和谐之美,beauty of harmony
1)beauty of harmony和谐之美
1.The beauty of harmony of Chinese art,based on unity of men and nature,characterized with the harmony of the nature,society and life,strikes the essence of harmony.较之西方美学推崇的外在形式和谐,发源于天人合一的深远背景、以自然、社会、人生的和谐为基础的中国艺术的和谐之美,更加深入地触及到了"和"的本质。
2.This kind of Mongolian complex mainly embodies as the traditional reunion culture,comedic awareness of psychology of balance,crude affinity relationship between Mongolian and nature,as well as beauty of harmony made up of human and nature.这种蒙古族情节主要体现在蒙古族传统的团圆文化,蒙古民族平衡心理倾斜的喜剧意识,蒙古族和大自然的天然的亲和关系以及人与自然物构成的和谐之美

1.Construction of Harmonious Society on the Basis of Developing Chinese Traditional Virtue;中华传统文化中人际交往的和谐之美
2.Seeking for Harmonious Beauty--An Analysis of The Rainbow from the Perspective of Ecocriticism;探求和谐之美——《虹》的生态批评
3.Look at the Form of “Harmonious Beauty” from the Perspective of Design Art;从设计艺术的角度看“和谐之美”的形态
4.Harmony United States--Chinese Painting Color on the Operation and Consider和谐之美——对中国画色彩的经营与思考
5.Seeking Permanent Harmony--On Ecofeminism and the Construction of “Harmonious Society”;追求永恒的和谐之美——论生态女权主义思想与和谐社会的构建
6.On criminal law in harmonious society--On change of the conception of criminal law and construction of harmonious society;和谐之美的刑法底蕴——论刑法观念的转变与构建和谐社会的关系
7.On Harmonious Beauty in Calligraphy--reading Calligraphic works by Liu Zuo-xiu;谈书法创作中的和谐之美——读刘佐秀书法作品
8.Exquisiteness from Harmony:The Assessment of Linkage Supervision of Media and Procuratorial Organization;和谐之美:媒体与检察机关联动监督评析
9.The Harmonious Beauty between Strength and Gentleness--Impact of the Confucian culture on Taijiquan刚柔相宜的和谐之美——试论儒家文化对太极拳的浸润作用
10.Beauty of Morality,of Order and of Ecology--Aesthetic Thinking Of Constructing A Harmonious Society;道德之美、秩序之美、生态之美——构建和谐社会的美学思考
11.To Foster Traditional Virtue Under the Context of Harmonious Hebei;构建和谐河北与弘扬传统美德之关系
12.The Beauty of Harmony,Natural and Innovation in Calligraphy试论书法的“和谐、自然、创新”之美
13.The Explanation of the Characteristics about Aesthetic of Traditional Martial arts of "Harmony"对传统武术审美之“和谐”特征的阐释
14.The Beauty of harmony and the Establishment of Harmonious Personal Relationship in the Contemporary Society;和合之美与当代社会和谐人际关系之建构
15.The Harmonious Beauty under the New Vision--A Brief Comment on the Humanitarian Ecological Aesthetics and Technical Aesthetics;展望新视野下的谐和性之美——浅论人性化的生态美学与技术美学
16.Her features were thick but in perfect proportion and harmony.她的相貌有些粗俗,但各部分之间显得优美和谐。
17.Harmony of Inner and Outer World Through Aesthetic Education--the Combine of Game Spirit and Sensuous Enjoyment;美育与内外和谐——游戏精神与感性享受之结合
18.Mediation,Harmony,Beauty--Structures of the mediating system from culture ken;调解、和谐、美——文化视野中的调解制度之构建

harmonious beauty和谐之美
1.The core of harmonious beauty lies in the contradictory unity of all elements.和谐之美,是书法界众家的共同追求。
2.There is a peaceful and strong and pervasive fragrance harmonious beauty in novel of WANG Zeng-qi and agglomerate tradition culture consciousness of Confucianism and Tao and Buddha, it is that he pursue taste ambit of counteractism.汪曾祺小说恬静温馨的和谐之美中凝聚着儒道佛相互渗透的传统文化意识,体现了他所追求的熔铸了中和主义审美观的审美境界。
3)the beauty of harmony and happiness和谐与快乐之美
1.the beauty of virtue in ancient economic aesthetics, the beauty of virtue and utility in early modern economic aesthetics, the beauty of affluence and well-being in modern economic aesthetics, and the beauty of harmony and happiness in contemporary economic aesthetics.西方经济学思想在发展过程中体现出明显的美学意味和阶段性特征,即古代经济美学思想的德性之美、近代经济美学思想的德性之美与功利之美、现代经济美学思想的丰裕与幸福之美、当代经济美学思想的和谐与快乐之美。
4)in harmony with the beautiful in civilization和谐文明之美
5)corresponding harmounious beauty对称和谐之美
6)inherent symmetry and the beauty of harmony内在对称性与和谐之美
