1.The principal-agent game between the enterprise of China and USA;中美企业产权制度中委托人-代理人博弈的比较分析

1.On the Principal-Agent Theory and Export & Import Agency Systems;委托人-代理人理论与外贸代理制研究
2.One who acts as a deputy or a proxy.代理做代理或委托的人
3.An entrusted agent shall exercise the power of agency as entrusted by the principal;委托代理人按照被代理人的委托行使代理权
4.when the principal rescinds the entrustment or the agent declines the entrustment被代理人取消委托或者代理人辞去委托;
5.The Analysis on Principal-Agent Theory in Distribution System with Multi-Principal and the Cooperation between Principals;分销系统中多委托人及委托人可能合作的委托代理问题
6.The agent have come to London to see his principal.代理人来伦敦见他的委托人或本人。
7."The "remitting Bank"which is the Bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection;"托收行,即委托人委托办理托收的银行;
8.Note: In the case of agent purchasing power of attorney of the applicant is needed.注:如代理人购买,须附申请人的委托书.
9.The agent is expect to protect the principal's interest.代理人应该始终维护委托人的利益。
10.Customer Agent Relation in Information Brokerage信息经纪行业中的委托人—代理人关系
11.A party may appoint an agent to enter into a contract on its behalf under the law.当事人依法可以委托代理人订立合同。
12.The party concerned, or the agent thereof, making the final statements; and当事人或其委托代理人做最后陈述;
13.The agent has come to London to see his principal .代理人到伦敦来见他的委托人。
14.Tax payers have the right to entrust and delegate agents to bring prosecution.108纳税有委托代理人代为诉讼的权利。
15.Each party or legal representative may entrust one or two persons to represent him in litigation.当事人、法定代理人,可以委托一至二人代为诉讼.
16.The Dual-entrusted Responsibilities of Financial Headers from Agency Theory;从委托代理理论看财务负责人的双重受托责任
17.Foreign individuals can appoint a tax agent to handle their IIT filing.纳税人可以委托税务代理人代为办理税务事项。
18.(3) going beyond the powers of commission and causing damages to the interests of the consignors;(三)超越代理权限,损害委托人利益的;

credit agent委托代理人
4)principal and agent委托人和代理人
1.The typical characteristics of corporate management of the state-owned enterprises is the principal and agent so-called "governmentalization", which on the one hand leads to lack of choice in valid executive and disordered supervision mechanisms on the other hand.中国国有企业委托代理关系的典型表现是委托人和代理人的政府化。
6)Theory of Agency by Mandate委托-代理人理论
