债转股,debt-to-equity swap
1)debt-to-equity swap债转股
1.The Motive and Efficiency Analysis of the Debt-to-Equity Swap and its Prospect Forecasting;债转股动因效应分析及其前景预测
2.The Case Study on the Debt-To-Equity Swap of HeiLongJiang HaoLiangHe Cement Co.,Ltd.;浩良河水泥厂债转股案例研究
3.The withdrawal of stock equity of debt-to-equity swap benefitto resume connatural financial resource allocationfunction of market mechanism, basedon the viewpoint of market operation.建立债转股股权退出机制,有利于在国有经济领域内恢复市场机制本身固有的金融资源配置功能,且股权的退出应该基于商业化市场运作观点。

1.Understanding “Debts into Shares”--the Key to its Success;解读“债转股”——债转股成功的关键
2.On the Transformation from Our Country s Policy Debt-for-Equity Swap to Commercial Debt-for-Equity Swap;论我国政策性债转股向商业性债转股的转化
3.A Deep Thinking about the “Debt to Equity”--A Discussion of Careful Applying “Debt to Equity”;“债转股”热的冷思考——兼论谨慎推行“债转股
4.Game Theory Analysis: The Equity Price-making of Debt-to-equity Swap Enterprise;债转股企业股权定价的博弈分析研究
5.The Influence of Debts-to-shares Policy to the Enterprise s Financial Situation and Opinion--The Case Analysis of Enterprise A;“债转股”政策对企业的财务影响及其评价——A公司债转股案例分析
6.Four Risks the Finance faces in the operation of converting Creditor s Rights into Shares;财政在债转股运作中面临的四大风险——兼论债转股的正负效应
7.The Policy Imperfection of Changing Debt to Share and Some Perfection Measures;债转股的政策缺陷与完善债转股工作的政策建议
8.Analysis of Debt Equity Swap s Risk and Opportunity;债转股的风险与时机分析——为当前债转股设计最优机制安排
9.On the Mode of Creditors Rights Investment and Feasibility of Debt-to-Equity Swap;债权出资方式兼论债转股的可行性研究
10.Solve the Recessive Debt of the Basic Pension Fund by Debt-to-Equity Swap;通过债转股解决养老保险基金隐性债务
11.Turning debts into shares: the best choice of reforming debts in state enterprises;债转股是国企债务重组的最佳现实选择
12.Liabilities Restructure Experience in Foreign Countries and Transforming Debt to Equity-Our New Attempt in SOE Reform;从各国债务重组看我国国企改制新尝试——债转股
13.Carrying out debt-to-equity swap programs in enterprises where conditions permit对符合条件的企业实行债转股
14.Most enterprises that go through debt-to-equity swap exercise can make up the deficits and get surpluses within the same year.债转股企业大部分可在当年扭亏为盈。
15.Thinking over some Legal Problems about Foreign Capital's Purchasing "Stock Right Transformed from Credit外资收购“债转股”的若干法律问题思考
16.Study on the Debt-to-equity Swap of Changjiang National Shipping (Group) Corporation;长江航运(集团)总公司债转股实施研究
17.convertible loan stock可转换股的债权股额
18.An Optimum Conversion Model of Convertible Bonds based on Fuzzy Price of Stocks;基于模糊股价的可转债最优转股模型

debt-equity swap债转股
1.Through the statement of the policy about debt-equity swap,it summarizes the disadvantages of the process of the operation.本文通过对债转股政策的叙述 ,总结了其在运行过程中存在的不足之处 ,同时分析了国企困境的根本原因所在 ,并就今后如何运用债转股政策促进国企脱困提出了相关建议。
2.As the special stockholder, Asset Management Corporation (AMC) should establish the stakeholder co-governance mechanism in debt-equity swap (DES) firms in China, and strengthen its financial controlling function through capital management system.资产管理公司应在债转股企业中确立共同治理原则 ,发挥积极机构投资者的主导功能。
3.The state-owned enterprises(SOEs)have carried out the "debt-equity swap"policy for about four years.国有企业实施“债转股”政策已近四年。
3)debt to equity swap债转股
1.The meaning of debt to equity swaps is discussed, together with its operational system and problems that may arise in its application.债转股作为减轻国有企业债务负担 ,化解金融资产风险的重大战略措施 ,正受到世人的密切关注。
2.Debt to Equity Swap (DES) is necessary to deal with China s bank non performing loans (NPL) and stimulate economy.债转股是处理银行不良资产、刺激经济发展的必要措施。
3.There are many similarities between debt to equity swap and convertible bond(CB).债转股与可转换债券在一些方面存在共同之处 ,但二者在风险转嫁对象、主导力量、财务影响、制度创新动力以及实施企业的选择标准等方面存在着相当大的差异。
1.Studies on Debt-to-Equity Project of State-owned Enterprises;国有企业债转股问题研究
2.Taking the implementation of debt-to-equity and the system reform of new company in Jiangxi Salt Mine Co.以江西盐矿实施债转股和新公司改制为实例,从四个方面探讨了国企实施债转股的现实意义。
3.This paper probes into the present situation of the debt-to-equity and the exiting problems in the course of the debt-to-equity, analyzes the current status and features of the debt-to-equity in state-owned enterprises by using the economic methods, and advances some corresponding countermeasures.探讨了债转股的现状和债转股过程中存在的问题,对国有企业债转股现状进行了经济学分析,并提出了相应的对策。
5)debt to equity债转股
1.Debt to Equity and the Realization of Mutual Benefits between Banks and Enterprises;债转股及其银企双赢目标的实现
2.A Deep Thinking about the “Debt to Equity”——A Discussion of Careful Applying “Debt to Equity”;“债转股”热的冷思考——兼论谨慎推行“债转股
3.Debt to Equity is a kind of method which could temporarily solve problems concerned with high ratio of assets debt at present.债转股是针对国有企业目前过高的资产负债率 ,暂时解决其债务负担问题的一种方法 ,它的正面效应是不言而喻的 ,但是在具体实施过程中 ,无论是国有商业银行、国有企业还是债转股的操作者———资产管理公司都会遇到诸多难题 ,而这些问题能否妥善得到解决 ,将会影响到“债转股”真实价值的发挥及国企改革的成败。
6)debt-for-equity swap债转股
1.What are their roles like in corporate governance? The thesis puts forward that good corporate governance is contingent control, and the problem of state-owned enterprises(SOEs) is lack of perfect contingent control; debt-for-equity swap has a good performance in a short term, but it is more important if Asset Management Company(AMC) can improve SOEs contingent control.股东和债权人是企业的两大投资人,股东占有企业剩余,债权人从企业获得固定的合同支付,股东和债权人在企业治理中分别扮演什么角色呢?国有股东、国有银行和国有企业的关系又是怎样的呢?目前正在实施的债转股对国有企业的治理结构又有什么样的影响呢?本文正是从股东和债权人对企业的相机控制入手,从抽象到具体,分析了国有企业的股权和债权状况,并把债转股作为相机控制的特例进行了论述,旨在说明国有企业的弊病在于相机控制的不健全,而债转股虽在短期内取得了成效,但关键还要看金融资产管理公司(AMC)的介入能否促成转股企业相机控制的改善。
