1.However,part of private universities face the bankruptcy crisis,because of the change of environment,such as fewer children,more severe competition and so on.但近年来,少子化趋势高校竞争加剧以及大学管理理念与决策失误等高校内外环境的改变,使部分私立大学面临倒闭危机,为了使自身得以生存和发展,私立高校采取了一系列改革措施。

1.Many small businesses have gone bankrupt recently.近来有许多小商店倒闭.
2.The institutions aren't likely to go out of existence.这些机构不大可能倒闭
3.The factory is closed and the machinery is auction off .工厂倒闭,机器被拍卖掉。
4.There were many bank failures.有很多的银行倒闭
5.The bank is bound to close down.这家银行注定要倒闭
6.The bank may go any day.这家银行随时可能倒闭
7.The business will go bust soon.这商行很快就要倒闭了。
8.Competitions has forced out many small firms竞争使许多小企业倒闭
9.Another manufacturer has bitten the dust.又有一家厂商倒闭了。
10.The shop of the Lin family had to close down at last.林家铺子终于倒闭了。
11.The mill closed down at the beginning of this year,工厂在今年年初倒闭
12.He was out of work when the factory closed.他在工厂倒闭后失业了。
13.I do not despise bankruptcies, believe me, but they must be those which enrich, not those which ruin.相信我,我并不厌恶倒闭,但那必须是使人发财的倒闭而不是使人破产的倒闭
14.The collapse of the business was a mortal blow to him and his family.公司倒闭是对他及其家庭的致命打击.
15.Contract to run an enterprise on the verge of Bankruptcy承包一家濒临倒闭的企业
16.Because of the poor management the company failed.这家公司因管理不善倒闭
17.Unwise investments led the firm into bankruptcy.不明智的投资导致公司倒闭
18.My grandfather's firm went under the economic crisis我祖父的商行在经济危机中倒闭了。

close down倒闭
1.For recent years the private-run universities in Japan close down in succession and on the increase.近年来,日本私立大学接连发生倒闭事件,且呈逐渐增多之势。
3)default process倒闭过程
1.By using of the default process,the value of credit risky debt are composed of two components which depend on the zero-coupon bonds.通过引进倒闭过程给出了以零息票债券价格为基础的信用风险债券价值构成,在风险中性概率测度下得到了信用风险零息票债券的定价公式。
4)bankruptcy of bank银行倒闭
1.On the bankrupt of the private higher institutions in China;我国民办高校倒闭问题之思考
