美元,US Dollar
1)US Dollar美元
1.The Internationalization of US Dollar and Its Implication for China;美元国际化及对中国的借鉴
2.A trend and analysis of exchange rate of Eurodollar to US dollar since euro birth;欧元诞生以来对美元汇率的走势及分析
3.Exchange Rate of US Dollar and Core American National Interest;美元汇率与美国的核心国家利益

1.Do you think there will be one major currency emerging in Asia?包括:美元、欧元。
2.X [ten dollars](美国俚语)10美元
3.constant dollars不变美元,定值美元
4.The Dollar loses two cents against the Yen .美元对日元跌了两美分。
5.That will be $5000 in principal, and $15. 40,“本金是5000美元,15. 40美元
6.The salary range is $13000 to $19000.年薪13000美元到19000美元
7.Two thousand, three hundred and sixty-five dollars!总共2365美元!
8.Type A US $125, Type B US $134, Type C US $210.型125美元;b型134美元。c型210美元
9.... Umm, the eggs are $10 and the meat will be $25. It comes to $35.……嗯。鸡蛋10美元,肉25美元,总计35美元
10.(United States) a piece of paper money worth one dollar.(美)一美元面额的美钞。
11.The buying rate of US dollar note is 846 yuans per hundred dollars .美元的买入价是100美元付864元人民币。
12.U.S. Dollar Standard, U.S. Dollar Hegemony and U.S. Financial Crisis美元本位制、美元霸权与美国金融危机
13.It's one US dollar to seven point eight Hong Kong dollars.是一美元兑七点八港元。
14.It is one US dollar to seven point eight Hong Kong是1美元兑换7.8港元
15.The dollar has appreciated in term of the yen .美元以日元折合升值了。
16.It's 100. 45 yen to the dollar.是100. 45 日元对1美元
17.A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan.一美元价值8.2元人民币。
18.Please give me sixty dollars in tens and twenty dollars in fives.请给我60 美元10 元票面的,20 美元5 元票面的。

1.EMU A Challenge and Restrict to US Dollars;欧元——挑战和制约美元
2.Trend of US Dollar during the Period of Financial Crisis全球金融危机时期美元走势研究
3.However, it is still unknown that who will gain supremacy in the war between Euro and Dollar.欧元这种新币种自诞生以来,普遍受到人们的关注,其存在对于世界主要储备货币和结算贷币美元来说是个重大挑战。
1.In the first quarter of 2004,major currencies in the global FX market maintained the momentum of 2003:a weak USD,a strong yet unstable EUR,and a rising JPY created violent fluctuations,while international gold prices continued with the upward momentum that began in 1999.2004年第一季度,国际外汇市场各主要货币基本上延续了2003年走势,波动较大,总体呈现美元较弱、欧元强势不稳、日元升势较强的格局;国际金价在继续保持1999年以来持续走高的态势下出现了较大幅度波动。
2.For depreciation of USD brought great increase on amount ofChinese export, RMB de facto dollar peg system face unprecedented pressure.以 1997 年 7 月东亚金融危机爆发,人民币承诺对美元汇价不贬值为契机,人民币汇率制度从管理浮动制演变为事实上的钉住美元浮动的汇率体制。
4)Essential Beauty元美
5)Latin American dollarization拉美美元化
