1.An Insight into the India v. EU GSP Discrimination Case & the Fairness of the WTO GSP System——Comparison between the Panel and Appellate Body s Report;从“印度诉欧盟关税歧视案”看WTO普惠制的公正性——专家小组和上诉机构裁决之比较分析
2.Problems on China s Utilizing GSP and It s Countermeasures;我国企业利用普惠制存在的问题与对策探析
3.On the conditionality of GSP Scheme of developed countries;解读发达国家普惠制安排的附条件性

1.Generalized preferential system普遍优惠制(普惠制)
2.general preferences system普遍优惠制度(普惠制
3.Cooperative International GPS Network国际普惠制合作网(普惠制合作网)
4.Generalized System of Preferences - GSP普通优惠制,普惠制(简写为GSP)
5.Origin Certificate of GSP普惠制原产地证明书
6.genetalised system of preference certificate of origin form "A"普惠制格式“A”产地证明书-----
7.The Vision of Pharmaceutical Formulary List in Australia:Benefits to the Australian People全民普惠制的澳大利亚药品目录制度
8.On the conditionality of GSP Scheme of developed countries;解读发达国家普惠制安排的附条件性
9.GSP-A Strategy to Solve Problems in Rural Endowment Insurance普惠制——农村养老保险的破题之道
10.On the GSP:Legal Dilemma and the Road Ahead;普惠制的法律困境与未来之路——以印度诉欧共体关税优惠案为例
11.Researches in the Development of Foreign Direct Investment Under the GSP Treatment;普惠制条件下跨国直接投资的发展研究
12.Universal Benefits Pension--A Try For China s Rural Old-Age Security;普惠制养老金——中国农村养老保障的一种尝试
13.Problems on China s Utilizing GSP and It s Countermeasures;我国企业利用普惠制存在的问题与对策探析
14.The Influence of EU GSP Graduation on China Foreign Trade and Countermeasures;欧盟普惠制毕业对我国外贸的影响及对策
15.Problems in Utilizing GSP of China and It s Countermeasures;WTO框架下我国普惠制利用的问题及对策
16.A GSP cumulation benefit also occurs when an imported article that was produced in two or more eligible member countries of an association is accorded duty-free entry.普惠制优惠额也发生在当进口商品是在二个或更多的联盟成员国生产,这时可免进口关税。
17.Tariffs (including range and scope of bindings, GSP provisions, rates applied to members of free-trade areas/customs unions, other preferences)关税(包括约束幅度和范围、普惠制规定、适用于自由贸易区/关税同盟成员的税率、其他优惠)
18.A regional association contributing to the comprehensive regional economic integration of its members may be granted GSP cumulation benefits.加入综合区域经济集团成员国的区域性联盟,可得到普惠制的累积优惠额。

Generalized System of Preferences普惠制
1.The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) offers manufactured products exported by developing countries tariff reductions or duty-free access to the developed countries.随着我国的经济快速发展和出口迅猛增长,越来越多的出口产品面临着普惠制中毕业问题的困扰;随着竞争力的提高,这些产品将被取消普惠制待遇。
3)GSP (generalized system of preferences)普惠制
4)Generalized Systems of Preferences普惠制
1.It is used in the Generalized Systems of Preferences and all kinds of rapidly-increasing Regional Trade Agreements.优惠性原产地规则是在最惠国原则以外由一国单方面实施,或由两个以上国家或地区通过谈判达成协议后相互适用的原产地规则,它适用于普惠制和各种区域贸易安排。
2.It is used in the Generalized Systems of Preferences and all kinds of rapidly-increasing Region Trade Agreements.优惠性原产地规则是在最惠国原则以外由一国单方面实施,或由两个以上国家或地区通过谈判达成协议后相互适用的原产地规则,它适用于普惠制和各种发展迅速的区域贸易安排。
5)generalized system of preference普及特惠制(普惠制)
6)treatment of Generalized System of Preference普惠制待遇
1.The United States is one of the three developed countries who have not given China the treatment of Generalized System of Preference (GSP)among the thirty-one preference-giving countries in the world.美国是世界上 3 1个普惠制给惠国中 3个没有给中国普惠制待遇的发达国家之一。

普惠制普惠制  I目目zJ门目翻口‘rL月、Z沪两、甘艺料卜.刁口UO飞猎寒制】普遍优惠的关税制度。发达国家单方面给予发展中国家的制成品和半成品的普遍优惠待遇的关税制度。它属于优惠关税的一种,并具有普遍性、非歧视性和非互惠性的特点。