1.A Survey of Multinational Companies’ Divestment;跨国公司在华投资中的撤资问题分析
2.The Divestment of Foreign Direct Investment in China——An Example of Korea’s Direct Investment;我国外商直接投资中的撤资问题研究——以韩资为例
3.A Survey of Divestment of Foreign-invested Enterprises in Jiangsu江苏外商投资企业撤资问题分析

1.A Survey of Multinational Companies’ Divestment;跨国公司在华投资中的撤资问题分析
2.Study on Multinationals Investments, Disinvestments and Reinvestments in China;跨国公司在华投资、撤资、再投资行为研究
3.On the Impact and the Inducement of Transnational Corporations Divestment in China;跨国公司在华撤资的诱因与影响研究
4.Game analysis of the behavior of governmental officials withdrawal from coal mines capital;公职人员从煤矿撤资行为的博弈分析
5.The Impact of Divestment Acts of Transnational Corporations on International Relations跨国公司撤资行为对国际关系的影响
6.5. Statement on sources of the funds, and Letter of Undertaking promising not to withdraw funds during the approved period;(五)资金来源说明书及批准时间内不撤资承诺函;
7.Analysis of the Abnormal Disinvestment of South Korean Enterprises and South Korea’s Direct Investment in China韩企非正常撤资与韩国对华直接投资分析
8.The Divestment of Foreign Direct Investment in China--An Example of Korea’s Direct Investment;我国外商直接投资中的撤资问题研究——以韩资为例
9.A Study of Abnormal Investment Withdrawal from Foreign Capital Enterprises:A Case Study of Korea Invested Enterprises in China外商投资企业非正常撤资问题探讨——以在华韩国投资企业为例
10.The latest is a boomlet in state laws requiring divestment from Iran.众州议案要求从伊朗撤资的事件成为新的亮点。
11.Withdrawal of capital investment from a company or country.投资减缩从公司或国家撤回资本投资
12.if the operator fails to correct his acts within the limited period, the operator''s qualification for international liner shipping shall be cancelled.逾期不改正的,撤销其经营资格。
13.He has forfeited the right to represent the people.已撤销他代表人民的资格.
14.People are also concerned about the possible withdrawal of foreign capital from Hong Kong.人们还议论香港外资撤走的问题。
15.Empirical Analysis on Withdrawal of Foreign Direct Investment;跨国公司对外直接投资减撤实证分析
16.On Policy Choices for Assets Disposal of Closed Rural Primary and Secondary Schools农村被撤并学校资产处置的政策选择
17.Research of China east & south coastal district foreign capital retreating problem中国东南沿海地区外资撤离问题研究
18.Research into legal problems of abnormal pullout of foreign investment in China我国外资非正常撤离的法律问题研究

funds withdrawing资金撤离
3)voluntary divestment自愿撤资
5)Withdrawal of foreign capital外资撤离
6)right to withdraw the investment撤资权
1.Based on the evaluation about the current legal system,this paper discusses the necessity and the conditions for shareholders to exercise their right to withdraw the investment.《公司法》沿袭了股东不得抽逃出资的立法理念,没有规定股东撤资权,法院一般都驳回股东的撤资请求。

嚫资【嚫资】 (术语)布施之资具物也。