当代电影,contemporary film
1)contemporary film当代电影
1.And it mainly discusses in three aspects: Foucault’s conception of heterotopia and different understandings about it; significance of heterotopia to criticism of art; significance of heterotopia to criticism of contemporary film.福柯提出的"异质空间"概念当代电影批评具有独特的理论价值。
2.This thesis bases on Kevin Lynch’s concept The Image of the city, which leads to the meaning of city landscape in contemporary films.由凯文·林奇的都市意象概念引发,思考当代电影中呈现的都市景观的意义,都市意象的五个要素以及都市景观意象与电影中的都市意象的关联等问题。
3.There are more and more contemporary films with expression of fear,which are the expression of fear of Contemporary society and contemporary people.当代电影中表现恐惧心理的电影越来越多,当代电影其实就是当代社会和当代人恐惧心理的影像表达。

1.Contemporary Film and Chinese Film Development;《当代电影》杂志与当代中国电影的发展
2.Reviewing the Contmeporary Film Theory and Pratice by Contemporary Cinema中国当代电影理论与实践——从《当代电影》考察
3.Contemporary Cinema and Its Cultural Mission《当代电影》的当代性及其承担的文化使命
4.Image of the City: A Perspective of Contemporary Film Criticism;都市意象:一个当代电影批评的新视角
5.Subversion of the Role: Gender Strategy in Contemporary Korean Films;论韩国当代电影的性别角色颠覆策略
6.Contemporary Cinema in 1980s理论引进与批评实践——20世纪80年代的《当代电影
7.The Research on Sound Design of the Four-Dimensional Film;当代电影四维影像中声音设计的再认识
8.On the Influence of the French New Wave on Chinese Contemporary Cinemas;试论法国“新浪潮”对中国当代电影的影响
9.The Communication Analysis of Shanghai Culture;中国当代电影中的上海影像——海派文化传播分析
10.The Contemporary Language Context and the Contemporary To ken of the Postmodern Movie;后现代电影的当代语境及当代性表征
11.The Cities in The Chinese Movies;电影城市:当代中国电影的城市想象
12.Talking on the Image Features of Contemporary Swordsman Movies from the Movies Directed by Zhang Yi-mou从张艺谋电影看当代武侠电影的影像特征
13.The Modern Women s Films in China,the Existence of Women and Their Future--Take Three Modern Women s Films for Example;中国当代女性电影、女性生存及未来——以三部当代女性电影为例
14.A Study of Modern Chinese Private Film Production Company Investment Tendency;中国当代民营电影公司投资趋势分析
15.The Present Phenomenon of Neo-mysticism in Magical Fantasy Movies;从“魔幻电影”看当代“新神话主义”现象
16.Research to Globalization Theory and Tacties of the Chinese Contemporary Film;当代中国电影全球化理论与策略研究
17.The Novel Arrives to Movie: Modern Chinese Literature s Conversion Research;小说到电影——中国现当代文学转化研究
18.Audio-Visual Effect: Televised Lecture and the Face of Contemporary Culture;视听效应:电视讲座与当代文化面影

contemporary films当代电影
1.This thesis bases on Kevin Lynch’s theory of image of the city,which leads to cultural studies of landscape meaning in contemporary films.凯文·林奇有关都市意象的论述,为对当代电影中都市呈现的研究提供了一种独特的思路。
3)the Assembly当代中国电影
1.On the Significance of the Assembly for Modern Chinese Movie;论《集结号》对当代中国电影的意义
4)chinese contemporary movie中国当代电影
5)Contemporary Drama & Films当代戏剧与电影
6)Chinese vanguard film当代先锋电影
1.Be different from the world film history, the Chinese vanguard film of the time is tend to "the sixth generation"," independent film", "underground film" or "the forbidden film" on conception.与世界电影史上的先锋电影概念不同,中国当代先锋电影与“第六代”、“独立影片”、“地下电影”甚至“禁片”具有一定的概念趋同。

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。