1.The thoughts of the Xinism poets are reflected in not only composing practices but also prefaces and supplements of works and relevant literature critiques,which are embodied in three main aspects:characterization of personality,function and style.其思想内涵和理论贡献主要体现在三个方面 :一、弘扬主体 ,崇尚词品的词学主体观 ;二、陈经济之怀 ,作陶写之具的词体功能观 ;三、以气为词 ,刚柔兼济的词体风格论。
2.Ouyang Xiu insisted that music should be of great aesthetic value and proposes that music should function to release one\'s own unpleasant feelings so as to pacify his / her mind and cure his / her disease,meanwhile he also believed that music would be able to guide one\'s mind and positively transform him / her.欧阳修坚持音乐艺术的审美价值,提出音乐"自释"和"平其心"、"养其疾"的音乐功能观,同时也非常注重音乐的教化补世作用,强调"导志"、"移人"的传统音乐功用观。

1.Functionalism in Translation--German Functionalist Theory Explained;论翻译的功能观——也释德国功能派
2.Variance of Modern Curricular Knowledge View; in the View of Function;现代课程知识观的流变:功能观的视野
3.Assessing of China s Financial Function and Efficiency Seeing from Functional View;功能观视角的我国金融功能和效率评价
4.The Research of China s Bank System Based on Financial Function;基于金融功能观的中国银行制度研究
5.The New Probe into the Purposes and Functions of Adult Higher Education in New Century;新世纪成人高等教育目的、功能观新探
6.Keynesian notion of functional finance凯恩斯的功能财政观念
7.Aslo,functional analysis paradigm involves function substitution hypothesis and function complementation hypothesis.在功能分析范式中也包含着两种观点,功能替代论和功能互补论。
8.Vertical eco-landscapes brought in a special and abundant landscape efficiency, and functioned ecologically, economically and socially.垂直生态景观产生了独特而丰富的景观效果,并具有较好的生态功能、经济功能和社会功能。
9.Each function has the same look and feel.每种功能都具有相同的外观和感觉。
10.Liver Function Test and Clinical Observation of Freshmen in 1990我院1990级新生肝功能检查及临床观察
11.He seemed quite sanguine about his chances of success.他看上去对成功的可能性十分乐观。
12.Minimalism is functionality and esthetics working together.简约的网站也要具备功能性与观赏性。
14.The Landscape Structure and Its Function and Ecological Regionalization of the Ecotone between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northeast China;东北农牧交错区景观结构、功能与区划
15.Functionalist Approach Applied in Textbook Translation;功能学派翻译观在教材翻译中的运用
16.Subjectivity in English News Discourse: A Functional Approach;英语新闻话语主观性的功能视角研究
17.The Experimental Study on the Effect of Drug Combination to the Kidney in Rabbit;联合用药对兔肾功能影响的实验观察
18.Analysis & Comment on the Translations of "Nostalgia" from Functional Equivalence Theory;“功能对等”观照下的《静夜思》两译本评析

Functional Perspective功能观
1.Based on the functional perspective of transaction, this paper analyses evolution of the credit market and institutions by a simple model and a brief case study.依据功能观,信贷市场的演化方向是不断降低信贷配给。
3)function idea功能观
1.New Angle of View in Financial Intermediary Theory:Function Idea;金融中介理论的新视角:功能观
4)landscape function景观功能
1.Study on the evaluation system of the landscape function of the highway greening in Beijing;北京市公路绿化景观功能评价体系研究
2.Landscape structure,landscape dynamic and landscape function are a research focus in landscape ecology.景观生态学研究的焦点问题是景观结构、景观动态与景观功能。
3.Based on site investigation and theoretical analysis,tree species planning for landscape construction in Kunming was put forward according to landscape function and botanical characteristics of the tree species.依据实地调查的结果结合理论分析 ,从树种的景观功能和植物学特性出发 ,提出了昆明市园林树种规划方案 ,并针对昆明市园林建设的现状和存在问题 ,就如何通过利用特色园林植物反映昆明历史文化名城风貌等问题开展了对策性研
5)function for pleasing to the eye美观功能
1.The paper expounds that the outdoor lighting will not only meet the function of light- ing for the residential quarter, but also has the function for pleasing to the eye, and it puts the emphasis on introduction of general steps and relevant technical requirements of outdoor light- ing design for the quarter.本文通过一个具体的工程设计案例,阐述了居住小区室外照明不仅应满足小区的照明功能,亦应具有美观功能,重点论述了居住小区室外照明设计的一般步骤和相关技术要求。
6)functional perspective功能观点

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]