1.Relationship Between Counterfactual Thinking and Guilt and Shame——Taking the university student and the juvenile delinquent as an example;反事实思维与内疚和羞耻的关系——以大学生和青少年罪犯为例
2.An initial analysis of phenomenological differences between guilt and shame;内疚与羞耻之现象学差异的初步比较
3.An Empirical Study on the Relationship of Guilt and Shame about Middle-school Students;中学生内疚与羞耻关系的实证研究

1.He projects his own fault onto his parents.他自己感到内疚,觉得父母也内疚
2.I would have broken my word without compunction.我会毫无内疚地食言。
3.He felt guilty about it.他对那件事感到内疚
4.John felt a crushing guilt.约翰感到深深的内疚
5.He was harrowed with guilt.他内疚于心,深感不安。
6.Smart under a sense of wrong由于做错事而感到内疚
7.She began to soften; she felt sorry.她软下来,心里感到内疚
8.I don't want to feel guilty for ever.我不想永远感到内疚
9.I took one guiltily,我内疚地接过一枝,
10.an impenitent criminal不知内疚[悔改]的罪犯
11.He acted wrongly and without scruple.他做了错事毫不内疚
12.I felt guilty after breaking my promise.我违背诺言后感到内疚
13.That takes some of the curse off.这会减少一点内疚自责。
14.He had to keep worrying at it.为此他一直感到很内疚
15.A sting of conscience or a pang of doubt aroused by wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing.内疚由于做错或要做错事产生的愧疚或疑虑
16.Yet she could feel guilt, a guilt born of distant possibilities.可是她还是感到内疚是从一种遥远的可能性而来的内疚
17.Hoffman s virtual guilt theory: the progress of guilt study in psychological field;霍夫曼虚拟内疚理论:内疚研究的心理学进展(英文)
18.I deeply regret any pain I have caused.我为自己造成的伤害而深深内疚

1.Chinese Version of Guilt Scale and its Reliability,Validity and Results;中文版内疚感问卷的信、效度及调查结果
2.However, most of the existing criticism of the novel celebrates the self-sacrifices of Frank Alpine to Morris Bober, the moral center of the novel, and his family, without exploring the guilty conscience that motivates Frank’s self-abnegations.但是,报复的念头老是折磨他,并且给他带来无法消除的内疚感。
3)virtual guilt虚拟内疚
1.This paper, which is based on questions of the Virtual Guilt s implication, type, mechanism and influential factors, overviewed Hoffman s virtual guilt theory.该文从涵义及类型、发生机制和影响因素等方面,介绍了霍夫曼的虚拟内疚理论,并对其理论意义进行了评述。
2.This paper, which is based on the implication, type and development of virtual guilt, summarizes the Virtual Guilt theory, discusses the factors, mechanism and functions through theoretical and empirical studies.本文从虚拟内疚的涵义、类型、发展等方面总结了虚拟内疚理论的研究现状,并通过实证与理论研究探讨了虚拟内疚的影响因素、发生机制及功能。
4)transgression guilt违规内疚

内疚内疚guilt 内疚(guilt)亦称“罪疚感”,个人自认为做了错事或是实际上做了错事之后所唤起的一种不安、自责或是赎罪的情感。社会心理学研究中认为,内疚是一种利他的亲社会情感。每当个体出现内疚的情感体验时,就会出现 一种心理不平衡的状态。为了保持心理平衡,就要采取利他与自我情操升华或自我惩罚的方式。 (林乘贤撰沈德灿审)