1.So Chinese business banks all applied their fond to securities,which has higher interest but lower risk.中国银行业纷纷将资金运用重点转向利息高而风险相对较低的有价证券
2.The objective aspects in crime of defraud of securities manifest a few defraud actions,such as using forged or deformed treasure bills and other securities issued by the nation.有价证券诈骗罪在客观方面表现为使用伪造、变造的国库券或者国家发行的其他有价证券进行诈骗活动,其行为有伪造、变造、虚假权利质押、恶意买卖、冒用、空买空卖等不同的方式,犯罪使用之物也包含虚假的地方政府债券、金融债券、国家有价证券、外国有价证券众多形式,颇为复杂。
3.virtual property is a virtual documents of obligation similar to bearer securities.虚拟财产在性质上是一种类似于无记名有价证券的虚拟债权凭证,具有证权一体性和无因性。

1.marketable securities carried at market value按市价记帐的有价证券
2.changes in value of marketable securities有价证券价值的变动
3.stock market value证券交易所的有价证券
4.Such securities are known as marketable securities or short-term investments.这些证券称作有价证券或短期投资。
5.Negotiable securities includes commodity negotiable securities, money negotiable securities and capital negotiable securities 3 kinds.有价证券包括商品证券、货币证券和资本证券三种。
6.bad delivery of securities违反有价证券交付条例
7.portfolio investments一揽子有价证券投资
8.buying or selling securities or commodities.有价证券或商品的买卖。
9.total portfolio有价证券(投资组合)合计
10.Accounting for marketable securities有价证券的会计处理
11.unrealized appreciation on marketable securities有价证券未实现增值
12.Marketable Securities - Permanent Holdings有价证券-永恒的持股
13.(of securities) not quoted on a stock exchange.(关于有价证券的)在证券交易所未报价的。
14.His stockbroker announced his portfolio as being valueless,他的证券经纪人宣称他的有价证券毫无价值。
15.government paper政府发行的有价证券,政府债券
16.Securities eligible for margin purchases and short sales.三、得为融资融券交易之有价证券
17.QuotedTo state a price for securities, goods or commodities.报价开出有价证券、货物或商品的价格。
18.a market characterized by falling prices for securities.具有有价证券价格下跌特点的股市。

valuable securities有价证券
1.As valuable securities, warehouse receipts are special and have specific effects of property.仓单作为一种有价证券 ,具有特殊的性质和特有的物权效力。
2.Although Criminal Law of 1979 had ordained the crime of counterfeiting valuable securities, it can not satisfy the needs of attacking the crime of securities.1979年《刑法》虽然规定了伪造有价证券罪,但这远远不能满足打击证券犯罪的需要。
3)negotiable securities有价证券
1.Although it is not a typical kind of moveable property, IOU is assumed as negotiable securities between a given creditor and debtor.借条是一种债权凭证,窃取借条行为的法律性质如何界定是司法实践中争议较大的问题,借条虽然不是典型的动产,但是在特定的债权人与债务人之间,借条应被拟制为有价证券,债务人以消灭债务为目的窃取借条应认定盗窃罪。
2.The monetary system of the Song Dynasty was composed of paper currency, metal currency and negotiable securities.宋代是人类历史上首次大规模发行纸币的时代 ,由纸币、金属货币和有价证券共同构成的宋代货币体系 ,其相互关系的复杂及其不确定性导致了宋代通货膨胀的复杂和持久 ,也造成了对这一问题看法上的诸种分歧和不足。
4)marketability security适销证券,有价证券
5)Portfolio selection有价证券选择
6)State negotiable securities国家有价证券
1.The crime of forging or altering State negotiable securities refers to the crime of forging or altering a relatively large amount of treasury certificates or any other negotiable securities issued by the State committed by a person or a unit with the intention of circulating or using securities.伪造、变造国家有价证券罪是指自然人或单位以流通或者使用为目的,伪造、变造国库券或者国家发行的其它有价证券,数额较大的行为。
2.This paper makes a tentative study on the problems about the evolution,the concept,the constitution,the application and the punishment of the crime of forging or altering state negotiable securities.文章就伪造、变造国家有价证券罪的沿革、概念、构成、适用、处罚等问题进行了探讨。
