1.The pawnshop is a kind of special industrial and commercial enterprise.典当行作为一种特殊的工商企业,已成为时下人们讨论的热点。
2.Through researching the way to deal with the obtainment of booty innocently by pawnshop, which from ancient to modern of China and foreign countries, and analyzing the civil law theory of obtainment of booty, this paper discusses the way of according with the demand of finance policy and in the same time taking account of the interests of the owner of booty and the pawnshop.通过对古今中外典当行业误收当盗赃物处理方法之考察 ,以及对盗赃物物权取得民法理论的评述 ,期望找到既符合现行之金融政策 ,又能合理兼顾失主与典当行利益平衡之方
3.The state department of china has already reformed the controllable systems of pawnshop, and they are managed by the Committee of Economy and Trade as a kind of special enterprise of industry and commerce.国务院已对典当行监管体制进行了改革,将其作为一类特殊的工商企业交由经贸委统一归口管理。

1.Effects of Real Right Law on Pawn-broking Industry Development;论《物权法》对典当行业务发展的影响
2.The Sudden Emergence of New Industries--Pawnshop异军突起的“新”兴产业——典当行
3.A Study on the Key Competitiveness Improvement of Xi'an WTG Pawnshop西安市WTG典当行核心竞争力的提升对策研究
4.Pawnbrokers do not make credit checks, and using them does not imperil credit ratings.典当行不需要信用调查,也不会损害当户的信用记录。
5.Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, on Conducting the 2003 Annual Review of Pawnshops商务部办公厅关于开展2003年度典当行年审工作的通知
6.The risk of debt in pawndropped greatly in contrast with the bank.与银行相比,典当的负债风险大大降低。
7.The "originally simplicity approach"in theories about Chinese classical opera;中国古典戏曲理论中的“当行本色”论
8.Representing the God to Give Justis the Researth of Xianqin War and the Political Legitimacy替天行道:先秦战争与古典政治正当性研究
9.On the Causes of Classical Poetry into Contemporary Pop Songs浅析古典诗词融入当代流行歌曲的原因
10.A Study of Mortgage and its Related Civil Legal Activities in Ancient China;中国古代的“典”、“典当”、“倚当”与“质”
11.Veith and Kern put to rest many of the common misunderstandings about classical education and explain its importance to this generation.威斯和克恩化解了对于经典教育的许多流行误解,给当代人解释了经典教育的重要意义。
12.On Enactment of the Contemporary Constitution Code from the Comparative Law Perspective--Centered on Enactment of Current Constitution Code in Former Socialist Countries;比较法视野下的当代宪法典制定——以原社会主义国家现行宪法典的制定为中心
13.But then the typical establishment crook is quick to express remorse.但是这些典型的诈骗行径应当尽快引起犯罪者的自责。
14.the Lord Mayor's Show(就职典礼当天的) 新任伦敦市长初次公开露面游行
15.When I became a teenager, my father held up my mother as a model of feminine behavior.当我十几岁的时候,父亲就把母亲树立成女性行为的一个典范。
16.The gas and oil must be recombined in correct proportion to obtain a representative reservoir-fluid sample.油气必须以适当的比例进行混合,以得到典型的油藏流体样本。
17.I guess we have around the countervalue of eight hundred million Swedish kronor in your bank,我估计我们公司在你们银行有相当八亿瑞典克朗的额度。
18.Classics and Popularity--Comments on the Contemporary Literature Ken of the Academism Intellectuals;经典与流行——兼论学院派知识分子的当代文学视野

pawn mortgage industry典当行业
1.So far, the development of China s pawn mortgage industry has not yet been synchronized with the national economy.北京市典当行业经过了二十多年的发展,取得了很大成就,但还存在一定问题。
4)regulation of pawnbroking industry典当行业监管
1.The trying with the partition of property and succeeding step by step——the study on the way of succeeding with the pawn capital which could be found in "the Xiuning Cheng xu-yu’s matter about the partition in Chongzhen emperor two year";尝试性分业与阶段性继业——《崇祯二年休宁程虚宇立分书》所见典当资本继承方式研究
2.The Research of Pawn Development in China;我国典当行业发展问题研究
3.The Research of Pawn Industry in Modern China;现阶段我国典当业发展研究
1.Analyses on Relations between Pawnshop and Modern Jiangnan Rural Social Economy;典当业与江南近代农村社会经济关系辨析
2.Three topics on the countryside pawnshop in the middle and lower Yangtze River in modern times;近代长江中下游地区农村典当三题
3.Shen Bao and Management of Pawnshop in Shanghai and Jiangsu after the 1911 Revolution;从《申报》看辛亥革命后苏沪等地典当业的经营

典当行  典当行业是社会经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物。关于典当、典当行及典当业的产生与发展,大致分为三个阶段。典当行为的出现:典当在我国最早见诸文字记载的是《后汉书》,书中描述,东汉末年黄巾起义,甘陵相刘虞奉命攻打幽州,与部将公孙瓒发生矛盾。“虞所贲赏,典当胡夷,瓒数抄夺之”。刘虞原打算把受赏之财质押外族,却被公孙瓒劫掠。这是历史上将“典当”二字最早连用的一次,是把典当活动作为一种社会经济活动加以记载的。它表明,典当在中国至迟兴起于东汉,中国是典当行为产生最早的国家之一,距今已有1800年的历史。典当机构的产生:被称为典当行或当铺的典当机构在中国产生于南北朝时期。《南史·甄法崇传》中记载,宋江陵令甄法的崇孙甄彬(时届南宋),“尝以一束苎就州长沙寺质钱,后赎苎还,于苎中得五两金,以手巾裹之。彬得,送还寺库”。这里提到的寺库,指的就是寺院经营的专门当铺。另在《南齐书》中记载:“渊薨,澄以钱万一千,就招提寺赎太祖所赐渊白韶坐褥,坏作裘及缨,又赎渊介幌犀导及渊常所乘黄牛。”总之,佛寺兼营典当或专门的典当机构,在中国至迟起源于南朝,距今已有1500年的历史。外国典当行的出现,一般认为是在欧洲中世纪前期。如10世纪~11世纪,流亡欧洲各地的许多犹太人便操此营生。据史料记载,西欧各地的犹太人都变成了典当业者,以物品质押为条件放款取息。典当行业的形成:中国著名历史学家范文澜先生曾指出,随着南朝佛寺典当经营活动的兴起和普及,一个专门从事以物质押借贷的行业即典当业逐渐形成。不过,南北朝时期的典当业还处于萌芽阶段,属于寺院经济的一个重要组成部分。直到唐代,中国典当业才真正跳出仅为佛寺独家经营的狭小圈子,成为整个社会十分走俏和蓬勃发展的古代金融业。在外国,典当行的形成同样是在中世纪。犹太人大办典当行,使典当业日益兴起,并使欧洲成为世界典当业的发祥地之一。以上史实告诉我们,中国典当行至迟起源于南朝,最早的经营者是佛寺僧人,但当时并没有典当行或当铺的称谓,一般叫做寺库。至于外国典当行的建立,根据现有史料的记载,应当晚于中国,但至迟起源于欧洲中世纪前期。这是各国专家和学者最基本的共识和定论。