1.It has survived the "bottleneck" of inflation since 1994 and is still striking with the tendency of over-investment from 2003.自1978年中国实行改革开放以来,我国经济平均每5年就要出现一次较大的经济波动;而自1994年以来中国的经济经历了通胀“瓶颈”和最近一次始于2003年并正在持续中的投资过热倾向,如何走出隐藏其后的经济发展结构失衡阴影,如何使中国经济真正实现高速、合理、稳定的和谐发展,本文从调整国家宏观政策、完善汇率和货币政策等方面进行了探讨。
2.At present the pressure of inflation has not been released indeed.当前我国的高通胀压力并未真正得到缓解。

1.Inflation is declining, albeit slowly.通胀继续逐步下降。
2.inflation-related adjustment根据通胀而作出的调整
3.galloping inflation奔腾的通货膨胀,急剧的通货膨胀
4.inflationary creation of currency通货膨胀性的创造通货
5.Inflation is slowing down.通货膨胀的速度在放慢。
6.Inflation went on climbing.通货膨胀继续高涨着。
7.The policy put down the inflation.这个政策抑止通货膨胀。
8.mark-up inflation标高价格的通货膨胀
9.Slap on an anti-inflation policy实行反通货膨胀政策
10.runaway inflation无法控制的通货膨胀
11.spiralling inflation螺旋上升的通货膨胀
12.effectively control inflation有效地控制通货膨胀
13.Inflation is now in single figures.通货膨胀是一位数。
14.Are wages keeping up with inflation ?工资跟得上通货膨胀吗?
15.Suddenly his face grew purple.他的脸蓦地胀得通红。
16.WIN (Whip Inflation Now)立即制止通货膨胀运动
17.persistent high rate of inflation持续的高通货膨胀率
18.Interest rates and inflation were high.利率和通货膨胀都很高。

3)currency inflation通货膨胀
1.Since 1993, our country has been carrying out macroscopic adjustment and control, and the rate of unemployment has been rising steadily year by year, the rate of currency inflation has experienced the the course of climbing high firstly, and then falling backward steadily.1993年国家实行宏观调控以来,我国失业率逐年上升,通货膨胀率则经历了先攀升后稳步回落的过程。
2.This paper points out the defect of traditional curing currency inflation, gives an interest---money model curing currency inflation and calculates its effect.指出了我国传统的治理通货膨胀方法的缺陷,提出了使用利率──货币价格治理通货膨胀的数学模型,并具体测算了其作用效应的大小。
3.In recent times,the growth of the CPI in China has exceeded 5% for 8 months;this puts the government under a great stress of currency inflation and consumers feel the stress too.我国居民消费价格指数(CPI)的涨幅已连续8个月超过5%,居民对此已有切身感受,政府也面临通胀压力,但还不能就此认为通货膨胀已经来临。
1.Empirical study of the relationship between inflation and housing prices;通货膨胀与商品住宅价格关系的实证分析
2.An inventory model with inflation induced demand and partial backlogging;通货膨胀影响需求且短缺量部分补足的库存模型(英文)
5)Expansion Forming三通胀形
6)Inflationary Bias通胀偏差
1.Transparency of Monetary Policy,Inflationary Bias and Expectations Costs;货币政策透明度、通胀偏差与预期成本
