1.Because of the comparability of commercial economy,adjacence of the position between ancient Rome and Europe,enormous influence of the theory that Roman Empire will exist forever and flourish of the science of law in ancient Rome,the merchant law of Middle Ages represents succession from com.由于商品经济发展的相似性、地理位置的接近、帝国永续理论的巨大威力以及罗马法学的繁荣等原因,中世纪的商人法明显地体现出对罗马商法的继受
2.Different countries have different legislation and judicial practice with regard to the succession of the law acts of the corporation to be formed.关于设立中公司行为的继受问题,各国立法和司法实践不尽相同,我国则存在法律缺位的问题。

1.Derivative Aquisition of Ownership of Ship船舶所有权继受取得
2.Aditio hereditatis接受继承,接受遗产
3.The kid suffered a lot at the hands of his stepfather.这孩子备受继父虐待。
4.Accept what happened and move on.接受事实,继续生活。
5.He swallowed the insults and kept on working.他忍受侮辱继续努力。
6.(2) successors and legatees;(二)继承人、受遗赠人;
7.(1) where inheritance is disclaimed by a testamentary successor or the legacy is disclaimed by a legatee;(一)遗嘱继承人放弃继承或者受遗赠人放弃受遗赠的;
8.He brought dishonor to the family and was disinherited by his father.他使家门受辱,被父亲剥夺继承权。
9.His argument against the manager will put his employment in jeopardy.对经理表示异议将不利于他继续受雇。
10.This work should be continued without interference.这项工作应当不受干扰地继续进行。
11.Byron would not stay to be insulted;拜伦不愿继续忍受这种侮辱,
12.In the absence of such an indication, he is deemed to have accepted the inheritance.没有表示的,视为接受继承。
13.The UNSC will continue accepting and hearing a case of this subject.安理会继续受理这项议题。
14.keep under discipline使人继续受到严格的训练或管制
15.Julian continued his physical therapy through the winter.朱利安整个冬天继续接受理疗。
16.He made nothing of the injury and went on working.他受了伤,却全不在意,继续干活。
17.Aid continues to pour into the devastated country.救灾物资继续源源不断涌入受灾国。
18.Though defeated again and again, they went on fighting.尽管一再受挫,他们仍继续战斗。

the right continues权利继受
1.Under legal rules of succession in modern society,the inheritor can decide to accept or disclaim succession,and has the right to choose different types of succession.在现代继承法律制度中,继承人有权选择是否接受继承,以及接受什么类型的继承。
4)legal reception法律继受
5)litigation succeeding诉讼继受
1.Litigation succeeding can be divided into the general litigation succeeding and the particular litigation succeeding.诉讼继受分为一般诉讼继受和特定诉讼继受
6)reference laws继受法
1.Because of the long affection of the fixed laws,reference laws came out in China till the 20th century.由于固有法的长期行之有效,继受法在中国迟至20世纪初叶方才产生;但它一经产生,便成为了中国立法的主要内容。
