1.Taking the mortgage interest rate,short-term interest and house price as three risk sources,and considering not only the prepayment risk induced by decline of mortgage rate and rise of house price,but also the default risk induced by decline of house price,this paper extended the paper of Kariya et al in 2000,and developed a 3-factor pricing model for fixed rate mortgage-backed securities.对Kariya等的模型进行了扩展,把抵押贷款市场利率、短期无风险利率和房屋价格视为3个风险来源,考虑了贷款市场利率下降引起的提前偿还风险、房屋价格上升引起的提前偿还风险和房屋价格下降引起的违约风险,建立了固定利率抵押贷款支持证券的三因素定价模型。

1.A Review on Foreign Pre-repayment Models of Home Mortgage;国外住房抵押贷款提前偿还模型述评
2.accrue loan interest at floating-rate and collect punishment interest upon principal repayment ahead of due.实行浮动贷款利率和提前偿还罚息制度。
3.But the precondition is that the creditor banks should not press too hard for debt repayment beforehand or in advance.但前提是各个债权银行不要逼债,不要逼它们提前偿还贷款。
4.Callable Bonds ;Redeemable Bonds可赎回债券,可以提前偿还的债券又称可赎回债券。
5.The Risk and the Management of the Prepayment Behavior in Commercial Bank s Consumer Credit Loans:Theory and Empirical Analysis;商业银行消费信贷中的提前偿还风险影响因素与风险管理——理论与实证
6.A friend should make good his debts without needing to be reminded.朋友应该偿还其债务而无需他人提醒。
7.The outstanding debt must be pay by the end of the month未了的债务须在月底前偿还
8.To require the presentation of(a bond)for redemption before maturity.在未到期之前要求偿还(债券)
9.The outstanding debts must be paid by the end of the month.未了的债务须在月底前偿还。
10.Studies on the Prepayment Issue about Chinese Housing Mortgage Loans;中国住房抵押贷款提前偿付问题研究
11.The government introduced amendments to the draft extension bill政府提出对延期偿还法令草案的修正案。
12.Recently, banks, led by J.P.提供贷款通常也带来不偿还贷款的风险。
13.All the claims set out in the preceding paragraph, whatever the way they are lodged, may be entitled to limitation of liability.前款所列赔偿请求,无论提出的方式有何不同,均可以限制赔偿责任。
14.refundable interest因提前还款而退还的预收利息
15.The Analyse of Prepayment Risk in Mortgage Backed Securitization;住房抵押贷款证券化提前偿付风险分析
16.Study on Compensation Assessment Theory and Practice on Taking Back the Right to Use Sea Area Ahead of Schedule;提前收回用海补偿评估理论与实证研究
17.Studies on the Prepayment Risk about Personal Housing Consumption Loan;个人住房抵押贷款的提前偿付风险研究
18.Study on Rules and Compensation on Taking Back the Right to Use Sea Area Ahead of Schedule for Public Interests;因公益提前收回海域使用权及补偿研究

right of anticipation提前偿还权
3)Prepayment Risk提前偿还风险
1.The Valuation of Default Risk and Prepayment Risk Embedded in Residential Mortgage Loans;随着我国住房抵押贷款市场的发展,住房抵押贷款蕴涵的违约风险与提前偿还风险日益显现。
4)prepayment model提前偿还模型
5)advance payment action提前偿还行为
6)advance payment of bond债券提前偿还

股票偿还 股票偿还——  股票偿还是债券偿还形式之一,是指举债公司用本公司的股票来交换债券持有人的可转换公司债券。