1.The key problem of governance by law is how to achieve it in accordance with constitutionalism.依法执政的关键在于如何以合乎立宪主义的方式去实现“依法执政”。

1.The Constitutionnel was constitutional.《立宪主义者报》是拥护宪政的。
2.Advocacy of such a system.立宪主义拥护这种体制的主张
3.Theoretic Annotation on the Constitutional Regulations of Constitutionalism --And on the Particularity of Chinese Constitutional Regulations;立宪主义宪法规范的法理诠释——兼论中国宪法规范的特殊性
4.The Evolution of Constitutionalism Thoughts in Modern China;近代中国立宪主义思潮的演进——从“五五宪草”到“期成宪草”
5.Why the Constitution is Important:An Analysis Based on the Constitutionalism Theory of Western Dualistic Politics;宪法为什么是重要的?——基于西方“二元政治”的立宪主义原理的解读
6.The Constitutional Order of Government Powers and Citizen Rights--One Observation Angle of Reflecting on Constitutionalism;政府权力与公民权利的宪法秩序——反思立宪主义的一个视角
7.Western Fiscal Constitutionalism and Its Enlightenments;西方财政立宪主义理论及其对中国的启示
8.The model of Soviet constitutionalism established by the Outline is the rudiment constitutionalism of New Democracy in China .它确立的苏维埃宪政模式,是新民主主义宪政的雏形;
9.Constitutional Socialization,Constitutional Culture Building,and Popular Constitutionalism:the Way of Establishing the Principle of the Rule of Constitution;宪法社会化、宪法文化建设与大众宪政主义——政府依宪而治原则的确立途径
10.a constitutional ruler,ie one controlled or limited by a constitution立宪君主(受宪法控制或限制的君主)
11.In polity,He is in favor of constitutionalism and take constitutional monarchy as ideal political system.在政治体制上 ,他主张宪政主义 ,把资产阶级的君主立宪制作为理想的政治制度
12.The Constitutional Monarchy of Hunzland is a tiny, safe nation, renowned for its strong anti-business politics.杭国(主立宪制)是个安全的小国家()以强烈的反商(本主义)策而闻名。
13.The Beneficial Attempt of the New Democratic Constitutional Legislation;新民主主义宪政立法的有益尝试——1946年《哈尔滨市施政纲领》考察
14.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.英国是君主立宪国.
15.Constitutional Guidelines for a Democratic South Africa民主南非立宪指导方针
16.On the Transformation of Hubei Office of Advice and Discussion from Performing Constitutionalism to Participating in the First Uprising of Wuchang论湖北咨议局从主张立宪到参与武昌首义的转变
17.Safeguarding Individual Freedom by Constitutionalist Politics:An Analysis on Core Characteristics of Liberalism in Modern China;以立宪政治保障个人自由——中国近代自由主义本质特征探析
18.Now, however, we have built up a constitutional Party. We have built it up on a socialistic basis.不管怎样,我们现在已经建立了一个立宪党,我们已经把它建立在社会主义的基础之上。

3)English constitutionalism英国立宪主义
4)French constitutionalism法国立宪主义
5)fiscal constitutionalism财政立宪主义
1.Combining the era backgrounds,the paper concludes and expounds on the theory of western fiscal constitutionalism,policy suggestions and its practice in America.本文结合时代背景,对西方财政立宪主义的理论、政策主张及其在美国的实践进行了总结和阐发。
6)Is the Constitutionalism in Asia立宪主义在亚洲
