1.Pass and Platform: the Historical Status and Significance of Shahukou;孔道与平台:杀虎口在历史上的地位与作用

1.Field Report on a Machu-Renovated Ming-Dynasty Temple Stage at Shao Hu-Kou Pass of the Great Wall;长城要塞杀虎口满族驻军修复的明代乐楼
2.Pass and Platform: the Historical Status and Significance of Shahukou;孔道与平台:杀虎口在历史上的地位与作用
3.The documentary explains that these tigers are being killed for their skin and bones.这个记录片解释了老虎被杀是因为虎皮和虎骨。
4.He shovelled the food into his mouth.他大口大口狼吞虎咽。
5.Windows Kill Ver:窗口杀手 Ver:
6.Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their fur and use their bones for medicine.很多老虎被那些想卖虎皮和用虎骨做药(赚钱)人所捕杀。
7.The goat fell a prey to the tiger.那只山羊落入了虎口。
8."It is to be square, folded in two, a hand-stretch long and a hand-stretch wide."这胸牌要四方的,叠为两层,长一虎口,宽一虎口。
9.He made mention of the tiger he had shot.他谈到他曾经射杀的老虎。
10.Deeply enraged, Guan Yu killed the despot and fled the town.关羽一怒之下,把虎员外杀了,逃亡他乡。
11.When the tiger kills, the jackal profits.老虎捕杀猎物时,帮凶走狗也获利。
12.To devour in large, greedy gulps.狼吞虎咽贪婪地大口大口地吞吃
13.When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him, he calls it ferocity .人要杀死老虎的时候,他称之为消遣;当老虎要杀死他的时候,却称之为凶残。
14.these people hunt and kill elephants for their ivory tusks, tigers for their skin,这些人杀死大象和老虎是为了象牙和滑雪靴,
15."It was square and folded in two, as long and as wide as the stretch of a man's hand;"胸牌是四方的,叠为两层,这两层长一虎口,宽一虎口,
16.one-armed banditph.1. 【口】(赌场的)吃角子老虎
17.Papa would pretend to gobble, to emphasize this "excellence."爸爸假装狼吞虎咽,以强调它的“可口。”
18.With the capture of the escaped tiger, everyone felt relieved.老虎抓到了,大家都松了一口气。

Shahukou Customs in Qing Dynasty清代的杀虎口税关
3)capture and kill a tiger捕杀老虎
4)thumb-index web虎口
1.The comparison of the functional and esthetic result of different skin flaps in repairing the electrical burn of thumb-index web;不同皮瓣修复虎口电烧伤的功能与美学效果比较
5)The thumb web widing虎口开大
6)Hukou contracture虎口挛缩
1.The etiology and the construction of Hukou contracture(38 cases clinical report);虎口挛缩的病因及修复(附38例报道)

天门入虎口天门入虎口 天门入虎口   小儿推拿方法名。操作方法有:   ①用一手拇指和食、中指相对,分别拿住小儿的虎口和掌根部天门穴,另一手握住肘部,进行摇动。有顺气作用。见《小儿按摩经》。   ②自小儿手掌八卦中的乾宫穴,经坎、艮部按至虎口处,有清脾作用。见《小儿按摩经》。   ③自小儿食指桡侧缘远端横纹处的命关穴推至虎口处。或从小儿拇指端推至虎口处。有健脾、止泻、发汗、通气血等作用。见《秘传推拿妙诀》。