
1.The money set aside for this purpose.分期付款款项,分期偿还款项拨出的用于分期还本付息的钱款
2.The Analysis of Advance Repay for Chinese Housing Mortgage Loan;我国住房抵押贷款借款人提前还款行为分析
3.mortgage-to-income ratio [MIR]按揭还款与入息比例
4.monthly mortgage subsidy每月按揭还款补助金
5.redeem a mortgage, loan, etc偿还抵押借款、 贷款等.
6.a current or deposit account?活期存款还是定期存款?
7.pay off one's debts, a loan, a mortgage, etc还清债务、 贷款、 抵押款等.
8.a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time.只要偿还曾贷款项其贷款额可增加的信用贷款。
9.I've paid off my debts.我已把债款还清了。
10.The overpayment will be reimbursed to you.多付的款项将退还给你。
11.pay a bill, debt, fine, subscription, etc付帐、 还债、 缴罚款、 交订费
12.production payment loan以生产的油偿还借款
13.make two more repayments to clear the debt再付两笔款把债还清
14.rescheduling of payment重新安排贷款偿还期限
15.maturity structure of effective loans有效贷款偿还期构成表
16.a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments.定期付息偿还的贷款。
17.The company can not pay back the loan.这家公司偿还不了贷款。
18.The loan is due for repayment next year.这笔贷款明年到期偿还。

3)loan repayment贷款还款
1.The Prediction Model and Strategy Study of Mortgage Prepayment;住房抵押贷款提前还款预测模型及对策研究
2.The Study of Prepayment s Impact on Mortgage-Backed Security Pricing;提前还款对住房抵押贷款支持证券定价影响的研究
3.It is found that if the bank doesn t take action,borrower s behaviors of prepayment and default will be indulged.首先引入一次性还本付息抵押贷款,然后研究了等额本息偿还抵押贷款方式的博弈过程,发现如果商业银行不对借款人的提前还款或者违约行为采取惩罚措施就是纵容该行为。
5)ratio of loan repayment还款系数
6)ways of paying back loan还款方式
1.Analysis the ways of paying back loan for projects based on fund equivalence;基于资金等值的建设项目还款方式分析
