口导向型贸易战略的效应分析
4.Labor, Demography, and the Export-oriented Growth Model in China劳动力、人口和中国出口导向的增长模式
5.Adjustment in China s Trade Strategy;从出口导向到内需主导:我国外贸战略的调整
6.From Export-Oriented to Domestic-Demand Dominant: Reflections and Transformations of China s Economic Development Strategy;从出口导向到内需主导——中国外向型经济发展战略的反思及转变
7.China's economics growth so far can not be considered as sheer export-led;中国的经济增长并不是完全意义上的出口导向
8.A Study on Realize the Transformation of Export-Oriented Growth Mode in China;我国出口导向型发展模式的调整及其对策研究
9.An Reflection and Readjustment of China s Export-oriented Development Strategy;中国出口导向型工业发展战略的反思与调整
10.The Research about Linkage Reform between Export-Leading Strategy and China s Exchange Rate System;出口导向战略与我国汇率制度联动改革研究
11.Test of the Hypothesis of Export-Led Growth in China Based on VAR Model;基于VAR模型的中国出口导向经济增长假说检验
12.Crowding-out Effect of Income,Shortage of Labor Force and the Transformation of Export-led Growth Mode;收入挤压、农民工短缺与出口导向增长方式转型
13.The Experience of Export Orientation Strategy of Southeast Asia and Its Inspiration to China;东南亚出口导向战略的经验和对中国的启示
14.To Re-think of China s Export-oriented Strategy within the Frame of Internal & External Equilibrium;内外均衡框架下对中国出口导向战略的反思
15.The Efficiency of Subsidizing Domestic Export-oriented Oligopoly s RRC Strategy;扶持我国出口导向企业实施RRC战略的理论依据
16.The Export-Oriented Strategy、Double Key Bubbles and Reforming Exchange Rate System in China;出口导向战略、双核心泡沫与中国汇率制度改革
17.Applicable Analysis on the Hypothesis of Export Oriented Economic Increase in China;我国出口导向型经济增长假说的适用性分析
18.The Implementation of Export-oriented Development Strategy for Industrialization and Its Effect on the Philippines;试析菲律宾出口导向型工业化发展战略

export orientation出口导向
1.From the theory as is stated above,by rethinking the development process of Taiwan Economy in recent 60 years,it can be found that being the fundamental components of the East Asian Innovation System,export orientation and government role have been important from the beginning to end.以此理论视角重新审视60年来台湾经济发展的过程可以看出,作为东亚模式创新体系基本要素的"出口导向"、"政府作用"等始终发挥着重要作用,只是在时空背景发生巨大变化时,台湾当局没有进行相应的调整与变革,甚至反向作为,才使得台湾经济发生了由"奇迹"到"困境"的演变过程。
2.From a historical standpoint,export orientation with foreign capital dominance in the period of reform and opening up is a negation of the passive import substitution in the period of planned economy.历史地看,改革开放时期的外资主导型的出口导向,是对计划经济时期的被动型进口替代的否定。
1.The shortage of labor force in the southeast coast area has close relevance with the export-led growth model based on low-cost advantage.我国东南沿海地区持续的民工短缺与建立在低成本优势基础上的出口导向增长方式紧密相关。
2.The Indian software industry developed at great speed is characterized by an export-led and human capital intensive industry.从产业特点来看,飞速发展的印度软件业是出口导向的产业,也是人力资本密集的产业。
4)outlet guide vane出口导向器
1.this unpredictability has given an export-oriented enterprises a lot of risk, any sign of trouble on the exchange market have a bearing on the survival of enterprises, so to understand the exchange rate and to study the exchange rate for exporters have a great significance.因此本文采用了最简单的多元线性回归模型来对以上变量进行研究,首先将所有出口导向型企业整体做一个回归分析,然后再将出口导向型上市公司按照所属行业进行分类,按照不同行业类别对自变量和因变量的关系进行研究,检验汇率风险的影响因素是否具有显著的行业特征。

出口导向  出口导向,是指以生产出口产品来带动本国经济的发展,经济发展主要由国际市场来推动。