1.Value-added tax can obtain the amount of input tax deductions from the general taxpayer and small-scale taxpayers.值率是反映增值程度的指标,是增值额对购进不含税货款的比值;增值税既可从一般纳税人那里获得进项税额抵扣,也可从小规模纳税人那里获得进项税额抵扣;采用平衡点法确定选择纳税人身份的通用模型,为定量计算平衡点增值率和平衡点税率,进而确定企业纳税人身份提供了现实可靠的依据。

1.It is likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up the deductible temporary differences.未来很可能获得用来抵扣抵扣暂时性差异的应纳税所得额。
2.Deduction of tax paid for the income earned in A country在A国所得缴纳税款的抵扣
3.My department opens the bill that give, passed to touch already buckle period.我司开出的发票,早已过了抵扣期。
4.Cannot be the bill of value added tax of fixed assets touched buckle?固定资产的增值税发票不能抵扣吧?
5.The Study on the Three Kinds of Value Added Taxes Other Deductions Certificate Management;三种增值税其他抵扣凭证管理的研究
6.Comparison between Two Methods for Dealing with Consumption Tax Credit;已纳消费税抵扣的两种处理方法比较
7.The basic forms of special-purpose invoices for VAT should also include the deducting form, the invoice receiver uses it as a voucher for deducting tax money.增值税专用发票的基本联次还应包括抵扣联,收执方作为抵扣税款的凭证。
8.Taking out a FEE-HELP loan does not affect your ability to claim a tax deduction.使用“费用帮助”贷款并不影响你申请税务抵扣
9.She blocked that spike.她拦网抵挡扣过来的球。
10.He buttoned his thin coat against the chilling wind without any hope.他绝望地扣上他单薄的上衣扣子以抵御寒风。
11.distrain upon a person's goods for rent扣押某人的货物抵偿租金
12.He distrained upon my goods for rent他扣押我的货物以抵偿租金。
13.The company distrained upon his goods for rent.公司扣押他的货物抵偿租金。
14.the seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim.为抵偿债务或承诺而扣押财产的行为。
15.To hold the property of(a person)against the payment of debts.扣押(债务人的)财物以抵债
16.Your action that supports valence to coiled to also rise to deduct.你的抵价卷也就起到了扣除的作用。
17.a mortgage that has priority over all mortgages and liens except those imposed by law.优先于所有抵押品的抵押,只有执法部门有权扣押。
18.If you have to work overtime, we usually balance that out with extra time off.如果你们要加班,我们通常以补休来扣抵。

system of input tax being credited抵扣制度
1.The article analyses the main problems in China s VAT as follows: scope of levy VAT is narrow relatively, system of input tax being credited is not perfect, structure of VAT rate is not reasonable.分析了我国现行增值税中存在的几个主要问题,即:征税范围相对狭窄,抵扣制度不完善,税制结构不合理等,并提出了完善我国增值税制的建议。
3)tax reducing税收抵扣
1.Starting from the finance and taxation essential factors related to Chinese designing corporation when carry on design projects in Russia,analyzes the tax categories,tax rate,cognizance of taxpayer,tax reducing and design fee rate etc.从国内设计单位承接俄国境内设计项目所涉财税的基本要素入手,分析所涉税种、税率,纳税义务人的认定、税收抵扣及设计费率等问题,提出国内业界如何利用相关财税规定,避免不必要的财务损失。
4)deducted rate抵扣率
1.The article discusses how to choose to be a small scale taxpayer or a general taxpayer by analyzing the value-added rate and the deducted rate,so that the taxpayer can save the tax.本文从节税的角度考虑,通过对增值率和抵扣率的分析,探讨了纳税主体如何选择成为一般纳税人和小规模纳税人。
5)all deducted全额抵扣
6)deduction of Aax税款抵扣

抵法抵法 抵法   推拿手法名。见《外伤中医按摩疗法》。用两手指或两手掌相对,在治疗部位上用力进行按压。作用同按法,而刺激量较大。