1.Research on Bidders Behavior in Online Auction and Its Influence Factors;网上拍卖竞买者的竞价行为及其影响因素研究
2.Under the mental accounting research model,this paper analyzes the process of mental accounting for bidders in online auction and researches on the initial fund of auction mental accounting.本文在心理账户研究范式下,分析网上拍卖中竞买者心理账户的变化过程。

1.Research on Bidders Behavior in Online Auction and Its Influence Factors;网上拍卖竞买者的竞价行为及其影响因素研究
2.Studying on the Mathematical Model and Its Application of the Bid Arrival Process竞买者出价来到过程的数学模型及其应用研究
3.Research on the Characteristics of Bid Arrival Process in Online Auctions网上拍卖竞买者出价来到过程的特征研究
4.Investigating Characteristics and Analyzing Methods of Bidding Data in Online Auctions;网上拍卖中竞买者出价数据的特征及分析方法研究
5.Analysis on the Influence of Online Auction Result on Bidders Mental Accounting:An Empirical Research from Kongfz Secondhand Book Net;竞买者心理账户对网上拍卖结果的影响分析——来自孔夫子旧书网的证据
6.There is vigorous competition among sellers and buyers.在买者和卖者之间有强大的竞争。
7.He is taken over by his new and successful rival.他的买卖被新成功的竞争者兼并。
8.Two extremes are monopsony i.e. the perfect competition.两个极端是买主独家垄断,即只有一个买者,和进行完全竞争的许多买者。
9.The delivered price is no greater than the delivered price quoted by a competitor located nearer to the buyer.这种到货价格不会高于靠近买方的竞争者所报出的到货价。
10.Having bought out his competitors, he now has the weather gauge in the industry.他收买了竞争者的公司,现已在本行业中占了优势。
11.Customers buy from those competitors that they perceive as offering the best value.顾客从那些他们认为可提供最高价值的竞争者中购买商品。
12.The dealers bid up all the good pieces to keep out private buyers.商人们对拍卖中的好货竞出高价, 以限制个人购买者。
13.Research on Chinese Style Fast-food Competitive Strategy Based on the Consumers Purchase Choice Model;基于购买者选择决策模型的中式快餐竞争战略研究
14.Study on Single Purchaser Plus Competitive Price Model of Price Diffcrcnce Appointed Contract and Probe into Approprate Measures of Shanxi;“单一购买者+差价合约竞价模式”研究及山西相应对策探讨
15.Article51 The highest bidding price of a bidder shall indicate the conclusion of the auction after being confirmed by the auctioneer dropping the hammer or by other open forms indicating the completion of a deal.第五十一条竞买人的最高应价经拍卖师落槌或者以其他公开表示买定的方式确认后,拍卖成交。
16.In English system, the bidders keep raising their bids, the last bidder is the successful buyer.在英格兰式下,竞买人不断提高竞价,最后的竞买人即为买受人。
17.Article3 Auction means the buying and selling form through which designated articles or property rights are transferred, in the form of public bidding, to those providing the highest bidding price.第三条拍卖是指以公开竞价的形式,将特定物品或者财产权利转让给最高应价者的买卖方式。
18.Offering of prices at an auction(拍卖时的)竞买,喊价,出价

Bidder's Pricing竞买定价
1.A Bidder's Pricing Model for Mineral Rights Auction Based-on Future Theory;基于期货理论的矿业权竞买定价模型研究
3)bidding online网上竞买
1.Based on the concept and the features of bidding online, through analysising the differences between bidding and auction online, I discuss the problem of bidding on line the paper.本文在网上竞买的概念、特点分析的基础上,对网上竞买与网上拍卖的差异及其存在的问题进行了探讨。
5)bid against抬高竞买
