1.College Teachers'Dilemma and Effective Adjustment高校教师的两难困境和有效调节
2.This paper presents a comparative study of deci- sion method of managers in dilemma in Chinese state- owned enterprises and private-owned enterprises.本文是对中国国营企业和私营企业管理者的两难困境中决策方法的的比较研究,通过实证研究,了解他们在两难困境中决策方法的相似点和差异性,得出相关有意义的结论。
3.The intense relationship made Chinese liberalists in a dilemma between democracy and strength, doctrine and current situation. 自由主义现代性的普遍主义允诺跟中国近代的特殊语境、时势和求富强赶超式工业化产生巨大的紧张关系,这造成中国自由主义者在民主与富强、主义与时势间的两难困境

1.Aesthetic Dilemma--New Discussion on Wang Zengqi s Essay;审美的两难困境——汪曾祺散文新论
2.The Economics Research on Solving the Dilemma in Power Industry;电力产业化解两难困境的经济学研究
3.The dilemma and transcendence of moral education in the contemporary era当代道德教育中的两难困境及其超越
4.High savings dilemma: Japan's lesson and inspiration高储蓄两难困境:日本的教训及启示
5.The Dilemma of the Theory of Separation of Two Rights in Family Businesses;“两权”分离理论在家族企业中的两难困境
6.Central banks face a dilemma in talking to markets.一谈到市场这些央行面临着一个两难困境
7.Let us run through this supposed dilemma again.让我们重新梳理一下这个假设的两难困境
8.A Dilemma for Culture Development and China s Countermeasures;文化发展的两难困境及我国的应对策略
9.Dilemma of Contribution in PAYGO and the Choice of Policy;社会统筹养老金供给的两难困境与政策选择
10.On Predicament of Value of Social Work;试析社会工作价值选择的两难困境及抉择
11.To get off the horns of this dilemma will not be easy.摆脱这种进退两难的处境是困难的。
12.They say he's in a pretty fix.据说他进退两难(处境困难)。
13.He perspired under his dilemma.他已陷入进退两难的困境。
14.As a matter of fact, she was in a most hopeless quandary.事实上,她正陷入进退两难的困境。
15.He found himself in a dilemma他发现自己处于进退两难的困境。
16.place sb in a dilemma/difficult position/quandary使某人进退两难/处于困境/犹豫不决
17.be in a (great) quandary陷入进退两难的困境,完全束手无策
18.The Realistic Difficulty and Dilemma of the Equity in College Entrance Examination Proposition;高考命题公正的现实困境与两难选择

4)An awkward situation;a predicament.进退两难的处境;困境
5)The Dilemma of Determinism决定论的两难困境
