1.Saving-market is to protect profiteering and encourage speculation,and will further deprive the interests of low-income class.本轮房地产市场降温是市场对虚拟需求下的市场泡沫的自然释放;房地产救市将进一步扭曲价格信号、增加金融风险,房地产救市实质是维护暴利、鼓励投机,将进一步剥夺中低收入阶层的利益。

1.To make excessive profits on goods in short supply.牟取暴利供应短缺时牟取暴利
2.made a killing on the stock market.在股票市场中获取暴利
3.bread is baked on the premises.做房产生意可获暴利
4.make an unreasonable profit, as on the sale of difficult to obtain goods.在供应短缺时牟取暴利
5.He made a great profit on the transaction.他在这笔买卖中获取暴利
6.The excess profits incurred are the root of real estate bubbles.这些暴利的收入是房产泡沫的根源。
7.Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering.为了防止牟取暴利而 实行了租金管制.
8.a fat price, sum, profit, income, etc高价、 巨额、 暴利、 优厚的收入
9.It had gone from owner to owner, for quick profits.为了获取暴利,它已经换了好几个主儿。
10.One who makes excessive profits on goods in short supply.投机商供应短缺时牟取暴利
11.Then, they remove and resell the goods for huge profits.然后,他们将货物转移倒卖,牟取暴利
12.the times of steep profits and shallow relationships.追逐暴利与漠视人情同步的时代。
13.The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership.资本家正从私人占有制中获得暴利
14.Henry began to reveal himself as more than merely crude.亨利开始暴露出他不仅仅是粗暴而已。
15.Analysis of "200604" strong tropical storm "BILIS" rainfall“200604”强热带风暴“碧利斯”暴雨过程分析
16.Lex lulia de vi关于暴力的尤利亚法
17.Down with Amulius the tyrant!打倒暴君阿穆利乌斯!
18.Lex lulia de vi publica关于侵害公众的暴力行为(公开暴力)的尤利亚法

windfall profit goods暴利产品
1.The profitability of each and every business in a supply chain dealing in windfall profit goods relates closely consumer demand,and the service for goods rejection thus becomes one of the main competitive strategies of a business.提出了考虑暴利产品时模型的三个主要特征,通过各节点企业对整个供应链的贡献率来决定其利润分配具有一定的合理性。
1.On profiteering and regulations on it;论暴利行为及其法律规制
4)Talent Profits人才暴利
5)Sudden huge profits行业暴利
6)coin money获暴利
