1.Competition and M&A of the Markets in International Paper Chemicals;国际造纸化学品市场的竞争与购并
2.Discussion on Seperation of Demand for Control from Demandfor Surplus and Their Effect on Condition and Area of M&A;控制权与剩余索取权分离及公司购并的可行条件与区域
3.How to Get Trust from Acquired Employees after M&A:A Theoretical Model and Management Tactics;购并后如何建立信任关系:理论模型与管理策略

1.Leverage Buyout杠杆购并 、融资买下
2.Post-merger integration decides the result of enterprise M& A.企业并购后的整合是并购成败的关键。
3.A Study of Resources M&A in the Sixth M&A Surge;第六次并购浪潮中的资源型并购研究
4.Probe into the Merger and Acquisition Symptom of the Immediate Merger and Acquisition;“蛇吞象”式并购易发生的并购症状
5.Analysis on the Effect of Cost on Decision-making of Corporate M&A;并购成本对企业并购决策的作用分析
6.Discuss the Trend of Merger by Buyout among Enterprises--Merger by Buyout Among Famous Enterprises.;浅淡我国企业并购的新趋势——强强并购
7.On Legal Constraint of M&A and Anti-M&A and Choice of Anti-M&A Strategies About Target Firm;并购与反并购的法律约束及目标企业反并购策略选择
8.Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases《公司收购、合并及股份购回守则》
9.He could make a big acquisition or buy back shares.他可能会进行大额并购或者回购股票。
10.Code on Takeovers and Mergers《公司收购及合并守则》
11.We are anxious to be favored with your valued orders.殷盼贵公司惠顾并订购。
12.someone who buys up old horses for slaughter.购买老马并屠杀的人。
13.Await your esteemed favour and orders,殷盼惠示并订购我货。
14.Research on Characteristics of Ultimate Controlling Shareholder of Acquiring Company and Performance of M&A;并购方终极控股股东特征和并购绩效研究
15.Examining the Performance of Public Compangy Acquisitions Based on the Motive for the Acquisiton;基于并购动机的上市公司并购绩效研究
16.The Research for Timing of Proprietary M&A to Public Company;独占并购目标上市公司的并购时机研究
17.An Empirical Exploration into the Chinese Corporations Acquisition and Integration of Multinational Business;我国3C企业的跨国并购与并购整合研究
18.Empirical Study on the Influence of Acquisition Motives to the Performance of Chinese Public Firms;企业并购动机对并购绩效影响的实证研究

1.By concentrating on the tech gain oriented merger between a big firm and a small firm in IT industry, this paper, using the game theory and the risk preferences hypothesis, discussed the merger incentive effect from the difference of the two firms risk aversion tendency.基于 IT产业中以技术获取为导向的“以大吃小”购并活动 ,利用博弈论模型和风险偏好假设对企业购并动机进行了研究 ,探讨了大企业与小企业风险规避倾向的差异对购并动机的影响 。
2.In the light of the tech-gain oriented merger between bigger firm and small firm in IT industry, this paper, using the game theory, discusses the asymmetric information of this kind of merger, and gives the reason of adverse selection and the pre-research of small firms in this kind of mergers.本文是以 IT产业为背景 ,针对以技术获取为导向的大型 IT企业对小企业的购并活动 ,利用博弈论模型对购并中信息不对称问题进行了研究 ,并解释了此类购并市场中逆向选择现象存在的原因及前期开发的意义 ,同时 ,文中就信号传递博弈中分离均衡存在的条件与前期开发成本的关系进行探讨。
3)acquisition and merger购并
4)merger and acquisition购并
1.In order to realize the economic effect of system, with the viewpoint of systems theory, the author analysed the significance of systematic integration, clarified the systematic characteristic of enterprise integration after merger and acquisition, and deeply revealed the relation and coordination between every factor during merger and acquisition.从系统学的角度 ,分析了系统整合的意义 ,阐明了企业购并后整合的系统性特征 ,深刻揭示了整合过程中各个要素的联系与协调 ,以期能实现购并的系统经济效
2.The dissertation totally studies theories concerning about strategy management Based on the fact that the Merger and Acquisition (M&A) strategy comes from the corporate strategy, the dis.论文首先对战略管理相关理论进行了全面的阐述,按购并战略的发展历程分析了企业层次战略,一体化战略与购并战略之间的联系,同时论述了企业实施跨国战略的价值与风险。
1.Evaluating an unlisted company in merging;购并中的非上市企业价值评估
6)merger & acquisition并购
1.Decision About Selecting Between Merger & Acquisition and Strategic Alliance and Revelation to the Enterprises in China;企业并购与战略联盟的决策选择分析及其对我国企业的启示
2.Research on Regulation Constraint of the Merger & Acquisition of Transnational Corporation in China;跨国公司在华并购的法律规制研究

购并  收购吞并简称购并。购并是经济生活中的一种重要现象和企业发展过程中采用的一种重要手段。