1.Biodiesel and the challenge in the future;生物柴油及其面临的挑战
2.The situation and challenges for deepwater oil and gas exploration and exploitation in China;我国海洋深水油气开发面临的挑战
3.Advantage and challenge of underbalanced drilling technology;欠平衡钻井技术的优势和挑战

1.challenge aggressively.挑衅性的向……挑战
2.issue/accept a challenge发出 [接受]挑战.
3.To confront boldly.公然反对,向…挑战
4.and we will accept the challenge...我们将接受挑战……
5.Unix and NT ChallengesUnix与nt的挑战
6.Living library: Challenge on the WayLiving library:挑战来袭
7.in a defiantly truculent manner.以挑战性的、好战的方式。
8.The champion took up the gaunlet of the challenger.这位冠军向挑战者应战。
9.His challenge drew no reply.他的挑战没有引起应战。
10.Jane had thrown down her gauntlet to him, and he had not been slow in picking it up.简向他挑战,他毫不犹豫地接受了挑战
11.Drucker on Management Challenges for the 21st Century-Information Challenges;德鲁克论21世纪管理挑战──信息挑战
12." And why would anyone deliberately provoke or challenge him?”为什么会有人去故意挑逗或挑战他呢?
13.You is asking for trouble if you challenge him .你向他挑战是自讨苦吃。
14.Human beings enjoy challenges.人类愿意接受挑战
15.I took his dare to jump.我接受他的挑战而跳了。
16.He advised me to fling down the gaunlet heroically.他劝我勇敢地去挑战
17.Pinball Challenge Deluxe挑战弹珠台-豪华版
18.The challenger outweighed the champion.挑战者的体重重过冠军。

1.Opportunities and challenges of liquid laundry detergent industry in China;中国衣用液体洗涤剂行业面临的机遇和挑战
2.Challenges and Strategies in Implementing Municipal Wastewater Reuse;城市废水资源化面临的挑战及其对策
3.Opportunities and Challenges Facing Chinas Alumina Industry;中国氧化铝工业面临的机遇和挑战
1.Facing this historic opportunity and challenge, the traditional agricultural structure and the management system of Gansu are encountering severe trials.在这一历史性机遇与挑战面前 ,甘肃省传统的农业结构和经营机制均面临着严峻的考验。
2.In fact ,it also presents us-some middle school teachers some challenge and opportunity.本文从网络特点入手,分析了网络带给青少年的心理、观念和行为的双重影响,进而分析了网络时代中学德育面临的机遇与挑战,并针对当前青少年存在的问题提出了几点对策。
1.That China s joining WTO brings Xi an the opportunity never heard before and a big chanllenge as well.我国加入WTO,既给西安的旅游业带来了前所未有的机遇,也带来了很大的挑战
5)strategic challenge战略挑战
6)Challenge Accepting a Challenge挑战应战

挑战1.激使敌方出战。 2.谓首开衅端。 3.鼓动对方与自己竞赛。