父亲形象,image of father
1)image of father父亲形象
1.His novels have destroyed the traditional image of father thoroughly and have carried on dual subversion on the image of father from history and reality.余华是一位与时俱进而又风格多变的当代作家,他的先锋小说彻底摧毁了传统的父亲形象,对历史和现实的"父亲"进行了双重颠覆。
2.In the works of Chinese New Age directors,the traditional image of father has changed.在中国当代新生代导演电影作品中,传统的父亲形象被重新书写。
3.Fitzgerald successfully employed the image of father in The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night.菲茨杰拉德对其主要作品《了不起的盖茨比》和《夜色温柔》中的父亲形象进行了出色的设计和运用。

1.The Image of Father of Chinese Mainland Movies父亲的回归:对近年内地电影中父亲形象的分析
2.Cultural Psychological Analysis for the Father's Image in Chinese Films中国电影中父亲形象的文化心理分析
3.The Figure of the Father in A Rome with a View《看得见风景的房间》中的父亲形象研究
4.Getting Rid of the Centurial Confusion: Three "Father" Images in the Post-new Period;跨越世纪困惑的“父亲”想像——试论后新时期三种父亲形象的书写
5.A Study of the Image of the Jewish Father in Bernard Malamud s the Assistant;伯纳德·马拉默德《店员》中犹太父亲形象研究
6.Three Kinds of Father s Images within the Chinese Literature of 20 Centuries 80、90 s;20世纪80、90年代中国文学中的三种父亲形象
7.An Interpretation of the Father Images in James Baldwin s Works in the Perspective of Biblical Archetypes;解读詹姆斯·鲍德温作品中父亲形象的《圣经》原型
8.From the Deconstruction to the Reconstruction: On the Changes of Fathers Images in Yu hua s Novels;从解构到重构——论余华小说中父亲形象的变迁
9.Father in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Transitivity;《一个青年艺术家的画像》的父亲形象与及物性
10.Alienation and Judgment -Trying to discuss the father s image in the writing of Zhang Ailing;异化与批判——试论张爱玲笔下的父亲形象
11.On the Image of Father in Fitzgerald s Major Works;菲茨杰拉德主要作品中的父亲形象解读
12.Searching for Father s Love--The Image of Father in Xiao Hong s Novels;父爱的缺失与找寻——透视萧红小说中的父亲形象及其创作心理
13.Decoding the Father Figure in A. S. Byatt's The Shadow of the Sun身体的再现——论拜厄特小说《太阳的影子》中的父亲形象
14.The subversion and reconstruction of the image of father in Yu Hua s novels;余华小说对“父亲”形象的颠覆与重构
15.A fresh inquiry into the image of "father" in the family novel of the 1900s;20世纪“家族小说”中“父亲”形象新论
16.Even today I can recollect what my own parents looked like but, of course, my impression is blurry.父亲、母亲的形象还能回忆一点儿,但很模糊。
17.Overturn and Rewrite-On the Images of Father and Mother in Zhang Ailing s Novels;颠覆与重写——论张爱玲创作中的父亲与母亲形象
18.Speaking the Self: The Portrayal of "Mother" and "Father" in the Woman Warrior and China Men《女勇士》和《中国佬》中的“母亲”、“父亲”形象塑造

father image父亲形象
1.In this paper, there are mainly four major parts: The first part is the introduction, which made a general overview of the source of topics, research Status, research objectives and the creativity points ; the second part recalls the conversion of the Chinese father image in the Chinese-language films since the 20 century 80’s.中国电影中父亲形象得到了前所未有多方位的展示。
2.The father image in the works of contemporary Chinese American female writers not only reflects the characteristics of Chinese American men in different periods,but also reveals the different understanding and reflection on Chinese history and culture in ethnic groups.华裔女作家作品中父亲形象不仅反映了各个时期华裔男性特征,也折射出了华裔子辈们的不同认知和对华裔文化及历史的反省。
3.According to the father images in Yu Hua\'s works as To Live,Xu San-guan Selling Blood,Brothers,some critics commented that Yu Hua\'s narrative style has been turned to tradition from pioneer.自相继发表了《活着》、《许三观卖血记》、《兄弟》后,有评论根据上述作品中父亲形象的变化,认为余华叙事风格发生明显变化是其由先锋重又回归传统的表现。
3)Father Role父亲形象
1.Because of that, the father role becomes an important symbol of Chinese movies imagination about the family, the country, the society and the culture.父亲形象因此成为中国电影关于家庭、国家、社会和文化想象的重要能指符号。
4)parental figure父母亲形象
5)father figure父亲意象
6)Gain Insight into Father想象父亲
