1.Discussing the tax planning in the enterprise operation;浅谈企业经营活动中的纳税筹划
2.Research on the Planning of Hunan s Financial Revenue;湖南省财政收入筹划研究

1.I can only advise you how, to go about it."我只能帮你筹划筹划。”
2.The scheme is still on the anvil.这计划尚在筹划中。
3.Operational Research on Tax Planning of Enterprises;企业纳税筹划若干问题的运筹学研究
4.The Research on Tax Planning of Financing Base on Risk Control;风险控制下的企业筹资税收筹划研究
5.She asked about the journey he had planned.她问起他所筹划的旅行。
6.Yes, I agree with Chi-jen that we must have an over-all plan!"当真得通盘筹划一下
7.Who is promoting this Boxing match?谁在筹划这次拳击赛?
8.The start-up you're planning needs Lowrey.你筹划的新公司需要他。
9.I've been planning it for a few months.我已经筹划几个月了。
10.She directed the planning of the festival.她统管节日活动的筹划.
11.They planned out the military campaign.他们筹划了这个战役。
12.The Types of the Tax Design and the Necessity of Practicing the Tax Payment Design;税收筹划的种类及实施纳税筹划的必要性
13.contrive a device, an experiment, a means of escape设计一个装置; 筹划一项实验; 策划逃跑
14.Talking about the Income Tax Design in the Financing Activities of High-tech Enterprise;浅谈高新技术企业筹资活动中的所得税筹划
15.An effective tax plan framework requires that the planner take into consideration all the parties of the transaction, covert tax and non-taxable incomes.有效税收筹划框架要求筹划者在进行税收筹划时考虑交易各方利益、性税收和非税收成本。
16.I think we should try to cultivate a little more respect for our own families and to concern ourselves a little less about Royal Families.我看我们得多给自己的家庭筹划筹划,少替那些王亲国戚操心了。
17.Research On The Firm s Tax Planning--how to cut in the tax planning from the differences of taxation;企业税务筹划研究——如何从税收制度的差异性进行税务筹划
18.Improving Taxation Management and Increasing Capacity of Profit--Discussion on Taxation Management in Geological and Prospecting Enterprises;巧用税收筹划 提高盈利能力——地勘单位税收筹划的几点思考

1.Three Methods of Plan of Individual Emolument Income Tax;个人薪资所得税筹划三法
2.Research on Tax Planning of Jiuguijiu Company Limited;酒鬼酒公司纳税筹划研究
4)planning and preparation筹划
1.The unified planning with due consideration for all concerned is a rare treasure in the work of planning and preparation.统筹兼顾是筹划上不可多得的瑰宝,统筹学是专门研究和实践统筹兼顾规律和方法的学科。
5)Tax Planning税收筹划
1.On Feasibility and Application of Oil Company Tax Planning;石油企业税收筹划可行性研究与应用
2.Research on the tax planning problem of oil-gas field enterprise in our country;中国油气田企业税收筹划问题研究
3.Enterprises income tax planning;企业所得税税收筹划初探
6)Tax planning纳税筹划
1.Research on The Consumption Tax planning of Liquor-making Industry;白酒企业消费税的纳税筹划研究
2.VAT Tax planning of Coal corporation;煤炭企业的增值税纳税筹划
3.Research on tax planning for affiliated enterprises trade;关联企业交易中纳税筹划的研究
