1)discount[英]['diskaunt][美]['d?s,ka?nt, d?s'ka?nt]折价交易
1.With a view to trade at discounts of closed-end funds,this paper tries to answer what is the character of the closed-end fund discount in Chinese market.针对封闭式基金折价交易现象,本文解释我国封闭式基金折价交易的表现特征。
2.As a common phenomenon in the capital market,the discount of closed*Mend fund has been researched deeply in aboard,because the phenomenon can give a challenge to “the efficient market hypothesis” or can also support it.封闭式证券投资基金折价交易作为一种普遍现象在西方受到深入的研究 ,因为其意义不仅在于解释为什么会存在折价 ,更重要是在于为捍卫或批判有效市场假说提供了检验的场所 ;同时也为验证到底有无“噪声交易者”提供了一个好机会。

1.The Empirical Analysis of the Closed-end Fund Discount in China;我国封闭式基金折价交易的实证分析
2.A Study on Closed-end Fund Discount Puzzle Under Behavioral Finance Perspective;封闭型基金折价交易的行为金融学研究
3.Exploration of the Puzzle of Closed-End Funds--View of the Behavioral Finance Theory;封闭式基金缘何折价交易——行为金融学理论的解释
4.An empirical test of Chinese closed-end fund puzzle under behavioral finance perspective;我国封闭式基金折价交易的行为金融学实证分析
5.Can the Noise Theory Explain the Discount of Closed-end Fund in China --Discussing with Mr.Xue Gang,Gu Feng,and Huang Pei Qing;噪声理论能解释我国封闭式基金折价交易现象吗——与薛刚、顾锋、黄培清三位先生商榷
6.A transaction involving such merchandise.折价贴换交易涉及到这样的商品的交易
7.Liquidity Discount of Block Trading in China;交易所大宗交易流动性折价研究——来自沪深交易所的经验证据
8.Dynamic pricing: group buying discounts based on the internet business;动态定价:基于网上交易的群体议价折扣(英文)
9.Research on the Closed-End Fund Discounts and the Noise Trader Risk in China s Stock Market;中国封闭式基金折价与噪声交易者风险研究
10.The proposed price represented a23 per cent discount to the yesterday's last traded price of$8.70, the source said.作价比昨日最后交易价的八月七角折让百分之二十三。
11.The dealer buys it less discount and then attempts to sell it at the highest possible price in the market.交易商以低折扣买进票据,然后设法以最高的价格在市场上出售。
12.On Ordering Strategy of Perishable Commodity by Price Discount Based on Uncertain Delivery Time;交货期不定情况下基于价格折扣的易腐物品订货策略研究
13.We are enclosing our price-list and terms of business, in which you will find full details of our normal trade discount.随函附上价目表及交易条件,其中您可看到我们平常交易折扣的全部细节。
14.tape price(交易所)卷尺价格
15.In order to conclude business , how about to meet us half way ?为了达成交易,我们互相折衷,怎么样?
16.Would you like me to record this transaction in your bankbook?要不要我把这笔交易记入您的存折?
17.A daily bar chart plots each trading session' s high, low and settlement prices.日条形图描绘了交易日的最高价、低价和交易价。
18.Neither side of the transaction disclosed the specific price of the deal.交易双方并未透露具体的交易价格。

trade discount交易折扣
3)dealing price交易价
4)transaction value交易价值
1.The calculation of transaction cost should be defined by the ratio of transaction cost and transaction value so as to get the connections between transaction cost and transaction numbers.交易成本的计量应以交易成本与交易价值的比值来界定 ,以此得出交易成本与交易次数之间的关系 ,从而为法律的经济分析提供一个可靠的基础。
5)premium of trades交易溢价
6)OTC trading询价交易
1.Small and medium-sized commercial banks:active OTC trading in the making;询价交易:中小商业银行渐入佳境

场内交易与场外交易场内交易与场外交易 商进行证券买卖。③场内交易采用集中竞价的方式成交;场外交易一般都以当面议价的方式成交。④场内交易必须是上市证券的交易;而场外交易可以是上市证券和非上市证券的交易。⑤场内交易只按规定办理一个交易单位或其倍数的交易;而场外交易无论是整数还是零数的证券都可进行交易。场内交易与场外交易证券交易所的场内交易指证交所集中竞价交易的证券买卖活动。 为适应几种竞价交易的需要,证交所一般设有交易场地,备有各种服务设施,包括行情表的显示装置、电子计算机、电话、电传机等,并配备必要的管理人员。证券交易除了可以在证交所这一有形的市场进行外,还可以在场外进行,场外交易又称店头交易或柜台交易。场外交易市场是一个无形市场,其交易方式的主要特征是证券商与客户直接讨价还价而成交。在场外交易市场中,国家、地方政府以及企业的各类债券等都可以进行买卖。在交易市场上,进行交易的证券商有时具备经纪商和自营商的双重身份,即一方面可以代客户买卖证券,从中收取一定比例的佣金;另一方面直接进行买卖,从中赚取价格差。 场内交易与场外交易的主要区别在于:①场内交易一般有固定场所,并有相应的附属设施和服务人员,而且需在相对固定的时间中进行交易;场外交易则无固定的集中场所,可在多种地点采取多种方式进行交易。②场内交易必须委托证券经纪商来进行,投资者本人不能直接进入交易所;而场外交易投资者可以直接和证券