影视旅游,movie-induced tourism
1)movie-induced tourism影视旅游
1.The movie-induced tourism appeared suddenly as one new kind of tour ways,its influence and the value are self-evident to the tour development,and its linkage benefit has also led other industrial development.影视旅游作为一种新兴的旅游方式异军突起,在促进旅游业发展的同时带动了影视等相关产业的发展,产生了较大的联动效益。
2.The paper sums up the form and character of movie-induced tourism in an all-round way.本文全面总结了影视旅游的形式及特征,并在此基础上,对影视旅游作了界定,进一步分析影视旅游的旅游动机,分析了影视旅游对我国旅游业发展的影响,指出影视旅游中值得乡村旅游、体验旅游和旅游宣传借鉴的元素。
3.Based on the perspective of culture creativity, this thesis is concerned with the later-started movie-induced tourism.本论文旨在基于文化创意的视角重新审视起步较晚的专项旅游——影视旅游,在对影视旅游研究述评的基础上尝试性将其分类为五种表现形式,并就其中最为典型也是最常见的影视(城)旅游基地展开论述,指出我国影视(城)旅游基地发展中存在的问题与不足。

1.Movie and TV Tourism:A New Way of Marketing and Promoting Tourism Destinations;影视旅游:旅游目的地营销推广新方式
2.On Movie Tourism and Movie Composing of Zhoushan Islands;试论舟山海岛的影视旅游和影视创作
3.Development of Film Tourism in Tourism Destination:A Case Study of Tengchong旅游目的地发展影视旅游初探——以云南腾冲为例
4.A STUDY ON THE MOTIVATION OF MOVIE-INDUCED TOURISTS --A Case Study of Tourists in Longquan Villa of Tieling;影视旅游者旅游动机研究——铁岭龙泉山庄旅游者实证分析
5.Reflections on the Development of Video Tourism in Wuyishan;关于武夷山发展影视旅游的几点思考
6.On Movie and TV Induced Tourism and Transforming the Resource into Tourism Products;论影视旅游及其“资源—产品”转化
7.A Study on the Present Situation and Measures for Development of China s Movie and Television Tourism Bases;中国影视旅游基地现状与发展对策研究
8.Analysis of Present Situation of Film and Television Tourism Resources in Qingdao City and Development Suggestions青岛市影视旅游资源的现状分析及开发策略
9.On the Promoter Action of Government in Movie & TV-induced Tourism--Illustrated by the Case of Korea论政府对影视旅游的促进作用——以韩国政府为例
10.Analysis of Management of Film City Base on Tourists Apperceiving Satisfaction;基于游客满意度的影视城旅游管理研究
11.A Study of the Influences of Teleplays and Films on Tourist Image of Their Locations;影视剧对其外景地旅游形象的影响研究
12.Study on Movie /TV Base Construction's Influnence on Tourism Development影视基地建设对旅游业发展的影响研究
13.Research on the Residents Perceptions to Tourism Impacts in the Rural Area;基于居民感知视角的乡村旅游影响研究
14.Research on the Residents Perception to Tourism Impact in Urban Community;基于居民感知视角的都市社区旅游影响研究
15.Later Development Research of Traveling Destination Actuated by Film and Television Event;影视事件驱动型旅游目的地后续开发研究
16.A Study on the National Cultural Travelling Resources Exploration in Ningxia Zhen Beibao Western Film&Television City;镇北堡西部影视城的民族文化旅游资源开发
17.The Impact of Tourism Development on the Landscape and Vision in Mountain Shennong;旅游开发对神农山风景区景观及视觉的影响
18.Tourist Destination Markting Theory and Practice Based on Movies or TV;基于影视剧的旅游目的地营销理论与实践

movie and TV tourism影视旅游
1.Most of the extant literatures shed light on the impact and effect of movie and TV tourism on the number of tourists and the decision-making process of the tourists,some of them focus on their impact on the tourist image in destinations.绝大多数现有文献是研究影视旅游对于目的地旅游者数量和对旅游者决策过程的影响和作用,也有探索影视作品对于旅游目的地旅游形象的影响的。
2.This paper puts forward the concept and characteristics of movie and TV tourism.本文提出影视旅游的概念和特征 ,以国内外影视旅游发展兴衰为依据 ,总结概括出影视旅游的发展阶段以及各阶段的特点 ,指出中国影视旅游的发展经历了从萌芽到发展的时期 ,目前正处于发展阶段。
3.As the influence of pop movie and TV,more and more fans transform into tourists,and choose the location as their tourism destination,movie and TV tourism comes up.受热播影视剧的影响,越来越多的影迷转化为旅游者,选择影视拍摄地作为旅游目的地,影视旅游逐渐兴起。
3)film-induced tourism影视旅游
1.In recent years, different kinds of film-induced tourism spring up in domestic, and film-city tourism develops the most quickly and cause extensive concern.影视旅游是一种集文化性、趣味性和现代科技为一体的专项旅游产品。
2.With the development of tourism and filming industry, it disappears more and more meaningful and useful to study it ,so the research on the film-induced tourism will become a new hot-point.影视旅游是影视与旅游交叉的产物。
1.In recent years, different kinds of film-induced tourism spring up in domestic, and film-city tourism develops the most quickly and cause extensive concern.近年来,国内兴起了各种形式的影视旅游,而影视城旅游是其中发展最快并引起广泛关注的一种形式。
5)islands movie tourism海岛影视旅游
6)tourism resource of movie and TV影视旅游资源

国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业与国际旅游业 国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业是为国内居民提供旅游服务的行业。它的服务对象是国内旅游者.旅游者支付的是国内货币。国内旅游业的兴起与发展同一国社会经济发展水平紧密相关一方面,随着经济的发展和居民收入的增加.人们的基本生活有了保障之后,产生了更高层次的需求,从而把收入的一部分用于集物质享受与精神享受于一体的旅游活动。另一方面.随着社会生产力的提高和科学技术的进步,社会基础设施和文化环境的改善,为居民进行旅游活动创造了便利条件。国内旅游业的发展不仅可以丰富居民的物质文化生活,增加政府的财政收入,对具有旅游资源的边远落后地区的经济发展和当地居民生活的改善也会起促进作用国际旅游业包括:①组织国内居民赴国外旅游。②接待国外旅游者来国内旅游。前者的服务对象是本国居民,后者的服务对象是国外旅游者。国际旅游业的发展是全球经济和科学技术发展的结果。发展国际旅游业,可以为国家赚取外汇收入,利于平衡国际收支和购买国外先进技术产品.也能促进与国外经济、文化、科学、技术的交流,还可以增进各国人民之间的相互了解和友谊,有利于世界和平