1.in Jiangsu Province in recent years,the credit risks stand out for those commercial banks which provide loans to these enterprise groups.近来随着一系列大型企业集团如蓝田、银广夏、德隆、啤酒花、南海华光、上海周正毅关联企业、深圳彭海怀兄弟企业、江苏铁本公司等企业相继出事,商业银行对集团企业授信风险问题变得日益突出。
2.The commercial banks enter into an unknown risk field while exploring profit and should establish and cany out an effective risk management of the credit business for the group client to ensure financial safety and stabilization.集团客户与单一客户的特性有很大差异,商业银行在开拓利润的同时,也进入了一个未知的风险领域,商业银行应全方位地对集团客户制定和实施有效的授信业务风险管理措施,从而保障金融安全与稳定。
3.The Credit management is an important mean in banks’risk control.授信管理是银行进行风险控制的重要手段,授信管理决策的正确与否决定了银行信贷风险的大小,这事关银行的生存和稳定。

1.The manager was dictating a letter to the secretary.经理在向秘书口授信稿。
2.She hates taking letters.她不喜欢记录口授信函.
3.He dictated a letter to his secretary他向秘书口授信的内容。
4.She was dictating a letter to her secretary.她在向秘书口授信稿。
5.He dictated letters to his clerk.他向办事员口授信稿。
6.The Research of the Informationization of China s Commercial Banks Credit and Credit Management;我国商业银行授信与信贷管理信息化研究
7.Businessmen often dictate their letters.商人常口授信稿令人笔录。
8.Yes, well of course the line isn't fully utilized at the moment,不过,目前你们的授信额度没有用足,
9.and then we could always consider increasing the line.我们一定会考虑提高你们的授信额度。
10.To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles.传授以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导
11.A. Li's Invitation to LevinA.李教授致莱文教授的邀请信
12.The manager dictated a letter to his secretary.经理向秘书口授一封信。
13.She dictated a letter to her secretary.她向秘书口授一封信。
14.It was by Mr. Moy's dictation.信是莫埃先生口授的。
15.People used to believe in the divine right of king过去人们相信君权神授
16.People used to believe in the divine right of kings.过去人们相信君权神授。
17.He prefers to write his letters rather than dictate them.他喜欢自己写信,不愿意口授自己的信。
18.grantor of trust授与信托资产人, 立信托资产人

credit granting授信
1.On Problems and Countermeasures of Credit Granting by Commercial Banks;商业银行客户授信问题与对策研究
3)accredited credit信用授信
1.Practical case analysis on effectiveness of bank accredited credit rating;银行信用授信信号效应实证分析
4)line of credit授信额度
1.Two models about how to confirm the line of credit in two different information environments and analyze the potential impact which was offered by information sharing on the credit action between commercial bank and middle a.指出了当前商业银行与中小企业资金供求的矛盾主要表现在信息的不对称,从经济意义和数理分析2方面界定了授信额度的概念,通过介绍2种不同信息环境下的授信额度确定模型,分析了信息共享对银企授信行为的潜在影响以及对武汉市银企信贷的启示。
2.Hence, implementing credit management to make coordinated planning of risk and return is an important approach to ensure banks’security and profitability, which makes line of credit, the core of credit manage.落实授信管理、对风险和收益进行统筹规划是保证银行对房地产企业授信安全性和盈利性的重要手段,而授信额度的核定作为授信管理的核心,已成为当前银行所面临的重要决策问题。
5)credit risk授信风险
1.In this paper, all kinds of risks on credit risk management of commercial bank are studied from three professional levels, including macroeconomic environment, microeconomic environment and interior management environment.从宏观、微观经济环境和内部经营环境3个层次研究了商业银行授信管理所面临的各种风险,确定了商业银行授信管理风险评价的指标体系,提出了应用层次灰色评价法评价商业银行授信风险的方法及实施步骤,并划分了授信风险的警戒等级,实例验证了该方法的可行性和现实意义。
2.The paper researches characters and causes of group enterprises credit risk and refers to some oversea advanced practices.本文对银行集团客户授信风险特点和存在问题进行了深入分析,并借鉴国外先进管理经验,提出了改进银行集团客户授信风险防控的建议。
3.But because of its newly starting and lack of risk precaution experiences,it has become an important task for commercial banks to guard against and control credit risk in China presently.汽车经销商授信业务是目前商业银行利润新的增长点,具有良好的发展前景,但由于我国的汽车经销商授信业务还处于起步阶段,风险防范经验不足,如何防范、控制授信风险成为商业银行面临的重要课题。
6)unified authority统一授信
1.The connotation of unified authority management in modern stock joint commercial banks is introduced.介绍了现代股份制商业银行统一授信管理的内涵,而后着重对授信业务品种的风险进行分析及评价,并针对统一授信管理中的综合授信进行了详细的陈述。

难信金刚信乐【难信金刚信乐】 (术语)弥陀之救济,信之无疑,坚固如金刚也。